
Camping supplies

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Can someone please tell me where ot get hiking and camping equipment and utensils in Riyadh. A name of a store or mall please.

Thanks you

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Try Carrefour at Granada Mall:)


i think there are some camping gear shop in Kuwaiti Souk.


cool, thanks!


Try olayan at khurais road near carrefour... they got most of the stuff u  need for camping or picnics


There is a better camping shop off junction 12. Bigger range than Olayan.


Saco usually have a half decent selection of camping gear. They have a few branches around the town. There is a big one near the China Mall.
I bought a SAR29 sleeping bag in Panda before going camping in the dessert last year and it was the coldest I have ever been out of water.


MaserMan wrote:

There is a better camping shop off junction 12. Bigger range than Olayan.

I would agree with Maserman on this and also various Saco's (you need to try different ones as their stock levels and choices vary); also Carefour have a few good bits & pieces like the containers, hard plastic crockery stuff.  Don't waste your money on those cheap SR25 camping chairs, anyone I have ever seen with them have had them break on them

As with anything, spend a little extra and get good quality.  There is a great little hunting shop opposite Eid compound (Granada district) that have some great camping gadgets, water bottles etc.  Watch the water bottles with the tap as they normally all leak! 

We can't wait until end of summer when we will be going out again.  Happy camping :)


The biggest, best place is on Khurais road - exit 6? North Ring Road = where all the car dealers are - and the others that advise about buying cheap gear are 100% correct - don't buy the cheapest you find - and if it looks flimsy at purchase time it will be junk the second or third time you use it...
   Too bad we don't seem to have a good system for selling gear and things to expats who are coming and going... most forums are very old and the gear is long gone or given away to a neighbor who will never use it...
    And another key point I'd like to make - My first camping experience a year ago Sept. was on a sand dune outside the city... above any flooding possibilities and before the rainy season - the magic was sleeping on the carpet in the dunes, listening to camels mooing in the distance... cots, sleeping bags, etc all remove you from the Bedouin experience - sleeping on the ground is vital to the feeling one gets to connectivity with mother earth.   I vowed to ditch half my camping gear and go Bedouin style on future trips... the gear is mounting and it's not adding to my city escape experience - just the opposite!   So take the basics, carpet, stove, warm clothes and a few blankets... if it's just overnight you don't need much...   Carry extra water and keep the gas tank full as much as possible...  m.


I have looked at the places mentioned in the replies (Exit 6 Khurais Road, and Junction 17), unfortunately could not find the suggested shops. Even the Olayan on Khurais road is now shifted to another location (One that I haven't been able to find either). Does any one have an exact address I could look up ? I need to buy complete gear (Tent, bags, mats, chairs etc).


seeker of truth

Al Saif along  airport  road,  between  exit 12 & 13

kashtah (N24 41 984 E46 49 604)

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