I guess you may know, but I suggest you consider really carefully the advisability of buying a second/ holiday home in Spain.
If you post, why you think it’s a good idea, and how you will use it, I’m sure you will get specific advise.
I say that because I suspect you do not know at least ‘some’ of the potential problems, and therefore cannot ask specific, relevant questions.
As a possible example, which also shows there are some complicated considerations:-
One ‘problem’ which is currently in the news is the requirement for a letter of invitation for those you allow to use your property. That includes family.
This was posted on a social media page today.
Re letter of invitation:-
There has been much said already about the ‘carta de invitación’ (letter of invitation). Most of the comments on social media have been circulated without evidence of source so are really just hearsay and not something we condone. However, Richard and I have been trying to get the facts about whether the ‘carta de invitación’ will be applied to UK Nationals and we are told that the answers are held by the Spanish authorities and can be found on the Interior Ministry website with more limited information on the Policia Nacional website.
http://www.interior.gob.es/en/web/servi … invitacionhttps://sede.policia.gob.es/portalCiuda … _invi.html
What is the ‘carta de invitación? It is a type of ‘permission’ entitling those visitors who require a visa who do not have a named accommodation (ie those staying in private accommodation with friends/family or their own second homes here) and has to be obtained from the police and paid for by the host in advance of the visitor arriving who then presents it upon arrival. It assists third country nationals, who intend to spend time in Spain, to comply with the Schengen Border Checks. We all know that the British are now allowed to visit Spain for up to 90 days in any 180 days without the need for a visa but we are told that UKNs will, in theory, also be subject to full Schengen Border Checks. Visitors might therefore be asked to produce an onward/return ticket, a hotel booking, rental contract, property deeds etc.
Please note the inconclusive words ‘in theory’ and ‘might’ in the previous paragraph because nothing seems to carry a simple yes/no answer where Brexit is concerned and we all know how the WA has been misinterpreted even by the professionals. Will this be applied to UKNs and, if it is, how strict will the border checks be especially given the free access of up to 90 days to the Schengen area? Not forgetting, of course, the necessary admin, manpower, time and costs that Spain would need to invest in. However, until we have a further and conclusive response we recommend that any of you who are expecting visitors soon consult the websites above and contact the Interior Ministry/National Police in case of doubt.
Until we know more, no posts will be accepted on the subject. It has already been said that we deal in fact and we certainly do not want to add to any rumours and scaremongering!