
Ihram for Umra - Where to find shops in Riyadh

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Asalam o Alaikum Everyone,

I am new to Riyadh and currently living nearby Mursalat Area. I am leaving for Umra very soon InshAllah and want to buy a new set of Ihram. Please tell me from where i can buy Ihram from Riyadh (would be better if the shop is nearby Mursalat area).

Thanks in Advance
Muhammad Ali Sohail

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you can find it in SOUQ TAIBA its neer your place



where exactly in Souq Taiba ?


u will find the stors in the front of it when u r on olaya road


The Miqats (Sail Kabeer) have a good collection of Ihrams and accessories.


hi blade,

where exactly is Miqats (Sail Kabeer) ?


Ali: When you go for Umrah from Riyadh, you will stop at Miqat in Taif to change into your Ihram. Are you aware of this? How are you traveling to Mecca? by road?


no actually m travelling by air. so its far more convinient for me to buy ihram from riyadh as m aiming to wear ihram right from riyadh airport(this is lot more advisable than to go to miqat from jeddah). so can u help me out with any shops in riyadh ?

Waleed H


If you still need help send me your number on PM to call you and guide you


@waleed: sent :)


malisohail wrote:

Asalam o Alaikum Everyone,

I am new to Riyadh and currently living nearby Mursalat Area. I am leaving for Umra very soon InshAllah and want to buy a new set of Ihram. Please tell me from where i can buy Ihram from Riyadh (would be better if the shop is nearby Mursalat area).

Thanks in Advance
Muhammad Ali Sohail

You could try in Tamimi Supermarkets, I have bought Ihram from there earlier, but that was during ramadhan.



U can even find this hara markets :)

Salman Omrani

why dont you just start "Ihram" from the "Miqaat"?



If you are going by air.. the airport shops have them..
I have bought it from there once.. But then why take the risk.. take a taxi to Bath'ha, you will be able to find everythign you need, ihram, the belt, etc.


yes redgoblin is quite right, i am not that much risk tolerant to leave it to miqat :) as m going by air so it wud be better to have that arrange from riyadh.

Anyways, thanks for the help especialliy waleed & se7en. M heading to souq taiba to arrange for a set thats more convinient though.

InshAllah will remember u all in my prayers during Umra.

Hi All,

Where I can buy Ihram for kids from batha??

I think this post is too old for someone to comment further.

It'd be better if you buy from london itself than expecting to buy it at Riyadh airport.

Always buy the Ihram that is less heavy and has a smooth material so that it stays on rather than falling off every once a while and is not heavy on your hips

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