Good Inexpensive private maternity hospitals in Sao Paulo?


We are planning a delivery in Sao Paulo soon. Can someone give some info. on some good inexpensive private maternity hospitals in Sao Paulo? Or Any good public maternity hospitals?

Thanks in advance

You will need to advise PF of no delivery within the 90 days allotted in the visa.
Have seen party coming nack into Brazil to get a reunion visa, but was sent back due to marriage was 3 months ago and wife wave birth in 2 months and husband sent back for fraud.

Texanbrazil wrote:

You will need to advise PF of no delivery within the 90 days allotted in the visa.
Have seen party coming nack into Brazil to get a reunion visa, but was sent back due to marriage was 3 months ago and wife wave birth in 2 months and husband sent back for fraud.

Policia Federal is now aware of the loopholes on birth citizenship and immigration. People from abroad come and take advantage of the free delivery at the expense of taxpayers, a permanent visa after child is born including their children born abroad before coming to Brazil...

I'm a bit irritated at the people calling this "fraud". This is how the system works and is written into the law (and this has also been discussed multiple times on this forum, including some great info from the late James who said the same if I recall correctly). The constitution says that any child born in Brazil is a Brazilian, no different than in the US or Canada.

The law also makes provisions for the parents to take care of the Brazilian citizen. To remove parents of a citizen would be effectively meaning they'd have to also expel the citizen child from the country, which would be a violation of the Brazilian child's rights. It's not fraud to understand the system and give your child a better future. There's nothing illegal about this.

Some people have moral qualms about getting using the "free" health system here, which I don't, but I also pay for private care and don't really trust the SUS. But that's beside the point.

Also, I don't see what ANY of this has to do w/the original question, which was asking about maternity hospitals in São Paulo. He didn't ask about immigration status.

If referring to my answer, it was not "some people" it was the PF which said this.
Situation was he entered BR, stayed 1 month and returned for Family reunion Temp PR 2 months later and Brazilian was  8 months pregnant.
PF called it fraud and made him return. Not his child..........
I was saying be sure to advise Consulate of the truth.
Same with US and Canada..

okieinscbr wrote:

I'm a bit irritated at the people calling this "fraud". This is how the system works and is written into the law (and this has also been discussed multiple times on this forum, including some great info from the late James who said the same if I recall correctly). The constitution says that any child born in Brazil is a Brazilian, no different than in the US or Canada.

The law also makes provisions for the parents to take care of the Brazilian citizen. To remove parents of a citizen would be effectively meaning they'd have to also expel the citizen child from the country, which would be a violation of the Brazilian child's rights. It's not fraud to understand the system and give your child a better future. There's nothing illegal about this.

Some people have moral qualms about getting using the "free" health system here, which I don't, but I also pay for private care and don't really trust the SUS. But that's beside the point.

Also, I don't see what ANY of this has to do w/the original question, which was asking about maternity hospitals in São Paulo. He didn't ask about immigration status.


Learn to pronounce
wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
"he was convicted of fraud"
sharp practice

"a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
"mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds"                                                                       

He was lucky if he was only sent back and not go to prison for 2-5 years and fined according to this law:

Art. 232-A.  Promover, por qualquer meio, com o fim de obter vantagem econômica, a entrada ilegal de estrangeiro em território nacional ou de brasileiro em país estrangeiro:

Pena – reclusão, de 2 (dois) a 5 (cinco) anos, e multa.

§ 1o  Na mesma pena incorre quem promover, por qualquer meio, com o fim de obter vantagem econômica, a saída de estrangeiro do território nacional para ingressar ilegalmente em país estrangeiro.

§ 2o  A pena é aumentada de 1/6 (um sexto) a 1/3 (um terço) se:

I – o crime é cometido com violência; ou

II – a vítima é submetida a condição desumana ou degradante.

§ 3o  A pena prevista para o crime será aplicada sem prejuízo das correspondentes às infrações conexas.

Everybody knows about these loopholes as there is a lot threads about this already and there´s no sense of prolonging more discussions as it will only disrupt or delay proceedings. Tex was only citing the Feds and not saying that this way of migration is a fraud. Please don´t put words into someone else´s mouth! You have reading and comprehension problems. That is indeed in their laws (a loophole)
that many people are using - being socio-economic, religious or political migratory reasons. There was
a thread already posted here that the Policia federal is now investigating migrants giving birth at public hospitals in Florianopolis. If this is really true, the government of Brazil is then really not welcoming
to their constitutional pledge. And this can change as laws are made by man. I saw that there is one more change recently in their requirement for naturalization. They also now require that you provide criminal background to your country of origin - ordinario or extraordinario.

Trump has been fighting this type of migration as Chinese nationals does perform the "anchor baby"
procedure. If you think children born in Brazil will have a better future does remain to be seen as Brazilians themselves migrate to countries to seek better salaries and standard of living. Multiple citizenship have disadvantageous repercussions that can be created to a newborn. So you just decided a mandatory military service for your child in Brazil. How about his tax liabilities in the future? He is now mandated to vote or otherwise unable to get loans; imprisonement because of this is one. I can go on and on. Like I said the US and Brazil or any other country can change this anytime it creates a burden to its citizens. Do you pay your taxes in Brazil okieinscbr? I do!

SUS is not really a free health care system. Most of the time you buy the medications. I have UNIMED
as my health care insurer. I don´t like the SUS lines and NEVER used that. They might kill you just by waiting.


My girlfriend is being beaten by her husband and she is now 7 months pregnant. She wants to escape to Brazil and give birth there to save her child, just to give her child a better future, we are very worried. We want to support him too, but plane tickets are very expensive. Our girlfriend sold her house and could only buy a plane ticket. It's almost time for your birth and we are worried. Is there a good hospital in Sao Paulo? We will sell our computers and pay for his birth. Can you please recommend us a reliable hospital and birth nurse? Thank you in advance..

    My girlfriend is being beaten by her husband and she is now 7 months pregnant. She wants to escape to Brazil and give birth there to save her child, just to give her child a better future, we are very worried. We want to support him too, but plane tickets are very expensive. Our girlfriend sold her house and could only buy a plane ticket. It's almost time for your birth and we are worried. Is there a good hospital in Sao Paulo? We will sell our computers and pay for his birth. Can you please recommend us a reliable hospital and birth nurse? Thank you in advance..

    -@Melissa Tina

Also they eas engaged almost 9 monts ago but he beated her again and she was break up with him , later she discoverd she is pregnat form him after that beacuse of the child they get married almost was 4 monts she is divorcing him now . So what do you suggest us to do better ?

11/21/23 @Melissa Tina.  Coming to Brazil is an extremely long trip, and not a very safe one for your friend this late in her pregnancy.  Are you sure that there's no place you can go in Turkey to be safe? 

All the best to you, and to her.

@Melissa Tina, have you considered reaching out to the local Catholic Church?  I used to be a member of that religious group and I still have family serving in the Franciscan order.  The Catholic Church is very pro-life and may have some recommendations and help for your friend and her situation. Given that Brazil has a large catholic population, there may be a connection in that way.

Note:  This comment is not an attempt at proselytizing - just trying to point out available resources that you could tap to help in the situation.

    Hi, We are planning a delivery in Sao Paulo soon. Can someone give some info. on some good inexpensive private maternity hospitals in Sao Paulo? Or Any good public maternity hospitals? Thanks in advance


Here's a list you can do your homework upon ...

Now, take the list, and double check against Google reviews, and ReclameAqui dot com dot br by pluging the names.

Grain of salt... Brazilians complain at will for insignificant issues, they are spoiled. So gather patterns and trends of repeated complaints, and then you get your red flags.

Pro Matre ( Oldest operating private maternity in Sao Paulo )

Rua São Carlos do Pinhal, 174 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01333-001

Telefone: (11) 3269-2233

Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana ( one of the best private ones )

Rua do Paraíso, 432 - Liberdade, São Paulo - SP, 04103-000

Telefone: (11) 5080-6000

Hospital e Maternidade Santa Maria

Rua Leôncio de Carvalho, 233 - Paraíso, São Paulo - SP, 04003-010

Telefone: (11) 3056-9000

Hospital e Maternidade Christóvão da Gama … o-da-gama/

( there are also units by Downtown over Liberdade, and Morumbi , all under the same holding )

Avenida Douto Erasmo, 18 - Vila Assunção, Santo André - SP, 09030-340

Telefone: (11) 4993-3700

Leforte Liberdade

Rua da Glória, 676. Liberdade.

Leforte Morumbi

Rua Três Irmãos, 121.  Morumbi.

Public, Government ran

Hospital Estadual de Vila Alpina     São Paulo

Avenida Francisco Falconi, 1501 - Vila Alpina, São Paulo - SP, 03227-000

Telefone: (11) 2318-2100

Hospital Santa Marcelina

Rua  Santa Marcelina, 177 - Vila Carmosina, São Paulo - SP, 08270-070

Telefone: (11) 2070-6000