Thanks for answering that for me Ricardo ... Now I have to concede to my friend that he was right all along and I was wrong.. He will be happy to hear that.. me say I was wrong. lol.. I am surprised though especially valium over the counter.. The USA has really bullied other 3rd world countries into restricting those types of drugs, in a way it is refreshing that Cuba can't be bullied by the US. On the other hand I remember reading a blog by Yauni Sanchez Sp? the young cuban feminist, and she wrote an article about housewives using valium like drugs, to dull the repetitiveness of life.. I thought it can be just as repetitive here in Canada.. maybe more so. I think in Canada it is hidden more.. but folks here can be just as controlled, but by debt. I had a conversation once with some Cubans about debt, and they could not fathom it.. ha ha a harsh reality for most here.
Anyway thank you R58 for answering that question for me.. What made you want to be an expat?
take care
Are you familiar with the south/west.. Gramna province? I really the natural landscape of the south.. the mountains... Have you ever flown into Manzinello sp? ...