Hello! I am new to expat.com and have been searching the internet regarding the topic of residency in Cuba. I am a US citizen so OFAC regulations and doing everything per our laws is an important thing for me.
I have been married for a little over a year now to my Cuban wife and we have been patiently waiting for her US visa interview. Due to the current political situation, we are not sure how long this process is going to take so I am considering applying for residency in Cuba in order to stay with her until that time comes. I have flown in and out of Cuba around 9 times now since the day we met and have extended my visa the maximum allowed timeframe each trip so I know how to live and work there.
Are there any US citizens on these forums who have residency in Cuba? Does residency restrict me from traveling back to the US? Does it subject me to other laws in Cuba or the USA that I should be aware of?
Thank you for any help you can provide.