SAO PAULO help finding stuff


A bit of a trivial post, but I'm wondering if anyone knows where in Sao Paulo I can purchase:

1) a nice wooden chess set
2) good whole bean coffee

I am currently staying in the east zone, but sometimes go to the south zone.

Thanks in advance.


If you have supermecados near, look for Melitta Regioes Brasileiras type cafe.
My personal is Sul de Minas Cafe Gourmet whole bean.
Or go to: and order. Free shipping over $R300


Três Corações/Santa Clara sells select whole bean coffees under their Santa Clara "Reserva da Família" brand, in 250g bags, also in supermarkets.

Honestly, though, after trying many, we always seem to come back to their standard whole bean "Espresso Gourmet", in the 2kg bag.

Recently been enjoying l'or coffee. Very tastey. But most times it's sold out lol.

Follow your nose.  Check on your local farmer's market ( aka Feira Livre ).

Good coffee varieties are coming from Minas Gerais, the southern tip  ( Alfenas, Varginha,  Juiz de Fora ).

Do your weekend  outings to smaller towns ( Braganca Paulista, Lorena, Taubate, Aguas de Lindoia, Jau, Bauru, Pindamonhangaba ) under the pretense of tourism, and hit around for places that actually roast coffee.  The hinterlands in Sao Paulo has places with a rich coffee heritage.

Some of these Arsty hipsters coffee shops in Sao Paulo are getting their whole grains, and they actually , at times, have these Coffee trade magazines.  Get a few copies, and start reading, and there it goes your scavenging hunt for good arabica.

Consider investing in a roasting machine, get some cheap store front, and get people to come by.  Did you know the gross margin on those D&D joes is somewhere around a 1,000%?  The gross on pastries was only 50%.  I get this from a horse's mouth, a gal I met who run the graveyard shift around Boston.

maybe with some luck you might find someone with good coffee conections in Santos. The old part of the town, known as Valongo, was where all the folks who exported coffee gathered for business.   Actually, if you came through Anchieta, the good ole days, you could smell roasted coffee in the ar. 

A place that sells a good cup of coffee in Downtown is by the Copan building, Cafe Floresta. Don't ask him where he gets his stuff, that dude is a no nonsense type.