


To the residents:

what is fastest (or/and cheapest) way to get residency?

- the special visa for long stay, gotten from the DR consulate before leaving here;
- the regular tourist visa, and once there apply for residency.

How did you make it?
How long it actually took to get your residence?
How much did it cost all together?


Amis résidents:

quelle est la manière la plus rapide (et/ou la moins chère) d'obtenir la résidence:

- le visa spécial longue durée, demandé au consulat de RD avant le départ;
- the visa de touridte normal, puis une fois là-bas, demander la résidence?

Comment ça s'est passé pour vous?
Combien de temps cela a pris pous obtenir votre résidence?
Combien cela vous a coûté en tout, en gros?

See also

General visa requirements for the Dominican RepublicResidency and medical examinationImmigration and Overstay IssuesMarrying a Dominican in the DR: tourist visa or fiance visa?Getting DR residency while already in the DR

Hi Hyperboles!

I hope you will obtain some advices from other members.
Please note that for French responses you can post your question on the francophone forum.


Bob K

Getting a residency is not that difficult especially if using a lawyer (good one). The process will take 3-6 months depending on timing, who you use to get it done, and how fast you can get your papper work together.  It will require two trips to Santo Domingo as well.
I will PM you the name of the lawyer we used as well as all of our clients and most of our friends.
Good luck

Bob K