New York Times and a Martini

Hi all,

I moved to Sydney in early Feb with my Aussie partner. We were in London before coming out here and traveled our way here over six months. After a slight detour in Cambodian/Bangkok hospitals for 3 weeks, we finally made it. I am originally American (grew up around Chicago but lived in WI for last 10 years).

Two things I'm on a quest for: the New York Times (particularly the Sunday edition) and a great cold, dirty martini with olives. Delic. 

If you have any advice on the former, please let me know (I'm one of those very strange people that hates reading newspapers online). If you want to sample the latter together, also give a shout.

Happy weekend!

Hi Lizzie,
I'm Denise. I just read your note and I too have recently arrived in Sydney a few months ago from Sth Florida.
I had lived and travelled all over the USA and Hawaii for more than 13 years. I was married to a Military guy some time ago. I was born here in Sydney. I have come back indefinately. I too love dirty martinis. I can't help you with the paper though. I am reaching out to you to see if you would like to come to my meet up at Circular Quay this Sunday at 1.30pm, 20th March. I have organised this meet up with lots of fun people at a coffee shop called "The City Extra" A 24hr coffee shop. I chose it because it's easy to find. Also if you would like to call me please do so on 0416-290871. I am reaching out to meet Americans who I love and miss and just to meet some great new people. or email
Look forward to hearing from you.