Recepisee and italy traveling

Hello all

I arrived in France in early 2019 on Type D Visa (valid for 1 year). Then I also got the sticker from OFII. My visa is going to expired in  Dec 2019, so I applied for the renewal at the local prefecture. They provided me a document which says:

Récépissé de Demande de Carte de Séjour

Prefecture, Name and other details

A Demande le renouvellement de son Titre de Sejour Dont la validite expire le xx/xx/xxxx

Ce recepisse n'est valable qu'accompagne de de titre (Visa de long sejour valant T.S.) N. xxxxxxxxxx

Il autorise son titulaire a travailler.

This récépissé will expire in 3 months. But I have to travel to Italy by flight .  During this period my Type D visa is expired. Can I come back to France by showing my VLS/TS Type D Visa (expired) + OFII Sticker + mentioned Récépissé?

Thanks. Am i able to travel by plan to itAly and come back to france.


Are you currently in France? If yes, then you can easily travel with APS (Recipesse) to Italy. There shouldn't be any problem. Just come back to France before it expires, and maybe check if you can renew your APS Master.

Indian can get it for two years. Please excuse me, I don't know where you come from so I can't say more.

Bon voyage :)

Yes i am in france now . I have a valid recepisee. I am a morocco national. I want to fly to italy and fly back to france . Is it fine . Have you ever travelled by plane  with the recepisee and the type d visa which is expired and stamped on the passport . Thanks

You can easily travel with APS. There won't be any problem :)

They don't really check Recipesse or visa within europe. But take it with you anyway. There won't be any problem. For your assurance, you can confirm this with the Préfecture. Send an email, they will reply :)