
Moving to Brasil

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Hi Everyone:

I am a American/Brasilian living in Atlanta GA at the moment with a 6 month old daughter and Brasilian wife.

I work in NJ and curently travel there for work at the moment for 2 weeks and then home for 2 weeks. I would like to do the same living in Sao Paulo Brasil.

My income will be in Dollars and will keep my "residency status" in USA for work reasons but family will live in Brasil I will go back and forth. I have flight benefits so a flight to the USA will run about 340 dollars and I have student loans here running at 340 dollars a month as well so there is 680 dollars a month for work and student loans. The remaining amount left will be 2240 dollars for expenses in Sao Paulo Brasil.

My life style is simple I have lived and grown up in the north east of Brasil and so has my wife with a simple lifestyle. So my question:

Is 7500 reais income take home a good income in Brasil monthly?

I don't need to live in the city can live outside and have found a few houses for rent in the range of 2500 reais a month no IPTU and not in condominio in "Parque terceiro lago" what do you think of this area? 4 bathroom...3 bedroom...240m^2

My idea of expenses in reais:.

2500 rent
1000 food
1000 gas,electric,water,phone, internet
1000 kids schooling etc
No car
Insurance with USA and employer

So I am estimating and rounding to 6000 reais expenses a month. Leaving me with 1500 reais about for savings and other expenses.

Am I overlooking anything?
What do you think of this idea?
Expences about right?

My wife might also find work and I have also thought of bringing items back from the USA and sell them in Brasil leaving this to my wife to do from home. Items like I can bring in 500 dollars worth every trip of 2 weeks from the USA.

Thanks so much for reading all this and thank you for the support to this crazy idea of mine.

See also

Living in São Paulo: the expat guideRenting an apartment- newcomer in BrazilTranslatorReal estate foreclosure auction stats Sao Paulo stateNew to Sao Paulo - Giving birth soon

Why don’t you try and live in Florianopolis or another developed city where expenses might be a bit more cheaper?

Overall budget wise I feel that it’s a decent amount


Easier flight to JFK for to delta because of benefits


2200 USD will not be enough imo especially with fees for a good school.

Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable have only 450usd left at the end each month with a family to look after. Birthdays, days out, sporting actives, holidays to spend time with your family should be taken into account.

When I have been to SP, I found it very expensive. More then Rio.


Hi Cal900:

Thank you for your opinion. Just to clarify:

My daughter is 6 months old so schooling is down the road.

Also in my budget I placed aside 1000 for schooling but my daughter, as I said, is only 6 months old so it will be a little while until she is ready to go to school. Family is also close and no need to have wife work if baby is at home and that 1000 can go somewhere else.

Also 1500 reais left over after all monthly expences are paid rounding I believe my budget a little higher then needs to be already  is a good amount for outings etc.


Wernerkenney wrote:

Hi Cal900:

Thank you for your opinion. Just to clarify:

My daughter is 6 months old so schooling is down the road.

Also in my budget I placed aside 1000 for schooling but my daughter, as I said, is only 6 months old so it will be a little while until she is ready to go to school. Family is also close and no need to have wife work if baby is at home and that 1000 can go somewhere else.

Also 1500 reais left over after all monthly expences are paid rounding I believe my budget a little higher then needs to be already  is a good amount for outings etc.

What are pre school and nanny costs like in SP? Your wife could work as well which would dramatically reduce the stress on you.

Anyway if you think you can do it, my advise is to try it. However the flights and time away from family is something nothing can prepare you for. I currently spend months away at a time and I hate it every single time.


I completely agree in regards to being away from family. I am doing it now for two weeks away and two weeks used to it and not too bad.

Nanny costs not too sure but her family will be close by.


Thank you for the response. I agree on the rent aspect but found a nice 3 bedroom 4 bathroom house for 2500 in parque terceiro lago right near the Masanic park...seems nice will be checking it out.

lifestyle is very typical Brasilian...cook at home...normal meals...PBJ is soemthing we dont consume for example unless here in the States or I bring it from here...will be traveling every two weeks back and forth and can bring two big bags full of stuff.

Are there any other hidden costs in insurance etc? Did you just do the deposit? Of what two months?

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