
Renew NM1

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Hola a todo el mundo,

I have a NM1 visa and I'm doing all the paperwork for the temporary residency visa; it looks good, last I went through the medical exam in SD and currently waiting for the card to be issued.
Waiting time suggested is 45 working days (I chose the VIP service)...
But a doubt rise in my mind now..
When I will receive the residence card do I have to apply for a Cedula (For what I understood it's a Dominican ID card)?
And, when the NM1 visa (the working visa) on the passport will expire how and where do I renovate it?

Thanks for all the info

See also

General visa requirements for the Dominican RepublicImmigration and Overstay IssuesMarrying a Dominican in the DR: tourist visa or fiance visa?Getting DR residency while already in the DRType of Visa?

When you get your residencia then you go get your cedula! Please let us kniw if this actually happens in 45 wirking days. I have never heard of it working.

I believe your employer needs to start the renewal of the work visa, but you may not need it. Once you have residencia and your cedula you dont need a work visa.


well... good news, about 55 working days after submit the request of the temporary resident card to the DGM (direction general migracion) the web site will be updated and you will requested to go to Santo Domingo to collect your card.
once there (go in the early morning about 8.00) take a number, give the paper u save from the last time with invoice and wait, they will call u for a picture and then wait again for them to print the card.
If everything is going to be fine you will be out before 11.30.
the card is going to expire 1 year after issuing date.

To request a new visa (working visa) the information I got it's you need your temporary residence card, working contract and penal certificate from police station where you're living (in DR of course).
With this documents you will (probably) have a new working visa.

I hope this information will help..



The 'penal certificate' is actually a certificate of good conduct obtained at Procuraduria.

The document is called 'certificado de no antecedente penal'. Since you currently don't have a cedula you will need to go in person with a copy of the picture page of your passport.

You can find additional information on their website: … o/procesar

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