
Which? Teaching positions VS. International schools?

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My husband and I are certified teachers - seeking elementary positions in the UAE.  However, with so many options regarding international schools and programs such as Teach Away, we are trying to decifer which program(s) have the best benefits. We want to save, but realize the UAE can be expensive. After being in South Korea, we learned what schools are GOOD and which ones to STAY CLEAR of.  Can anyone point us to good programs/schools? Or, point out some red flags to be aware of? Many thanks!

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Study in Abu DhabiStudent life in Abu DhabiStudy in the United Arab EmiratesAdek aproval getting rejectionKhalifa university

hi Ill try to answer this question as best as possible. What confuses me is that you stating you know which are good and which arnt but then you ask for which have good programs.. LOL sorrry for my "slowness".

Ok here are some names I have finally concluded that are good having "good programs" you mean as in curriculum right and obviously benefits with a supportive administration??

Taaleem Schools-IB PROGRAMS also IGCSE
Gems Schools-guy recruiting for those schools is called BONSAI sth like that..not a friendly guy.
Aldar Academies-IB PRoGRAM also IGCSE

SABIS schools might not be the best but why not add it to the list.

ADEC on the other hand is dealing with government schools however they are trying to change the whole system and teachaway is recruiting for them. Their highest salary as Im sure u know is 20 000 uae dirhams. The names listed above I presume give less around 15 000. I know as a fact taleem teachers are really happy. GEM Teachers are a bit loaded with extra work.

i pmed u about the bad schools ...worried I would get introuble. I hope this was useful. I understand if Ive missed the point. take care and goodluck.


Hi, sorry if it was confusing -  it made sense in my head. ;-D  I taught in South Korea and after being there, I learned what SOUTH KOREAN private academies were good and which were bad.  As such, I was inquiring as to what others recommend. You did give me some ideas to go off of.  Are you a teacher? If there are teachers out there, please, send me some feed back!


I am a teacher! but be careful students will not be nothing like the koreans. So be ready for some shockers. Its the parents unfortunatly ruining everything.

Feedback from teachers hmmm...check out teachers in abu dhabi--i couldnt find a group for dubai on facebook. see u around.

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