Regional or Private ?

Would it be better to apply for private or regional insolvanz in Germany? I tried researching but cannot fully understand these texts

Aisling12 wrote:

Would it be better to apply for private or regional insolvanz in Germany? I tried researching but cannot fully understand these texts

There is no such thing as "regional" Insolvenz, the word is Regelinsolvenz. This means a business rather than private insolvency.  And this is clearly expained at the beginning of the second link. It sounds very questionable to be trying to wrote about something you don't know about when you can't understand the very basic terms to begin with.

You're a student and want to declare yourself bankrupt?

SimCityAT wrote:

You're a student and want to declare yourself bankrupt?

She had mentioned on another post that she intended to write an article about the subject. Only she doesn't know either the subject nor have nearly the level of German skills to even start... Sounds like a lost cause but who's to judge? Sounds to me like someone intending to explain a complicated aspect of theoretical physics but then asks; "by the way, how does arithmetic work?"

Thats why I am reading about it to better understand the topic, everyone has to start somewhere

I´d appreciate if you kept your negative comments off my posts I do not find them helpful and this forum should not be for making people feel bad it is here to help

Aisling12 wrote:

I´d appreciate if you kept your negative comments off my posts I do not find them helpful and this forum should not be for making people feel bad it is here to help

Maybe you should explain yourself better?

IInappropriate response. You are getting negative feedback because you are posting irresponsibly. Please refrain from trying to push things you know little nothing about, it doesn't help anyone. I am sure you have good intentions but you are just embarrassing yourself with such things. And whining when corrected doesn't help.