
Extension of Slovenian temporary residents card for UK citizen.


I am a U.K. citizen and have a TR card but am concerned that after Brexit when I come to renew my TR card or apply to switch it to a PR card I will be denied as I will no longer be an E.U. citizen. Does anybody know if this will be the case if I meet the 4 years and 2 months residence in Slovenia requirement? The Slovenian government website is not too clear on this.

See also

Marriage in SloveniaCerco lavoro in SloveniaRetiring in SloveniaSouth African citizens living in SloveniaFilipino mariage with boyfriend in Slovenia-Which visa to marry there?

I'm in a similar situation. I've owned a house in Slovenia for the last five years and currently spend 5 months of the year there, and had planned to retire there full time in the next two years. I've had a temporary residence card for 4 years and it's due to be turned into a permanent one at the end of 5 years, but that takes us after the accursed Brexit date.

I don't know and I don't think anyone else knows what will happen - including UK, Slovenian, or EU administrators or politicians. I'm very afraid that my rights to stay will be curtailed if there is no ring-fencing of citizens rights, and even if there is we might fall into an in-between status as we haven't achieved permanent residence status yet.

Living in Slovenia has been my dream for 32 years, losing it would be more than I could stand.


Hello , you can apply for permanent  residence after 5 years of  residency wihout break .


Hello   I believe nothing crucial will happen   .... they treat you now as any other foreign .
But  Brexit seems to me very unrealistic project , It is more easy to enter EU  than  exit....



The British Embassy has been holding meetings with UK citizens living in Slovenia.  They have just taken on extra staff to deal with Brexit.  Documents have been prepared and are helpful.

I would contact Nina at the Embassy.  She is the Ambassador 's assistant and is very helpful.

Just a hint - temporary residence is meant to be for at least half a year every year.

I hope this helps.




I recommend you contact the British Embassy in Slovenia.  They have recently enlarged their team to cope with Brexit.  You can also give them your emAil address and they will keep you in informed and up to speed.

I hope this helps.



Thanks Ann,

I will contact the embassy.

As far as residence goes, well, it would cost us thousands in tax over and above the UK tax paid so we have made arrangements for TR in Hungary for me (flat 15% tax) where my GF has a PR card and will buy a cheap property there. We can then spend only 180 days in Slovenia so that we don't become Slovenian tax residents. Fortunately we are both retired and we can wait to see how the rules will change after March. If we are married then I hope to be okay with staying in the EU because of her HU PR card. By the time my TR card runs out in Slo in 4.5 years my then wife can get Hungarian citizenship and PR there for me.

or we could pay c, 30% extra tax to Slovenia (as we take UK dividends not PAYE).


You should contact the British Embassy in Ljubljana.  They have been doing meetings to meet British people living in Slovenia. They have a Brexit team in place now.  The latest information was that if you are living legally in Slovenia (temporary resident or permanent residen) then if there is a deal then your life should stay 'broadly ' the same.  If you are temporary resident then this can continue.  Freedom of movement has not been agreed.

You should confirm this with the Embassy.  Ask for Nina!

Best wishes



My husband is retired.  He is tax resident in Slovenia now.  It works out slightly cheaper than UK.  Tax allowances are age grades so as a pension he pays a lower rate - definitely nothing like 30%.


Thank you again Ann,

Firstly I have phoned Nina but she will not be in the office until Friday.

Secondly, I receive income as dividends, not pension which only incurs 7.5% UK tax with the difference being subject to Slovenian tax that is why it is so high. I could draw down pension and thank you for the advice, I will look into that. Just one question, is that state pension or private?
Thanks Mark


Hi Mark

The Slovene government does not tax you on state pension.  John is only taxed on his private pension.