
Want to move to SPS / job opportunities?

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I'm planning to move to San Pedro Sula in the near future, and I'm wondering if there any known reliable jobs for foreigners? My Spanish is near beginner level, but I'm learning rapidly everyday, and I wish to find work quick to support myself while I'm there.

I've seen that most recommend the starting of your own business, but I hope to find something already established and reliable. If anyone can offer advice, it'd be much appreciated!

See also

Living in Honduras: the expat guideWork Permit, Marriage, Residency - ¡ AYUDA ME !Moving to Roatan to start businessJobs in HondurasRelocating and working in Roatan

With all due respect,  why would anyone want to move to a third world country where they do not speak the language and linquire about employment?  I know many Honduran men and women with college degrees who are unable to find employment in their own country.  Many of the Hondurans who do work are underpaid.  Starting a business?  Good luck with that too.  IHonduras is a beautiful country with lots to offer, however. If you dont have a source of income coming from the USA it can be very difficult.  Just my opinion.  Take it for what its worth.


Hello, don't know your reasons for moving to Honduras but if this is your first time, i would recommend you take some savings since it will be difficult to find a job the first few months. Unless you good contacts or business friends in Honduras. There are also jobs in Telemarketing or Customer Service Representative opportunities (which you can find at Call Centers in San Pedro). Usually Call Centers are looking for fluent English representatives, so that can be an option for you. Also check this website

Honduras is a beautiful country, i believe it hasn't been promoted correctly or well. It has beautiful touristic places and the people are humble. There are ways that you can help help needy and maybe find a job in a volunteer center.  There are many non-profit organization from the USA established in Honduras so if you like helping others, it might be possible for you to find a position within a non-profit (in education, building homes, feeding the needy, church related, children or elderly., etc). There might be jobs in Tourism as well but it is difficult to attract tourism when everyone expresses bad about Honduras. I believe that the negativity and bad rap, is what you will only currently hear but not until you live in Honduras (or any third world country) will you then appreciate the people, culture, food, touristic places, nature and history, etc. There might be opportunity for your own business, but again, you have to know your target market and the kind of business you want because you are not in the USA where everyone is internet savvy and everyone can afford it. Not in Honduras, most of the population is poor lives day to day.

Yes, like in New York or even Europe there are bad places, bad neighborhoods but just stick to the people you know the locals, and you will be fine.

Roatanadian Walt

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