A2 milk

Hi, Where can I buy A2 milk from at KL? Is there any everyday home delivery service of farm fresh a2 milk available? Desperately need it.

I dont know what A2 milk is but Dairypoint KL might be able to help or advise
https://www.facebook.com/dairypoint.kua … 1534047719

I forgot to mention this specialist homeware mall

And if you want anything bought, collected and delivered https://bungkusit.com.my/


Thanks Gravitas!

But this isn't a2 cows milk

I'm looking for the same product, did you manage to find it in KL?

A2 cows' milk from Australia, brand Australia's Own, used to be available in Village Grocer and some branches of Aeon before the coronavirus hit. Since then it's been hard to get hold of. No doubt supplies will be resumed once the mass hysteria dies down.

Greatly appreciate Cobolin, this can be a great sub, do let us know if you have any leads on desi cow's milk or ghee, thank youuu!!