Gyrocopters + ultralite aircraft - legalities

Can these aircraft be legally used in the DR? If someone could point me in the right direction to obtain all the who, what, why, when and where's pertaining to the legal usage of these aircraft's i would appreciate it


Check out website.

I once looked at the parachute flying lawn mower.

A fellow in la Entrada had one.
There was no registering or restriction that I know of.

Stan has the guy -- ^^^^^^^^^ right above

This is the fellow I visited .... very capable

http://poweredparaglidingfreetraining.c … od-trikes/

This has me back on the hunt !!!


Hi Willie,
The gentleman you refered me to is based in America.
I seek someone in the Dominican Republic

then talk to flydominicanrepublic from Stan....above.

I woukld take the FLA free training deal and buy....
he is quite a bit more affordable than others --- I found

I have e-mailed him
It was a few years ago I visited him in Ohio