How I can transfer "micro empresa individual"in another state

Hi..i am foreigner here in brazil and have RNE (permanent Residency).in september 2016 I registered micro  empresa individual and got CNPJ.i also paid per month tax of this  micro empresa upto February 2017.
After that I went to my home country I came back to brazil in February 2018.
Now I am in another state and I want to transfer my micro empresa in this city where I am living.
Let me know how I can transfer it here and I need to pay tax of all those month which I lived outside of brazil???if yes then where i will pay this tax??
If someone has experience about it explain me in details,

Go to the same cartório in your new city - probably the "Cartório RTD/CTPJ"- where you registered your business originally in your old city, and tell them what you want to do.  They probably know how to do it.

Well but I think so its not matter of cartorio..its looks like that it's matter of Prefeitura or contabilidade

CNPJs are granted and registered at a section in a prefeitura for the "alvara" or the permission to operate. Accordingly, you should inform at that section of government.

I know that the waiting time is about 8months to establish a new business at your new city due to bureaucracy involved like fire dept clearance etc. But it might be the only solution...


Thanks for replying..

Let me know brother if I want to closoe this empresa then how is it possible?
If I go to close to this micro empresa then I need to pay taxes of all months when I was out of Brazil??


I realize that you left Brazil with your microempresa (small business) open. Receita Federal wants a yearly tax filing on your small business and also your personal income as the owner and operator. There are taxes to be paid like:

    •    Imposto de Renda Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ)
    •    Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido (CSLL)
    •    Programas de Integração Social e de Formação do Patrimônio do Servidor Público (PIS/Pasep)
    •    Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (Cofins)
    •    Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI)
    •    Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS)
    •    Imposto Sobre Serviços (ISS)
    •    Contribuição Previdenciária Patronal (CPP)

In order for you to close the business, Receita Federal and Ministerio de Fazenda want a certification that you and your small business don´t have any indebtedness on taxes and to other businesses associated with you. I f you had an employee, I just also remembered that you should have deposited money for his FGTS (Fundo de Garantia
do Tempo de Serviço).

It´s a very complicated matter so please read on: … a-empresa/

If you want to transfer your microempresa to another city, again read on. Use Google translator if you have to... … sa-custos/
