D7 - SEF interview document requirements question.


I presented my D7 documents yesterday at the VFS Global Offices in London and paid my £127 in fees. I was told that I would only receive back the stamped passport and that any supporting paperwork would not be returned to me. This surprised me as I thought I would need these for the next stage at the SEF interview in Portugal? Some of the documents were originals (Criminal record certificate, NIF details, the signed rental accommodation contract and even bank statements).

Has anyone else had the similar experience with VFS and does anyone have a list of what I will be asked to present at the SEF interview ?

Thanks in advance


Your documents should have been scanned by whoever attended you or should have handed a copy to you. You cannot be without the originals, especially if you need them in the future (eg. signed rental accommodation contract).

I would try to find out more from the consulate, not here...


I have dealt with Immigration a lot and they are happy to have photocopies of the originals. The person that saw you should have told you this from the start.