Travelling outside Portugal when waiting for Residence Card


My entry visa into Portugal expired on 25 January 2023 and I applied for my residence card on 31 January 2023 but it still has not been processed. Does anyone know If I can legally exit and re-enter Portugal using the waiting slip\paper as proof of having applied for the residence card ?

back in early '22, I was told by my lawyers that "technically", as long as I have the paper from my SEF appointment that I would be good to travel outside the Schengen and I could use the paper upon re-entry.

Having said that....I personally wouldn't trust that as sometimes not everything goes as it should or you would hope...and hope is never a good strategy.

of course, you are free to travel within the Schengen with no issues.

back in early '22, I was told by my lawyers that "technically", as long as I have the paper from my SEF appointment that I would be good to travel outside the Schengen and I could use the paper upon re-entry.
Having said that....I personally wouldn't trust that as sometimes not everything goes as it should or you would hope...and hope is never a good strategy.

of course, you are free to travel within the Schengen with no issues.

That makes alot of sense and probably what I thought too but to be honest, when you get to a point of frustration like where I am now, you would want to hear that what you think is actually possible and has worked for someone else but I guess the reality, is this case is as you have correctly put it that it may not work as it should or as I would hope.


My entry visa into Portugal expired on 25 January 2023 and I applied for my residence card on 31 January 2023 but it still has not been processed. Does anyone know If I can legally exit and re-enter Portugal using the waiting slip\paper as proof of having applied for the residence card ?
-@James M76

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. Your profile says you are Irish, but you have a visa ... ? Or do you mean certificate of residence for EU citizens? … e-portugal

My partner is waiting for an interview and her visa expired in March.  She has that piece of paper confirming she can stay IN PORTUGAL until Dec 31st 2023 but cannot get anything from SEF confirming she can leave Portugal - even if that is Spain - and re-enter so we aren't risking it

Nothing but nothing is clear and black & white in Portugal and especially SEF.

I think we will have to leave Portugal in June before any interview, then apply for another Schengen Visa in December and start the whole process again.

It is SO frustrating.

And now we have no real evidence that my partner's application is being processed as it is all through my name.

A problem if she travels alone and immigration now ask why she overstayed her visa.

A potential problem when applying for another travel Schengen visa if it appears she overstayed her 90 days.

HiMy entry visa into Portugal expired on 25 January 2023 and I applied for my residence card on 31 January 2023 but it still has not been processed. Does anyone know If I can legally exit and re-enter Portugal using the waiting slip\paper as proof of having applied for the residence card ? -@James M76I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. Your profile says you are Irish, but you have a visa ... ? Or do you mean certificate of residence for EU citizens? … e-portugal-@JohnnyPTSorry. I have aupdated my profile. Am not Irish.

I am in Lisbon waiting for my interview since November.  I had to leave and return to the States to take care of a court case in December, then I returned to Lisbon within two weeks. I was explaining to the immagration office why I had to leave and he said, "its OK, it (the system) says you're fine.  Welcome back."

I am in Lisbon waiting for my interview since November. I had to leave and return to the States to take care of a court case in December, then I returned to Lisbon within two weeks. I was explaining to the immagration office why I had to leave and he said, "its OK, it (the system) says you're fine. Welcome back."

Good to know.

Had your entry visa already epired by the time you were exiting/re-entering Portugal ?

From what I understand, you can come and go, once you have receipt from your SEF interview that you have applied for the residence permit. Just make sure that when re-entering you have a direct flight back to Portugal. Don't take a chance with a connecting flight elsewhere for passport control. They may not know what the receipt is for.

Once I had my SEF interview I had the actual card in 10 days (last week)! So hopefully they are finally getting caught up. Be aware that you will need to sign for the card when it arrives. They will try for 10 days to deliver it, then it will be sent back to SEF. Then you would have to return to the office to pick it up there.

@James M76


Speaking with SEF, it depends upon the border guard you get.  I realize that is an obtuse answer, but we are dealing with the Portugal goverment where definite answers can be difficult to obtain.

We were in that situation and waited for our residence cards.  Ours only took three weeks.

5 months and a ton of emails later they said it had been approved and will be delivered by registered mail. Hoping that delivery will not take eons. Seems like SEF Coimbra is the worst station to apply.

My interview was also at SEF Coimbra in end of March and the card has still not been issued. I had to travel out of Schengen area in April and now when checked with SEF, they said I have basically 3 options.

  1. Wait for the card to be delivered, my lawyer will then pick it up and courier to me. I can then enter.
  2. Use the temp letter, they said Portuguese immigration should not have an issue. But the main issue is that the letter is in Portuguese, airline (which checks the validity of the visa) and my home country immigration officer don't understand Portuguese and will not let me through!
  3. Apply for Schengen visa for some other country and then enter via that.

Basically not straight forward.

@Ankur Joshi give it atleast 90 days from March before you can actually receive the card. Alternatively you could actually get the waiting letter and have it translated  to English and maybe noatirsed or stamped by SEF ?

Yes, I am trying to get that done via my lawyer. But not sure if SEF will entertain that. Will update here.


My entry visa into Portugal expired on 25 January 2023 and I applied for my residence card on 31 January 2023 but it still has not been processed. Does anyone know If I can legally exit and re-enter Portugal using the waiting slip\paper as proof of having applied for the residence card ?
-@James M76

I have now received my card. How do I know if it article 90 ? which is what I applied for. The waiting letter said articel 88 but I had a letter from my employer requesting for article 90 and SEF told me to send letter on email so that they can consider it. I did so but now there is now way just by looking at the card of telling if it article 88 or article 90.

"My entry visa into Portugal expired on 13 May 2024 and I have my appointment on 17 July. I have to go home to my country, Ghana, to attend to an emergency.

Does anyone know if I can legally exit and re-enter Portugal using the waiting slip as proof of having applied for residency?

What are the possibilities and ways I can navigate this challenge since I have to leave in 13 days from now?

If you are still in Portugal and have not leave, stay, don't leave, you will not be able to re-enter without a valid visa, and since your initial visa already expired, it will be more harder for you to obtain another visa from Ghana.