Do you like Egypt?
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Hello Guys and Girls
Just wanted to know honestly your opinion about Egypt, some Americans don't read Egypt's history, and they think that Egypt is a desert, and their people don't know anything, and they also think that Egyptians still riding Camels, so what is the meaning of "we still riding camels" does that mean that there are no cars in Egypt or what?lol
I was talking to American customer today, and he was like: do you think that Egypt is a country, it is just a desert, and he was shocked when he knew that am Egyptian,he thought that all Egyptians don't speak English
So, I replied on him and I was like:well you can check Egypt history, which is longer n more important than American history, if you are talking about UK, Russia, Germany, so yeaah these countries have long history, but what about America, they don't have long history like others, America has infrastructure, but no long history like others
Anyway I just want to collect opinions, what is your opinions about Egypt country honestly to know and to exchange the views with each others
For me, I love this country because am Egyptian,I know that we need to enhance alot of things here because deterioration in Egypt appeared clearly from more than 30 years
Hope for Egypt the best of the best, as it is really a very nice country, but we need to clean it first and to change our selves too
Americans and British are professionals to talk bad things about other countries, like Mexico, Egypt and others, making derogatory comments..
i love my country (méxico) and i like so much ur country semsema and i tink they just speak because not know the meaning of what it is to have culture..traditions..and much less history that distinguishes.. and make them feel proud of what they are!
i hope visit egypt very soon!
Thank you sweeety, we r really hope to see you here in Egypt, egyptians will be so happy to have a new mexican citizen, we will be honored with that,am not attacking Americans seriously, but their problem that they don't study Egyptan's history,they only studied their history in their school, so they shouldnt judge others before knowing their history, and they speak in an arrogant way, iam very nice with them, egyptians used to be nice with everybody, and we r so helpful, but they have an attitude, not all of them, but most of them
FOR BRITAIN,they r more educated,they have long history, and they study others' history, i love Britain than America, coz British ppl are nicer than Americans,
Really it is better to understand others' history and cultures, n then u can talk, but Americans don't know our history to talk, most of them dont,
I love canada aloooot, they are very well educated, very sweet, n they understand well, Russians r amazing, german,
My concern is to understand the things before you talk
Thank u again my mexican friend, and i really hope to see you soon in Egypt and to be friends
Have a gorgeous day
you too.. and believe me ..i will need a friend like you there thank..and u too nice day!!! xD care uu!
ashofek bokraa!
The title of this discussion is "Do you like Egypt" so please concentrate on the initial topic. (give your opinions about Egypt).
Thank you very much.
Very Interesting topic
a year ago I got a Polish friend, it was his first time to visit Egypt. and the 2nd day I found him Shocked of Egyptian population and how we can cope,and he found people nice and cooperative with him "Im really proud of being Egyptian"
btw, he thought we create a new language using Cars alarms, then I found out that "it is real ,we did it "
If you want an honest opinion then you should not feel offended by what I say. I've been here with my husband since more than two years now and being here, we stopped expecting someone on their appointed time becasue 98% of the time, the person never shows up. You really surprised me here, that an Egyptian is questioning Americans about their lack of knowledge. Usually in Egypt the only nationality that recieves humanly treatment are Americans!
Hyboin, good morning first, you are right, i love criticism by the way very much, but I do notlike to say something you don't know about, I meant,for example:"you couldnt say that Egypt has no history or it is a small country & it is a desert only"because it is not
Concerning the appointments, so am really with you, I know that we have lack of punctuality, so I respect this criticism because you said the truth, we are bad in this point, but believe me, am not, but yeah Egyptians are bad in giving appointments.
Concerning the knowledge, I have american friends from Houston by the way, and they have lack of knowledge about what is Egypt, i was talking with my friend and telling him that most Americans think that we still riding camels only, and egypt is a desert only,and my american friend was like:YEAH, the truth that most Americans don't know what is Egypt, and they think that it is a desert
Moreover, I was talking with American customer, and he was shocked when he knew that am Egyptian and speak English, he thought that egypt is nothing, and i told him to google Egypt to know who we are, believe me am telling you the truth that I saw.
For you: you said that we are bad in appointments, and you are right, so i respect your opinion, because you said something you know about us and it is a fact on us, and i know that we have some defects here n we r trying to do our best to enhance them, and to enhance the education
I respect your criticism because it is correct, i know that we have lack of knowledge about alot of things too, because of the education, and you are living here in Egypt, so u know how the people here were suffering from more than 30 years, we couldn't imagine how the people are poor, and they die because they couldn't find the food to eat, so we did this revolution, because we lost everything, we lost knowledge, dignity, money,so we r really in a hard situation, but we will be developed because we want to
America are more developed that egypt for sure, they have infrastructure, education, they are organized, but sometimes they r really tough, and they don't know Egypt history
Hyboin, it was really nice talking to you, and hope you are not mad at me, because I respect all of you
Dear All;
The following words represent my point of view:
You cannot judge a place, a human being or a thing
..anything unless you experienced it.
For example: you cannot judge food unless you tasted it, and disliking it does not mean that it is bad as it could be liked by many others, but when it comes to the majority who got an opinion towards or against something then you are free to be with the majority whether they like / dislike or with the other party as this is what I call democracy: you believe in something and accept those who are against it
at the end all of us live on earth.
yes I like the land, my relatives and relatives, my memories, the good manners of egy ppl and the nile
I hate the negative qualities of egyptian without any details as any egyptian knows it
I hate making the religion as a minor issue in our life
I hate the careless and selfishness
I adore it
i had a chance to live in many other countries but simply cant leave the best country in the world (4 me)
we lives in egypt and we do not making the religion as an issue in our life and every one knew will it. if any one do not knew this fact I request him to buy one ticket for Mary Girgis"it is not called Amro ben Al AAAz mosque" station and he will sea how religion in egypt is not issue and there are no minor the church beside the mosque from Thousands years when islam and still strong we do not making religion as an issue
i have lived in many countries around the world but nothing felt like a home away from home as Egypt has. Im English and yes we like things to be on time but its not just Egypt with that problem i assure you. I have to be honest that when i found out i was coming to Egypt i did think of camels and donkeys in the streets! but since ive been here i can honestly say its anything but! The country has an amazing ethos which makes you feel so relaxed and safe as soon as you get here. Ive never seen such a happy amount of people in one area. Yes the revolution was a standing point in your history now and shows the restraint and equality that the country has. I love it here and not just because of the sun. but like anyhere you have some ppl who like it and some dont. its not about opening your mind to new ways its about excepting or not plain and simple. like it or dont come here lol. and please no bad things about english people. i know in the years gone by we werent the best in your country but at least we respect it!
Thank u so much for ur reply, I respect ur opinion so much, and by the way, and I dont have anything bad towards english people, In contrary, am learning from them, and i have alot of english friends, but as u said, when it came up the idea that ur coming egypt, u remembered the camels and donkeys lol, but you didnt attack us:)
Anyway it was nice to know u n to talk to u
Have a nice day
Well actually its an old topic but need to be refreshed nowadays, as more expats are logging and will really need to know there opinion concerning this critical topic!
Thanks semsema for this intersting issue
i come from a week and i already adore this country and sea is charming,but i must take care in my clothes
Nicky1 wrote:i come from a week and i already adore this country
and sea is charming,but i must take care in my clothes
hehehe, Take care of them indeed , it is better to swim with all ur clothes on and ur mobile too and ur laptop as well
Dear semsema135,
This one of the question where I would not be sure to ask,but since you did I will try to be honest with the good and the bad sites of being in Egypt. I want to apologize if anyone feels offended with my message here.
Egypt is one of the Countries who really has a very long history and also a very powerful, but what happened to these people who ones were so powerful and smart (building the pyramids, till now not possible)? They are replaced with people (not all) who does not have respect to anyone or anything, who just cares about him/herself. I always tell my friends (Egyptians also) you really did a very smooth revolution which I admire as a Turkish citizen considering our revolutions from the past, but you just left the revolution after. The first day I came back after the revolution from my vacation I was amazed how respectful people were to each other unfortunately this kept going only for 1-2 weeks. If I compare that time with today and before the revolution (no political involvements) it is sometimes really worst. Egyptian people are in my opinion one of the smartest people which I met in my life, but instead of using this for their own countries good they prefer to use it for themselves. I am proud to be Turkish and also more proud to have really good friends who are Egyptian. Considering the information about Egypt that it is a desert, geographically seen it is correct since over 60% of the country is desert, we cannot blame people who do not know anything about a country and still speak about them as you described because this is what they have been teached and did not try to learn more before they judge about the country they speak of. It is our duty in such like situations (expats living in Egypt also) to tell them what kind of a country Egypt really is.
Regarding holding on appointments or similar things this is something which people do not want to change or learn here in Egypt (not all but the majority). As an example we are the same religion and the word inshallah is used in both countries but have to different usage's; Egypt inshallah = if a person don't wants to do what is requested (not all but majority) - Turkey inshallah = rarely used, only if there is a possibility that the request cannot be done and it depends on a small chance to be done. It is a point of view from which side of the window you are looking from.
Egypt has a very good chance to use their potential (which I believe they have very much) with all these people here in Egypt. We have a saying in Turkish " don't do something which you don't like to be done to you" if Egypt starts to think on this way there will be nothing standing in their way.
I hope it is still in the criteria of the topic itself
TurkeyForever wrote:Dear semsema135,
This one of the question where I would not be sure to ask,but since you did I will try to be honest with the good and the bad sites of being in Egypt. I want to apologize if anyone feels offended with my message here.
Egypt is one of the Countries who really has a very long history and also a very powerful, but what happened to these people who ones were so powerful and smart (building the pyramids, till now not possible)? They are replaced with people (not all) who does not have respect to anyone or anything, who just cares about him/herself. I always tell my friends (Egyptians also) you really did a very smooth revolution which I admire as a Turkish citizen considering our revolutions from the past, but you just left the revolution after. The first day I came back after the revolution from my vacation I was amazed how respectful people were to each other unfortunately this kept going only for 1-2 weeks. If I compare that time with today and before the revolution (no political involvements) it is sometimes really worst. Egyptian people are in my opinion one of the smartest people which I met in my life, but instead of using this for their own countries good they prefer to use it for themselves. I am proud to be Turkish and also more proud to have really good friends who are Egyptian. Considering the information about Egypt that it is a desert, geographically seen it is correct since over 60% of the country is desert, we cannot blame people who do not know anything about a country and still speak about them as you described because this is what they have been teached and did not try to learn more before they judge about the country they speak of. It is our duty in such like situations (expats living in Egypt also) to tell them what kind of a country Egypt really is.
Regarding holding on appointments or similar things this is something which people do not want to change or learn here in Egypt (not all but the majority). As an example we are the same religion and the word inshallah is used in both countries but have to different usage's; Egypt inshallah = if a person don't wants to do what is requested (not all but majority) - Turkey inshallah = rarely used, only if there is a possibility that the request cannot be done and it depends on a small chance to be done. It is a point of view from which side of the window you are looking from.
Egypt has a very good chance to use their potential (which I believe they have very much) with all these people here in Egypt. We have a saying in Turkish " don't do something which you don't like to be done to you" if Egypt starts to think on this way there will be nothing standing in their way.
I hope it is still in the criteria of the topic itself
Turkeyforever, I clapped my hands in the work after reading this article. excuse me i didnt go against my self .i copied it to my mail and i sent it to my friends. thank you for the advices
I love Egypt, I have been here a little over 3 months and I think it's wonderful the timekeeping is not punctual but that's Egypt this country is not as square as other countless granted life is a little more round but that's a good thing! I am from the uk where how happy you are relates to how much money you have in the bank for most! Not all but a lot here there is room for everyone on all incomes eg if you are poor in the uk you can't live there is no accommodation you can rent so you don't you live on the street crime in the west in general is horrendous Egypt has just (reall just it's not over yet) overthrown a government and crime is lower here than anywhere in the west still there is no anarchy look how organised the revolution was amazing the uk just experienced riots for nothing! The people is what makes Egypt to me all that's needed is a little and I mean little organisation and improved education and we have solved every issue I believe needs attention after those 2 things are achieved leave Egypt the way she is she is older than anyone the history hear if nothing proves Egypt will survive anything this revolution in time will be added to the hundreds of others she has come though creating civilisation is not new to Egypt she has been doing it forever leading the world this generation will be no diffrent long live Egypt!
TurkeyForever wrote:Dear semsema135,
This one of the question where I would not be sure to ask,but since you did I will try to be honest with the good and the bad sites of being in Egypt. I want to apologize if anyone feels offended with my message here.
Egypt is one of the Countries who really has a very long history and also a very powerful, but what happened to these people who ones were so powerful and smart (building the pyramids, till now not possible)? They are replaced with people (not all) who does not have respect to anyone or anything, who just cares about him/herself. I always tell my friends (Egyptians also) you really did a very smooth revolution which I admire as a Turkish citizen considering our revolutions from the past, but you just left the revolution after. The first day I came back after the revolution from my vacation I was amazed how respectful people were to each other unfortunately this kept going only for 1-2 weeks. If I compare that time with today and before the revolution (no political involvements) it is sometimes really worst. Egyptian people are in my opinion one of the smartest people which I met in my life, but instead of using this for their own countries good they prefer to use it for themselves. I am proud to be Turkish and also more proud to have really good friends who are Egyptian. Considering the information about Egypt that it is a desert, geographically seen it is correct since over 60% of the country is desert, we cannot blame people who do not know anything about a country and still speak about them as you described because this is what they have been teached and did not try to learn more before they judge about the country they speak of. It is our duty in such like situations (expats living in Egypt also) to tell them what kind of a country Egypt really is.
Regarding holding on appointments or similar things this is something which people do not want to change or learn here in Egypt (not all but the majority). As an example we are the same religion and the word inshallah is used in both countries but have to different usage's; Egypt inshallah = if a person don't wants to do what is requested (not all but majority) - Turkey inshallah = rarely used, only if there is a possibility that the request cannot be done and it depends on a small chance to be done. It is a point of view from which side of the window you are looking from.
Egypt has a very good chance to use their potential (which I believe they have very much) with all these people here in Egypt. We have a saying in Turkish " don't do something which you don't like to be done to you" if Egypt starts to think on this way there will be nothing standing in their way.
I hope it is still in the criteria of the topic itself
Hello Serag, how are you, hope u will have a great time next Saturday and let me know who will win in the game;)
Well Serag, I agree with every single word you have said, but I wanna do some comments about what you have said above
You have said "what happened to these people who ones were so powerful and smart (building the pyramids, till now not possible)? They are replaced with people (not all) who does not have respect to anyone or anything, who just cares about him/herself"
And I agree with that, now the people wanna eat eachother alive, but am giving them the excuse, people are dying everyday, don't eat, treated in a very bad way, and we were very cheap
You know something, during the revolution, some looters attacked carefoor, the well known shop here, and I swear I have seen on the video a theif with a smiley face, he looks kind, and he is happy because he has stolen a bottle of mango and blanket to feed himself, can you imagine that!!he just wanted to live and eat Sereg:S.
In addition to this, people are suffering from Illiteracy, lack of education, and 40% of the ppl are under the poverty line,
So people are replaced with others who don't respect anyone or anything, who just cares about him/herself.
And I also agree that "people after the revolution were amazing & so helpful, but this was changed now because ppl became selfish", they were oppressed for more than 30 years, and they want to take their rights by force which is not right for sure and they don't recognize that we r in the transitional phase, and everything needs time to be changed
Moreover, you have said above that "Considering the information about Egypt that it is a desert, geographically seen it is correct since over 60% of the country is desert, we cannot blame people who do not know anything about a country and still speak about them as you described because this is what they have been teached and did not try to learn more before they judge about the country they speak of"
My reply is that you are 100% right, but my concern was that, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, means that you have to know the country very well before judging, and I will give you an example:
Am working in international travel agency, and I was talking with American customer, we were talking and then he knew that am Egyptian, he was shocked and was like:Ohhh, how come, you can speak English and you are Egyptian, and then he said that we are riding camels all the time and we use it as a transportation, and we don't have cars:D, I told him in a funny way:Yeah u r right, am speaking to you now while being on my camel,I was just trying to break the ice and to let him know who are we in a nice way,and for your info, the American customer was shocked when he knew that we have language schools, and we have cars, he thought that Egyptians are rubbish, and actually that annoyed me alil bit, but it was fine, and I don't blame them, as I have American friends too who r dear to me, but for sure I wasn't happy with their opinions:)
Concerning the appointments, we are so bad on it and we need to enhance it
Actually I hope to enhance the conditions here, and to decrease the harrassements in Egypt as it became bad here and the most important thing we should do is to enhance the education here.
Eventually, I would like to let u know that I do really love Turkey so much, It is clean and elegant country, am in love with turkish ppl because they are funny and they are good looking too;) kidding and isa i will visit it soon, specially Istanbul
Lonya wrote:I love Egypt, I have been here a little over 3 months and I think it's wonderful the timekeeping is not punctual but that's Egypt this country is not as square as other countless granted life is a little more round but that's a good thing! I am from the uk where how happy you are relates to how much money you have in the bank for most! Not all but a lot here there is room for everyone on all incomes eg if you are poor in the uk you can't live there is no accommodation you can rent so you don't you live on the street crime in the west in general is horrendous Egypt has just (reall just it's not over yet) overthrown a government and crime is lower here than anywhere in the west still there is no anarchy look how organised the revolution was amazing the uk just experienced riots for nothing! The people is what makes Egypt to me all that's needed is a little and I mean little organisation and improved education and we have solved every issue I believe needs attention after those 2 things are achieved leave Egypt the way she is she is older than anyone the history hear if nothing proves Egypt will survive anything this revolution in time will be added to the hundreds of others she has come though creating civilisation is not new to Egypt she has been doing it forever leading the world this generation will be no diffrent long live Egypt!
OMG!!!Lonya, you are impressive, I swear you have drawn a big smile on my face, that is what I was always expecting from British people, I love them and am always learning from them
And I agree with you that we need to enhance education here and to get rid of this freaking anarchy, you are great Lonya
Very well said.
And big thx for your great words ever, I appreciate your love to this great country, Egypt and Egyptians love u back too:)
Have a great day
don moe wrote:Well actually its an old topic but need to be refreshed nowadays, as more expats are logging and will really need to know there opinion concerning this critical topic!
Thanks semsema for this intersting issue
Don Moe, thx for letting this topic alive again
Good Job;)
Really its just my opinion i am flawed by how Egyptians d live there lives where i come form more people are interested in making a quick GBPound at anyone's expense so don't thank me thank the amazing and kind Egyptian people i have had the pleasure of meeting.
This is a great topic to share thoughts over its the one things we all guaranteed to have an opinion on! haha
that should read i am floored by the way not flawed!
semsema135 wrote:don moe wrote:Well actually its an old topic but need to be refreshed nowadays, as more expats are logging and will really need to know there opinion concerning this critical topic!
Thanks semsema for this intersting issue
Don Moe, thx for letting this topic alive again
Good Job;)
u know me i can start a war if i want
Egyptians, be proud! This is a wonderful country and people are mostly wonderful too.
I have lived and travelled in Europe and USA,(I'm South African), and find Egypt more human, more friendly and certainly I have the freedom to walk around at night - popping out at 11pm to shop, great! This is very very rare! And such a luxury!
People are humans and flawed and fun - other countries seem clean and organised, sure, bit then why are millions of the citizens on Prozac, in therapy or burning the place down? Look at England recently, the rage in Greece....think about this and compare it to 25 January!
Then pat yourself on the back, say Alhamdulillah I am Egyptian and appreciate what you have.
Foreigners with bad attitudes...ignore them! If they don't like it, they can go home, although they probably moan a lot there too. We know that Europeans, Americans etc come to South Africa for the sun and it is cheaper....we didn't beg them to come and it is pretty rude to criticise, insight and ideas, yes please....but moaning, no thanks: if it so obviously a problem, we know already.
Egyptians are very polite and kind to people and listen to complaints that they could just ignore, so don't take it to heart.
VirginiaFatma wrote:Egyptians, be proud! This is a wonderful country and people are mostly wonderful too.
I have lived and travelled in Europe and USA,(I'm South African), and find Egypt more human, more friendly and certainly I have the freedom to walk around at night - popping out at 11pm to shop, great! This is very very rare! And such a luxury!
People are humans and flawed and fun - other countries seem clean and organised, sure, bit then why are millions of the citizens on Prozac, in therapy or burning the place down? Look at England recently, the rage in Greece....think about this and compare it to 25 January!
Then pat yourself on the back, say Alhamdulillah I am Egyptian and appreciate what you have.
Foreigners with bad attitudes...ignore them! If they don't like it, they can go home, although they probably moan a lot there too. We know that Europeans, Americans etc come to South Africa for the sun and it is cheaper....we didn't beg them to come and it is pretty rude to criticise, insight and ideas, yes please....but moaning, no thanks: if it so obviously a problem, we know already.
Egyptians are very polite and kind to people and listen to complaints that they could just ignore, so don't take it to heart.
Spot on Virginia Fatama! i concur!
For me, it's like a never ending love and hate relationship :-) I mean I love Egypt, and I miss it terribly when I'm not here, but there are things I hate about it, like seeing poor and sick people on the streets, animals in bad condition and so on. It's really heartbreaking.
But there are also so many things I adore about Egypt, like the ancient history, all the beatiful places, kindness of the people here and more....
Sousou88 wrote:For me, it's like a never ending love and hate relationship :-) I mean I love Egypt, and I miss it terribly when I'm not here, but there are things I hate about it, like seeing poor and sick people on the streets, animals in bad condition and so on. It's really heartbreaking.
But there are also so many things I adore about Egypt, like the ancient history, all the beatiful places, kindness of the people here and more....
Honestly, i totally agree with you concerning the poor citizens and animals too, thats why we made the topic for volunteering in Egypt.
Dont be complicated, how can it be never ending love and hate relationship.
About Ancient History, just tell me who can never love it!
Kindness, it really depends!
Egypt is lucky not more.
I know it is sad and upsetting to see poor people- this isn't the point- it is the comparison with other places. For example- in Russia people freeze to death sleeping outside; in USA there are many, many desperately poor people living in appalling conditions and many beggars ; in London people young and old sit begging and sleeping on the pavement in the midst of incredible wealth and people simply ignore them ; in South Africa people are often drunk and poor, so money can't help them!
In India, well, ask anyone who gas been there. So I don't deny that many people are having a very hard and terrible time, but the idea that other countries are so different is just not true - their poor are not on tv or in movies, unless they set fire to something.
I saw an article in last week's Guardian newspaper that reports that one third of EU citizens will have a mental health problem at some stage.
And that's the thing, when you have everything, that us rich, democratic country and you still have these problems, it is harder to fix that in places where the problem is more obvious. If people have everything and they are still miserable, what can one do?
So Egypt is not perfect, but on the scale of things, for me, it rates very highly and it is very significant that people are so concerned about their fellow Egyptians hardship. It shows people care - the poor receive little sympathy in many western countries - they are seen as a problem, a pimple on the fair skin of western democracy!
Look at Norway.....can anyone even imagine something like that here? Columbine? Fred West? That man in Austria who imprisoned and raped his daughters for decades and all the neighbours and his wife claimed they didn't know!. Please......
Dysfunction is harder to fix than poverty.....
Egyptians have a level of grace and kindness that is unusual., and quite remarkable.
VirginiaFatma wrote:I know it is sad and upsetting to see poor people- this isn't the point- it is the comparison with other places. For example- in Russia people freeze to death sleeping outside; in USA there are many, many desperately poor people living in appalling conditions and many beggars ; in London people young and old sit begging and sleeping on the pavement in the midst of incredible wealth and people simply ignore them ; in South Africa people are often drunk and poor, so money can't help them!
In India, well, ask anyone who gas been there. So I don't deny that many people are having a very hard and terrible time, but the idea that other countries are so different is just not true - their poor are not on tv or in movies, unless they set fire to something.
I saw an article in last week's Guardian newspaper that reports that one third of EU citizens will have a mental health problem at some stage.
And that's the thing, when you have everything, that us rich, democratic country and you still have these problems, it is harder to fix that in places where the problem is more obvious. If people have everything and they are still miserable, what can one do?
So Egypt is not perfect, but on the scale of things, for me, it rates very highly and it is very significant that people are so concerned about their fellow Egyptians hardship. It shows people care - the poor receive little sympathy in many western countries - they are seen as a problem, a pimple on the fair skin of western democracy!
Look at Norway.....can anyone even imagine something like that here? Columbine? Fred West? That man in Austria who imprisoned and raped his daughters for decades and all the neighbours and his wife claimed they didn't know!. Please......
Dysfunction is harder to fix than poverty.....
Egyptians have a level of grace and kindness that is unusual., and quite remarkable.
it is what really I believe. Egypt negatives is such any like other countries. But Egypt POSITIVES is Hardly to be found in more civilized countries.
Thank you for the general overview u have given to us
I am a British woman married to an Egyptian man and I love Egypt. I love the people who are warm and friendly and have a wicked sense of humour, I love the fact the place never sleeps, I love the weather, the food, I love hearing the Adhan 5 times a day and praying (I am Muslim). I live in Alex and love the city. My crazy city with the impossible traffic. I love the social neighbourhoods where everybdy knows everbody and look out for each other, I love family life and visiting and having family visit. I love the fact the power can go off wth no warning,I love the sea. I love when it rains (people at home do not think it rains here and Boy can it rain!!!!!) I love the unreliable telephone and internet. I love haggling with the market sellers and shopkeepers, I love the helpfulness and respect I am shown here. Whats not to love about Egypt?
alexscot wrote:I am a British woman married to an Egyptian man and I love Egypt. I love the people who are warm and friendly and have a wicked sense of humour, I love the fact the place never sleeps, I love the weather, the food, I love hearing the Adhan 5 times a day and praying (I am Muslim). I live in Alex and love the city. My crazy city with the impossible traffic. I love the social neighbourhoods where everybdy knows everbody and look out for each other, I love family life and visiting and having family visit. I love the fact the power can go off wth no warning,I love the sea. I love when it rains (people at home do not think it rains here and Boy can it rain!!!!!) I love the unreliable telephone and internet. I love haggling with the market sellers and shopkeepers, I love the helpfulness and respect I am shown here. Whats not to love about Egypt?
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- Water Safety in Egypt
The government claims the tap water is safe; however, every recommends that you do NOT drink it. It is best to ...
- Transportation in El Rehab City
Transportation can seem limited when you live out in Rehab City. Here are a few things I figured out.
- Traveling to Egypt with your pet
Can expatriates travel to Egypt with their pets? What are the relating conditions and formalities? Find out in ...
- Driving in Egypt
Are expatriates allowed to drive in Egypt? What are the relating conditions? Find out in this article.
- Lifestyle in Egypt
Find, in this article, all that you need to know about the Egyptian lifestyle: traditions, cuisine, festivals, ...
- Setting up a business in Egypt
Looking forward to set up a business in Egypt? Where should you start from? Find out in this article.
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