Identifying fish while snorkelling

Can anybody point me towards a colour guide for the local marine life and fish I see while snorkeling?  I've had a good google but struggling.  I'd love to print and laminte some to take with us when we go out.

ps.  don't waggle sea cucumbers at your kids if they were brought up in Essex... near Canvey Island/Southend.  They are pre programmed.. if it looks like a sea turd.......snigger.

Thanks if you can help.


Again there is a pre laminated fish guide available from most dive centres (The one i mentioned yesterday has them in stock) that you can bring with you... buy one copy and laminate :).....


Cheers, I was planning on using it in the morning and would love to have a look online also.  If I don't find anything tonight I will pop down there. 

I can laminate them myself so no problem there,  just finding one on very short notice really.


How did you get on with the Fish Card ??

Bombed out.  just gonna take pics and make my own for now  haha.
Will sort one out later. xx

lol.... I will aquire one for you ;) and scan it... as soon as i have it i will let you know on here. It will be the weekend though as I am guiding then so will be at the Dive shop


this is an online version


You are a star.  cheers

can you guess what it is yet.....



aaarrgghhh... techy nightmare

here's another try..

Can you guess what it is yet......

Somebodies Leg or Finger :)

and obviously proof that I need more practice with the camera  snigger
slightly better but needs work.  not very clear water at Sliema yesterday either.

Also, have you ever dived at St. Peters Pool,  looks fantastic but can't see how you get out after jumping in???

Yes, i have there is a way of getting out via ladders that are there... It is very close to where i live and if you go halfway down the steps to the rock you can then turn right and go all the way around the cliffs to another area that is not as busy as Peters pool.

VERY good for snorkelling

J. xx

Sounds lush.  I know I shouldn't be mean but I hate going to the crowded places.  After living in Spain I developed a phobia about tourist season, which I shouldn't as its the main source of income for many.  So my preference is the less attractive to sunbathe spots. grin.

Or maybe I'm just an unsociable cow!!!!

..... stay away from St Peters Pool on weekends and Holidays then defo.... VERY VERY Packed !!

scubaboy wrote:

lol.... I will aquire one for you ;) and scan it... as soon as i have it i will let you know on here. It will be the weekend though as I am guiding then so will be at the Dive shop


Hiya,  I know I'm being cheeky but did you have any luck??



I just have to scan it in ... I am upto my eyes in it until Wednesday when we have another free day off :) and i will make sure its sorted then.

PM Me your email address



Hey,  I think I saw that one on my bath the other night.....!!

lmao..... thats a Carcharodon carcharias otherwise known as a great white or alternatively in the movies as... "Arrrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" .... :)