
CIE Delay

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Hi , I would like to check if anybody face the same issue with the CIE Card Issuance.
I am father of Brazilian Child we applied for the CIE Card since December 20 and they told us that they will send email when it become ready.
Till now i didn't receive email and the protocol which they give to us doesn't have  RNE Number

Is it normal

Thanks for your kind support

See also

Marriage in BrazilTravel to BrazilRetirement in BrazilExpat death in BrazilHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

Did they give you a printout from the SINCRE system with your protocolo?  The printout has your RNE number on it.


No there is no RNE Number on the printed paper with my picture .. just the protocol number
When i asked the employee in PF he told me we have to send your documents to Brasilia first and the system can't show the RNE directly .


Strange.  That may have to do with the implementation of the new Law of Migration, and all the new regulations.
I registered with the Federal Police on November 7, 2017.  They gave me the protocolo with my picture that did not have the number, and a copy of a computer printout that did.  I stapled a copy of the printout to an authenticated copy of the protocolo, and used the two together as my ID until my CIE came.  You could call the PF, and ask if they can give you something with your number.
They told me that my CIE would take at least two months, but it arrived in one; hopefully,  yours will come soon.  Don't forget to check your spam folder every day .


Thanks abthree ,

I am out of Brazil Now .. i will ask my friend who has power of attorney  to check with PF

Many Thanks


The email notifications from Policia Federal don’t always work.  It is highly advisable that your friend just goes directly to the Policia Federal and inquire with the “estrangeiro “ help desk.

More than likely by now it should be ready


My friend went there and they told him that it need more time ,


Go back to the police federal and ask for a syncre .the CIE number will be on it. Good look.


It is delaying for me as well. It has been just over two months since I applied. I went to Policia Federal a day back but they said my CIE still has not arrived. I guess I would have to check back in a few more weeks.

On the online portal, it always shows "Atenção: Nome não encontrado! ". I guess due to the legislation changes, it is going to take its sweet time.

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