American Cook wanting to cook/live in Thailand.

Hello Everyone!
I'm a 25 year old Cook from Los Angeles California.
It is my dream to get international experience under my belt during my career as a Chef. I absolutely love Thailand and my question is How can I find a Job in Thailand? I'd appreciate any help on the subject! I don't want to live in the same place my whole life! I want to bounce around. I just need help getting started. Thanks!

Vary hard to do! Just google thailand work and education visa's! Many are working on school visa by employer saying on the job training!

Also be aware of required health insurance now required! Unless you have money to live on for quite awhile forget it

You didn't tell how much cooking experience you have. If you got a culinary degree from the states you may tried to apply for a position in good hotels. But the minimum salary requirement for American to be eligible for working VISA in Thailand is 50,000 THB. Hence, if you don't have much experience, it is hard to get salary more than 50,000 THB.
Otherwise, you might try to check cooking schools here such Dusit, or Shangri-La if they can provide you study VISA or not.

Also be aware many expats leaving Thailand because gov't is not as friendly to expats! Don't want them anymore!

Thank you for your reply and info.
I apologize ,New Here.
I have 7 years restaurant experience as line cook, Sous Chef in Downtown Los Angeles restaurant industry.
Learned all I know in the Kitchen, No Degree.
Have cooked for High Profile Events in and around the greater Los Angeles area.
Would you recommend I go to culinary school before?
The thing is I want to make this happen So I will do what it takes to give it my best shot.
Any advice help encouragement is appreciated.

Thank You for the info
Much appreciated! sounds like ur in for a little adventure after ‘cooking in LA'...sounds like a book already...there's so much to think about u want that Int'l experience ...which will help the creative side of cooking and embed perhaps the ‘cultural flavor' in your dishes was noted there are many ways to stay in Thailand ...the best of which is to try and put together some money that you'll be able to live on...and live Thai style....maybe what you need is an exploratory mission a little Q&A with the cooking staffs at different levels of culinary from the street to the high rise...very easy to do...Thais are very happy to talk about food....maybe market yourself a bit and as u go around maybe someone will make an offer out of need...bring some good pics of your previous restaurant locations and maybe kitchens...always bring your chefs coat and best knife if you can offer to share cooking skills or dishes with any one of a number of street side restaurants or a volunteer of course in the cultural exchange, most Thais would jump at the chance to have you hangout for the evening helping cook (or even longer) at the streetside as they know it would be a draw for the evening and likely make them more money and be very gracious to you for there...and above all it would be fun as it's that kind of activity that will make u fall in love with Thailand and its foodies....but never accept any money even if they insist as it will cause a problem for future visa issues....better if they insist is to ask them to make the donation to Buddha....until of course something pans out and u can get employed.,,,be sure to take pics of all those places you cook with and the people...use your chefs those pics of experience on you personal cooking page or online portfolio...Thais love to see you online...and then themselves with you...that said, most cooks that are expatriate are in fact hired by the hotel or restaurant chains in corporate offices in America that have established work visa some employees get  the bonus of being assigned overseas Thai laws would make it hard to get a local job as a cook unless they  have a specific American menu that can say only you can do this work. As for making it work and having a great experience..put the cash for your ticket for the longest may have to pay change the date in BKK....go online or walk down any side street outside the city and inquire about a studio flat...its way cheap outside downtown BKK...I talking 150$ a month kind of cheap...but still safe and close to shops ...less expensive than any hotel...although there are some cheap hotels...your visa can be extended up to six months downtown but then you'll likely have to renew it at any border the flat for the year...anyone will say yes to renting to u if u do that....start living the dream and make your own culinary sure to travel to different provinces to witness the culinary explosion that's happens at night...participate in the street fairs, night markets, and cooking would do well to cook for the monks as many do for their morning alms...if u eat street like many Thais your monthly cost for food could be the same as your rent...then u have mobile phone internet which is also next to nothing ....transportation is much cheaper on the overhead railway and the subway than  a taxi and even cheaper on the bus system which when mastered is the best way to get around...add in all others and you have annual expenses staying in country as a tourist to a lot less than say 10k...try fundraising for your adventure....crazy but people like to live vicariously through others experiences and will pay for that...anyway I could go on....but I won't....haha enjoy and good luck

Well, easy answer before Covid-19, as I know several top quality chefs of Western origin who  worked in top quality restaurants frequented by tourists, and the busy kitchens of the many 5* hotels here in Thailand. However, Covid has put the "kybosh" on their careers as there aren't any tourists in Thailand at present and they're all now sitting idle.  Your timing isn't good I'm afraid. Your best bet is to check the "Chef Recruitment" Internet sites. One such site is They post jobs for many different chef levels in different locations.  Good luck vis-a-vis Thailand. I am currently locked out waiting for the borders to re-open.