Rent a flat or a house in Cuba
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Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Cuba. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Cuba.
Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you:
Which kinds of accommodation are available in Cuba?
Is it hard to find a flat or a house for rent in Cuba?
How to find a home in Cuba: classifieds, real estate portals, real estate agencies?
How much is the rental for a house, an apartment?
What are the formalities or the required documents for renting an accommodation?
Which advice would you give?
Thanks in advance for participating!
Hi Christine, I thought I ought to tell you that I have actually been in Grand Baie and I have walked in Mauritious including going up to the top of the "piton" from which there is a marvelluos view. The only similarity between Cuba and Mauritious is that they are both islands and both grow sugar.The housing supply in Cuba is almost non existant, with usually two or three generations living with perhaps two bedrooms - very difficult for young couples and the divorce/separation rate is very high.La familia is very important and there is a lot of generational interdependence. The pension is 200 pesos a month (equivalent to 8 US dollars). The usual daily rate to rent a room with en suite bathroom at a casa particular is 25 CUC (25 dollars). But if staying for a longer period out of season, it would be possible to do a longer term deal at a lower cost.Casa particulars are taxed by the Government and are a form of tourism revenue.
Thanks for your contribution MacDuff!
Sorry that my responses are intermittant, but I spend half my time at home in Cuba and although I take my lap-top, there is no access for the general population to the internet.
Welcome to Cuba! Its almost 2 monthsnowthatIm living in the center of La Havana in a cuban family House where there is 4 different rooms, so if u r looking for a nice place to stay, come to my place !
[moderated: please post in the housing section]
It is againstt the law for foreigners to stay in a private Cuban home or to rent accommodation in a private Cuban home unless it is a registered Casa Particular. Foreigners who have been issued a personal visa by Cuba, may stay in a private Cuban home.
where im staying its a casa particular !! and everything is legal because the family pays a licence the the governement... its not very expensive and the family is very nice ... contact me for more information kiss
i will like to know how much is a room, am coming for a visit with my friend from Ghana need urgent reply
is it possible to rent an apartment in Havana for a month, not a private room in a house but an independent apartment? can anyone assist me with this. thank you!
Best advice I can give you is to contact:
It is run by a fellow named Raul Fuentes and he is very helpful!
anastasia_max wrote:is it possible to rent an apartment in Havana for a month, not a private room in a house but an independent apartment? can anyone assist me with this. thank you!
It is; they give you the key at check in and you give them the key back at check out
To whom it may concern,
My husband and I are looking for a long term rental for six months at a time. We would like to buy a home but we realize it is very difficult to do. Is it possible to get information on this?
Thank you.
Look for specific sites. Good start is
You have to speak/read Spanish.
kind regards,
My wife and I spent several winters in Cuba and our Canadian friends who live there told us a few months ago not to visit Cuba until things improve. The prices have increased 100 percent or more for food and drink and expect to spend a full day searching for food supplies and if your lucky enough to find some groceries then expect to wait in a long long lineup. In Cuba now you have to purchase most things with a credit card and this is a real pain in the butt. Yes you can purchase a few things with Cuban pesos but the exchange rate is terrible at the banks, it fluctuates from 18-1 to 25 -1 , meaning 1 CDN dollar exchanges for 18 - 25 pesos. BUT you can easily find people on the street who exchange money at a much better rate. 50-1 for Canadian Dollars and 60-1 for American dollars. Example: A beer in most restaurant costs 170 pesos and for example if you exchange your money at the bank and receive a 25-1 rate you will pay $6.80 CDN for one beer. If you purchase the beer using the black market street exchange 50-1 then you will pay $3.40 Canadian for 1 beer. I used one beer as an example and to note most restaurants don't even have any beer to sell. Note: You have to use a credit card to buy things like groceries because these stores don't accept pesos.
Most of the little stores are closed or they only sell water, Most of the restaurants are also closed. The prices to rent casas have increased by about 20 percent and you can easily rent a casa or apartment on AIRBNB. The one thing I can't understand is why do Cubans charge so much to rent an apartment? You can easily find a modern 1 bedroom apartment with WIFI and access to a pool in Mexico for $600 Canadian a month and a very dated apartment in Cuba costs around $1050 Canadian Dollars a month and this apartment would have no WIFI or pool access and like I said most apartments in Cuba are very dated. The landlords in Cuba are going to have to lower there prices if they wish to compete with other Caribbean Countries.
The world health organization has still not approved any vaccines from Cuba.
This winter we are spending the winter in Mexico.
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