
Dear all,

Could anyone tell me how to go for filling the form of Tax.
I have been Malaysia since 23.06.2018 under EP-II.
I have already got the Pin Number from LHDNM and log into the website.
Then I go for e-Filling, e-Form.
After that, I don't know which Form to follow as;

* Resident Individual (e-BE, e-B, e-BT)
* Non-Resident Individual (e-M & e-MT)

Thank you in advance !!

You are Tax Resident for 2018 (ie more than 182 days assuming you started work before 2nd July 2018)

Check Forms section on LHDN website as there are also Guidelines available

Dear Ms. Gravitas,
Thanks for your reply and noted well for more that 182 days will be under Resident. Just would like to know the form to go in under BE (or) BT. Our office does not have such experience for those EP Tax.

It would be much appreciated if u could give advice on that.

Thank you in advance !!

Check here

http://www.hasil.gov.my/bt_goindex.php? … mit=Search