
Best neighbourhoods for families in Sao Paulo

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We are a large family (2 adults and 6 children ranging from newborn to 7).

We are planning to move to Sao Paulo and am wondering which are the best affordable neighbourhoods to accommodate our family.

Your suggestions will be much appreciated.

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Real estate listingsAccommodation in São PauloAccommodation in BrazilAccommodation in BrasiliaAccommodation in Rio de Janeiro

Hi guys,

Well it depends of your budget. For a 3 bedroom house or apartment in a good neighborhood I would say something like R$ 3.000. You can choose from Vila Mariana, Saúde, Bela Vista, Cambuci (all are close to the tube station) areas. If you want upper class I would suggest Alto de Pinheiros, Vila Madalena, Morumbi and Butantã.


Some of my suggestions are going to be completely off the beaten path, so bear with me.

1.Mooca ( Alto da Mooca or Upper Mooca ).  It used to be said that once a Mooca Yokel, always a Mooca Yokel ( or Moqueense as they 'd rather brand themselves ). Mooca was an italian enclave filed with factory mills,  mom and pop business.  Not Trendy but clean. If a burglar broke in or someone was up to no good, rest assured the old maids would stick their nose in.   Even if you do not choose it as a your home away from home, make a point to sample world quality pastry at Di Cunto at Rua Borges Figueiredo.  For your home search trek, stick with Av. Paes de Barros, and Rua do Oratório as your reference. The Lower Mooca is urban fashionable but it is meant for the younger empty nesters.

2.Vila Romana. No one ever mentions this neighorhood, and it is a crime.  Again, same demographics as Mooca.  A lot of the old factory sites gave way to apartment complexes.  The Vila Romana borders with Alto da Lapa and Agua Branca, so it has different and distinct sections.    Places like rua Tito, rua Clélia ( take a time to stroll through SESC Pompeia ).  Also lurk around Pompeia and Vila Anglo Brasileira.

3.Perdizes.  A lot of folks do not like Perdizes because it is hilly.  True.  They forget to mention a College Town feeling.  Good place, decent curbside appeal, an upper middle class enclave where you still can afford to find good deals on housing ( rent or buy ).

4.Upper Bom Retiro.  This is Garment District, so lots of Jews, Koreans, some Chileans. There is a bit of Urban Grit in Bom Retiro, but the public schools, art museums, workshops, and houses of worship are worth a hard look.  Besides the place is hyper connected to subway and rail lines.   

5.The upper Campos Elíseos.  White Middle Class fligh left this hamlet without much of an identity, and the lower part being close to a shody piece of old downtown makes one to ponder. The Upper part, is actually affordable andl livable.  Along the high numbers of Alameda Barão de Limeira.

6.Vila Buarque.   There is actually a lot of good findings out there.  Old neighobhrood with loads of old buildings and its closeness to upscale  Higienópolis makes for an interesting place to dig.
The lower part, by the Elevated Road, is forgetable. 

7.Bela Vista.  Streets as São Carlos do Pinhal, Rua dos Ingleses, Rua dos Franceses, Rua Martiniano de Carvalho are actually quite appealing with decent curbside appeal.  All of which are close to world class hospitals. And I should mention, imune to water shortages.  Lower part, by the Baixo Augusta, you might as well forget about it.  Either too trendy or too trashy. 

8. Higienópolis and Santa Cecilia.  Hard to score on the cheap, but very livable and convenient.  Stroll by any street, specially Higienópolis, and you will spot Hasidic Jews, Nannies taking kids to school.   

9.Vila Mariana / Vila Clementino/Saúde.  Can't go wrong with them.  Loads of schools, hospitals.
Anything you can afford on Rua França Pinto, Rua Joaquim Távora, along Vergueiro and Domingos de Morais is fair game.  Just avoid the lower part towards Av. Ricardo Jafet.   You want to be on the Ibirapuera park side. 

10.Campo Belo and Moema.  Avoid being close to the Airport ( Na Rota ) while in Moema, as the planes landing noises can be quite unberable.   Also consider Planalto Paulista, if you are moving around town on your car. 

11.Jardim Anália Franco- Vila Gomes Cardim - Tatuapé by the subway.  People from outside quite underestimate these places, and do so out of sheet ignorance.  The curbside appeal is terrific, and rivals some of the best streets in Jardins for a whole lot less.   We are talking 400-500m² ( 4500 - 6000 sf ) range sized  apartments that can go for nearly as much as half of the Jardin's equivalent in Real Estate.

12. Alto da Boa Vista. Good schools, close to a lot of multinationals, the US Consulate.  Quite an enclave. 

Tony Costa.

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