
Information about Riyadh


Hey, anyone out there thinking of moving to Riyadh, check out the Guide section on this site. 

Also, check out previous threads within the Riyadh section, you can easily do a custom search to find information.

Additionally, check out this site for some excellent information which is relevant, up-to-date and they will be expanding the range of information available:

Good luck with your research and your decision.  Riyadh can be a very nice place to work and live, but you have to keep an open mind and be respectful of the religious and cultural conformities of the country.

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideTrying to Conceive -Need good Doctor/HospitalMoving to Riyadh, and looking for a compound recommendationSkating amongst other thingsExpat Compounds Riyadh

gowiththeflowUK wrote:

Riyadh can be a very nice place to work and live, but you have to keep an open mind and be respectful of the religious and cultural conformities of the country.

Riyadh is a great place to live in no doubt. But, if you are accustomed to having a really active social life, then Riyadh can put a damper on a lot of these activities. The rules are tad more stricter there when compared to Khoabr or Jeddah. If you are not in a compound, having a social gathering of a lot of people can be a difficult. For a single guy, Riyadh can be frustrating at times.

Just my two pence on this. Not starting up a debate.



RD, you are correct, Riyadh has a distinctly different experience based on gender, nationality, location, accommodation, income, attitude etc.

I meet a lot of people here, on compound off compound and people that chose to move off a compound into private accommodation. It all depends what you are seeking from Riyadh.