
vacation in Ukraine

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hello there, I'm planning a vacation to the countries of the Eastern Europe and would love to include some Ukrainian cities into my trip. Any recommendations?

See also

Living in Ukraine: the expat guideUkrainian BridesTravel to Ukraine 2025Transferring money to and from Ukraine. during warMarriage to a Ukrainian man

Hi, depends on a season, when you plan to come.
Main interesting cities are Lviv ( middle age architecture same as in Poland), Chernivtsi (regional city on the west of Ukraine), Odessa (beautiful big city near the Black Sea, good in summer), Kyiv ( the capital of Ukraine, big cultural, economic and historical city).




hello ooogra

if you want culture good scenery then i would say Lviv. The only place for the Sea and a nice city to visit is Odessa. I am a little by use as i live there. Kiev is like any capital, Busy expensive and full of places to go. But for a rest , come to Odessa/ you can fly into Odessa , and fly or train to Lviv or Kiev. Or do it anyway you wish. Very easy to do the trains are normally over night. costs about 600 UAH/
really easy



thanks for the answer. I'm going in mid January. As far as I know it's Christmas holidays there so I guess the trip will be colorful and interesting. Most probably I'll go from Krakiv to Lviv. But now cannot decide where to stay. Not something expensive. But a nice, clean place will do. I've looked up in google and found places like Premier Hotel Dnister and Reikartz Medieval Hotel  and Danylo Inn  which fit my criteria. Any feedback on those?

Also, Odessa sounds like an interesting place but since it's winter, is there anything good to do or visit. Any festivals, interesting markets or winter fairs?


hi there
mmmm holiday here finishes, on the 8th January. Kyiv and Lviv have snow at the moment. Odessa his chilli about 2 degs. In winter there does not seem much to do , but Lviv always has concerts on. If your Ukrainian is good then theres a lot on see There is always things to do there. for Kiev
As too the hotels i cant comment on as i know nothing about them, for myself i have learnt it a lot cheaper to rent a small apartment. IE. for one week About $100 or £90.00 or 3000 UAH. you just need to buy food. But if you require a little pampering then Hotel is best LOL.



Greetings Ooogra .
Odessa was lovely on spring and summer .  I hear it it is miserable in winter .  Blasts of winds . Minus 20 or more degrees Celsius at times .    Exquisite Peter the great onward architecture  .and parks .   Oh the Opera house !!  Superb .
    Wether this can be appreciated in arctic gales is up to you .  Buses  4 to 5 hour journey to Kiev . (  must see ) .  Pity  Putin took Crimea .  We should all be friends  in Christian brotherhood  .   The west is not the  threat to Russia.   
   Martin is spot on .

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