Car driving in Montenegro


How long can I driving a car in Montenegro without registration? I mean that i planning live in Montenegro but I don't want registration my car there. Can I just driving in my foregin registration?

Thank you for respond.


I've been driving my car with French registration plates since 2008 and was never asked to change the plates.  I know MANY other expats in the same situation.

Tsarine wrote:

I've been driving my car with French registration plates since 2008 and was never asked to change the plates.  I know MANY other expats in the same situation.

What's about the insurance?As the Green card is only valid for 3 months,do you drive with a local insurance?If so,is a boravak needed to insure the car Thanks Tsarine

Hi Bernard,
Yes, I only have a local insurance with covers for third party damage, and doesn't cover damages on the car (which is so old that it doesn't really matter).
It is indeed not possible to get a green card locally if you keep foreign plates.
I am using this car as a "spare" car anyways, so not too often, the other car (with local plates) being registered in the name of my company.

You might be able to keep a French insurance policy if you cross the EU border every 3 months, but I would still double check with the Insurance Company if that "trick" would work...

Thanks for the tip!

Although I have a temp.residence. I have been driving on U.K. plates here for 14 years.  Montenegrins do not see motorists as a cash box like they do in U.K.  I do pop over to Croatia to shop at Lidle from time to tome and feed at the incredible Chinese next door every three months. I pick up the Montenegrin green card as required (claimed once for minor accident) costs euro 80 for thee months. Much less per day for a year.  Any questions just ask.

Its interesting and good  to  read all the comments on driving in Montenegro.
When i bought my first car in Montenegro i had to register it my friends name as i didn't have a Boravak(temporary  residency) i eventually  got a Boravak and for the last 5 years i have the car in my name .
Its also worth noting that both the temporary residency card and the car registration  end on the same date and that you have to reapply for the residency card first which can take over 2 weeks to get the card back and then you must go to the insurance  company with the Boravak card . You will also need to get a technical examination  on your car which must insurance companies will arrange.I think you have 1 month to get your car registration  completed from the date it expires.
I  tried before to bring my car from Ireland  to Montenegro but the maximum  time that my insurance company would cover me for was 3 months i presume people who are using their foreign number plates in Montenegro are getting their insurance in Montenegro ?

kumbor wrote:

I  tried before to bring my car from Ireland  to Montenegro but the maximum  time that my insurance company would cover me for was 3 months i presume people who are using their foreign number plates in Montenegro are getting their insurance in Montenegro ?

Correct, but you can only get third party insurance as far as I know.

I have been driving in Montenegro on U.K. Plates two difference cars since 2006. I make sure that I drive across the border every few months. There has never been any problems. I get my insurance from the insurers at the border, usually quarterly but the last one was for 12 months.  The insurance does nit cover your own car, but only the required legal cover

Could anyone please advise on rough yearly cost for car ownership? Cost of insurance, yearly testing, yearly registration etc

Thanks so much

Hi i pay around €350 for registration and insurance and testing  for a Audi A4 avant 2.0

@Graham & Anja

I heard you can only stay 6 months with a foreign auto? Can I just cross the border and reset that?
I would say that foreign registration is even better, police patrols are not trying much to take money from you with fictive breaches and they know that in our cultures of most of us we don't pay policemen and prefer to pay a fine.. so..

Do you still register your car in France?
Hi @alexasavich
I still have my old French car registered in France and insured in Montenegro (only third party).
I was never asked anything over the past 14 years.

@Ignoe yes

@Graham & Anja

I wondered if I could check if you were still doing this. Wife and I are British and want to bring our UK registered right hand drive car over to Montengro and ideally insure it there. Other option considered was to re register the car in Montengro and have it on Montengro plates. Heard mixed reports that you can or can't regsieter a right hand drive foreign car in Montengro which would sound odd as never heard a of a country not allowing you to re register a car in their country. Any advice or thoughts appreciated.

@Graham & Anja

I wondered if I could check if you were still doing this. Wife and I are British and want to bring our UK registered right hand drive car over to Montengro and ideally insure it there. Other option considered was to re register the car in Montengro and have it on Montengro plates. Heard mixed reports that you can or can't regsieter a right hand drive foreign car in Montengro which would sound odd as never heard a of a country not allowing you to re register a car in their country. Any advice or thoughts appreciated.

@Phil and Lisa

my experience when I wanted to bring my UK car to Montenegro; do not bring it because no insurance company would insure it, nor would I be able to get it registered in Montenegro with their X-pat plates, which also need to be re-registered every year as well.

Welcome to Montenegro with their many weird rules which seems to be sooooo… different from many other countries in the world. they have so many rules on their own, so don't expect things here are like what you are used to other were else. It can be uphill battle if not having any local friends here, however even the local's sometimes have difficulty finding out what the rules were yesterday and what they are tomorrow.

Another thing is; bring as few of you belongings to Montenegro as possible, because you have to pay TAX off your items, too.  But that is another story, but consider,  you therefore also have to pay TAX (I think it 21%) of importing your car, even it's considered as private goods and a used car. They will estimate the value of the car while you have to leave it with customs for about a weeks or more, then pay before you get it back. I know others brought their car, still having it on UK plates, but then you have to bring every year to UK for the MOT so you can renew your insurance. However, I'm not sure if the UK insurance will keep on insure your car if you permanently take it to Montenegro. That you have to investigate with your insurance company.

If you want to buy a used car in Montenegro, it's not recommended as most of the used car has run high mileage and not treated well, I can only recommend buying a new car, or eventually import from Germany. I wish you all the best with your new journey.


Thanks for your reply Eliwh...are you from UK then?

I am slowly gathering info so this helps. Actually I have found several insurance companies there in Montengro that will insure it staying on UK plates. As you say I have to bring it back for an MOT each year but that is OK for us. So that option does sound quite easy now. I did however want to consider re registering it there (no need then bring in back and could sell it later if wanted), and have on Montengro plates but heard mixed reports that you can and can't as right hand drive. I never heard of a country in the world that won't let you import and register a foreign car becuase of steering wheel being on other side ... and as you mention VAT is chargeable on the import value (that's normal in all countries when you import a car. We were going to do in Spain when we lived there, same thing applied)... so if VAT is chargeable to import and register a car then it must be possible....providing you pay the VAT.

Yes as you say many weird rules and things going on. Today is a big day it seems and strong liklihood downfall of the President and Europe Now guy leading the way to many changes amd less restrictions.

Luckily we also have lots of close friends, very well connected ones, so everything so far for us has been very easy ... the only thing that seemed a grey area was the registering of our RHD car onto Mont plates. There is a big demand for the car we have and its ideal for Montengro roads that's why we wanted to bring it. We could come on UK plates and UK insurance but there is a time limit to how long can stay. Spain was 6 months in 12, and after 6 you have to take it away and not return it until 12 months was up. Montengro will be 3 or 6 months so its very short term if we insure from UK. So as mentioned I found several big insurance companies there in Montengro that will insure it on UK plates no problem. It is 3rd party only though, so any damage to the car itself is not covered, only thats just a risk if we choose to take it. The important thing is the other vehicle/s and persons/property is insured in case of accident which it is. No need pay UK road tax obviously and there is no road tax there. So its just come back to UK and get an MOT once a year. We can't use the car commerically though (someone wants to use it for vip chauffeur work) if its UK reg car, thats why we also thought to register there. No one seems to be able to give a 100% confirmation though if can register it there onro Mont plates. But, as mentioned, if you/they say you must pay 21% Vat as you are effectively importing in, then it must be possible or the Vat payable condition wouldnt be there! Maybe we can claim the Vat back if we used it for business. Thats another story though as I hear it can take forever to get Vat back when claimed. I have lived in many developing countries in the Far East and Caribbean for decades, and far less advanced ones than Montengro, so I am used to things being completely different ... its always the same....grey areas, obstacles, confusion, rules that make no sense, and all sorts ... but then again .... on a positive side ..... these places are beautiful and full of opportunity .... so I always say to myself, you can't have your cake and eat it! Just have to find your way through the minefield of confusion, and also not believe everything you here. I hear different answers to same questions all the time about whether you can do something or not. Like you say even most of the locals don't really know either. We are also going to form some companies there and have some good local influential local partners (although even they said didnt think could register a right hand drive foreign car...but I have seen photos of people and their UK RHD cars pointing at the Montengro plates!). Someone said it is legally possible but the government (current government!) don't promote or like it, so they try to persuade you against it, but if you know the right people it is legally possible. The downside of course is the customs declaration of the value of the car to charge the 21% on! Customs have huge power and can say what they like about values...that is also the same again maybe it is 'who you know'

So I was just curious to put this question out here about the registering of a UK car there to see what experiences people had had.

Appreciated your quick reply... if you or anyone else have any info its helpful...and if anyone wants to hear how I get on finally let me know. In theory my local friends/business partners know everyone and anything and can get anything done ... in theory! But then again said cant register a RHD car when I have seen pictures of them!!

Happy days!!!

Take care and good luck getting your business and fresh life up running here. Sounds exciting.

@Phil and Lisa

Thanks for your reply. And no, this is not a private PM forum. Everyone can read it as far I know. Nevertheless, in 2019 it might have been different when I wanted to take my UK car in. Rules changes constantly, or the authorities speak with several tongues or whatever it is with this country. However, I wish you all the best in Monte and hope you find your way through the exciting husselbussel here. I'm in Budva, close to you guys, so maybe you guys want to meet up sometime.

Take care and good luck getting your business and fresh life up running here. Sounds exciting.

@eliwh Thanks Eliwh

Just in case it helps you or anyone I heard from an insurer amd for sure it is ok, and also very inexpensive...just have to take it back once a year for MOT. Thirs party only though

Are you able to provider the names of insurers that will insure UK cars?

Also would your recommend driving a UK car into the Montenegro or having it delivered via delivery/transportation services?

@Phil and Lisa

Are you able to provide the names of the insurers that will insure UK cars?

If I may ask did you drive your car from the UK to Montenegro or did you use a shipping service?

My wife and I are looking to relocate to Montenegro next year's and we would be very grateful for some insight on this

@kumbor can you recommend an insurer for this?

Hi John,

I recently did the same car insurance enquire with Lovcen Insurance, a local insurance company, when I was insuring our house. They do do it and can be contacted and everything sorted via email. They have a website also.

@Graham & Anja hi. I am moving to montenegro and applying for temporary residency. You think I can keep my UK car there?


Yes, you can. I know several persons from the UK, who used their car with UK registration for years here in Montenegro. Often until their cars became too old! Then the bought a car locally with Montenegrin registration.

@Graham & Anja

How do you get the equivalent MOT?

@Graham & Anja how do you manage the annual test/MOT?

As long as you have the foreign registration you avoid the test. You just have to renew the insurance every year locally.

Thank you

@margamontenegro1 thank you

@Helenk1066 I was just wondering did you look into this anymore and come to a conclusion on what to do with regard a car ?

I have a scenerio that I hope people on this forum can help with.

My wider family and I have a joint house near Kotor for years and between us families we use the house almost continuous over the summer months and a number of  long weekends away during the year. Between the families we must spend near €2000 on rental cars each year if we added it all together.

We are not residents or and do have temporary residency, we are just lucky enough to use it as a holiday home for our families from Ireland and the UK etc,

We were thinking of leaving a cheap UK registered car over in the house to use and get local insurance on it (probably third party - only the other car is paid for in case of an accident) but I don't know if I would still have to pay UK road tax on it and do a yearly MOT (UK car test) on it each year.

Does anybody know if this would be required  or be requited it a French, German or other registered car ?

Many thanks


why do you make complicated and want a local insurance ? keep the one from your country

small comment about temporary residence permit, it is based on real estate ownership you need to stay 11 months in the country

@Graham & Anja Hi, What about the MOT? Don't you need that? Is just insurance they are interested in?