Just for fun: How well do you know Malta?

Hello everyone,

We would like to invite you to take part in a knowledge test based on Malta. Find a few questions below:

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of Malta?
2. What currency is used in Malta?
3. List the national symbols of Malta.
4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis?
5. Share with us the national motto.
6. Define Malta in one word.

Thank you for participating and have fun :)

1. Valletta
2. Euro
3. National flag and the flag with Coat of Arms
4. Maltese and English
5. Power and Consistency
6. Overcrowded

1. Valletta
2. Euro
3. National flag and the flag with Coat of Arms
4. Maltese and English
5. .................
6. Paradise

1. What is the capital city or administrative capital of Malta?  Valletta
2. What currency is used in Malta? Euro
3. List the national symbols of Malta. Cranes :D
4. What are the official languages or the ones used the most on a day-to-day basis? English, Maltese, Italian
5. Share with us the national motto. Oh My Malta
6. Define Malta in one word. Noisy!

1. Valletta
2. Euro
3. A shield showing the Maltese flag with a crown and around the shield is a wreath with two branches, the Olive and the Palm, symbols of peace and courage traditionally associated with Malta.
4. Maltese is the national and official language of the Maltese Islands, with English being the second official language.
5. Power and Consistency
6. Small