
Evacuation from Tripoli

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I hope and pray every one is safe.
Can anyone update the Airport is open and international flights are operating?
Is emirates office is open?

I will appreciate your valid feedbacks


See also

Living in Libya: the expat guideExpats still here in Libya (Tripoli)?Need a guitarIB DeplomaHow to open a bank account in Libya?

I presume you are in TIP? 

AlJazeera are currently reporting the airspace is closed, whether this is correct I don't know ...

Keep safe!


Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.


lovedmydaisy wrote:

Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.

Would you care to expand on that...


Please can some provide the Info on Tripoli International Airport. working or not working and any contact number to get latest airline info in ENGLISH!!!


Tripoli airport should be open. More then one hour ago our first group left to the airport to get their flight from around noon. If we hear from them that flights are canceled i will post it directly.


I'm outside Libya at the mo, but my British partner is there.  Keeping an eye on things and wanted to let you all know that BA have cancelled their flight out of Tripoli today.  Goodness knows what the reason is, but they have decided not to fly.

So that is one less option available for today at least.


Latest news from one of our people standing outside along with thousands of other people for closed door in front of the airport. No one can get in.

As it seems, we're not out of here...


Just read this from the UK FCO web site

There will be no British Airways flight from Tripoli to London on 22 February. Commercial flights are available from Tripoli airport.  However, the majority of airport offices in Tripoli are closed until further notice.  We advise British Nationals who wish to leave Libya but cannot purchase tickets online to travel to the airport carrying sufficient cash to buy tickets. Problems with internet connections in Libya mean that electronic payments may not be accepted.


The Consular Section at the British Embassy is closed. British Nationals who need an Emergency Travel Document or other urgent consular assistance should telephone the Embassy on 00218 21 340 3645. The Embassy will be open for the issue of passports from 08:00 -17:00.

We have been notified by the Libyan Immigration Authorities that foreign nationals are now able to leave Libya without securing an exit visa.  We have not received any reports that British Nationals being held up at airport immigration because of the lack of an exit visa.


Latest update!
Our people past customs and are waiting to board. Flight do depart but with delay.
Airport is open!


Good news!  But I am still disgusted at BA.


I heard on the news this morning in Dubai that all Emirates flights to Tripoli have been stopped.

Fran Mc

Ok so that answers about exit visas..... ANYONe NOT LEAVING????


I heard people taking buses to Tunus. Is the road from Tripoli to Tunus safe? Since the airport is closed, is there any other way out of Tripoli? By sea?

Fran Mc

All Irish people This is your embassy link

They are starting evacuation. If you are not yet registered with them do quickly There is a link on that page. I advise you phone though if you can, or get someone from home to.

Irish citizens, either visiting or residing in Libya, are strongly advised to register their details with the Embassy of Ireland in Rome.   Please Click here to do so.

Irish citizens are advised not to travel to Libya at this time.

Two Aer Corps planes have been deployed to assist in the evacuation of Irish citizens from Libya.   The planes are on their way to Malta where they will be on standby to fly to Tripoli International Airport.

Landing permission has been sought from the Libyan authorities, and as soon as this is received, the Department of Foreign Affairs will be in immediate contact with Irish citizens to inform them of the plane’s arrival time in Tripoli.

An Irish Consular official will be on this flight and will be available at the airport to guide citizens to the aircraft.

Given that there is uncertainty around the length of time it may take to get permission to land, we advise citizens to make their way to Tripoli airport, if it is safe to do so, and to avail of any commercial or other charter options that may also be available.

As for me I am still staying put......


I just came from Airport and it is still open but at least 50.000 people at there.


My airport story,

Yesterday at 2.30pm we arrived at the airport with 11 people. We were all booked for the Lufthansa flight. As we had tickets to show, we tried to enter the airport by moving us through the crowd (at least five thousand mostly Egyptian waiting outside for a flight). Suitcases on our head, moving towards the sliding doors. One of us got inside but then people started pushing and things seem to get out of hands. We decided to go back and found people from the Dutch embassy. They advised us to wait for the military airplane from Holland which we did. At 8.30pm the people from the embassy escorted us in leaving one suitcase behind. We were told to take one piece hand luggage with us. By that time there was already security people in front of the door to clear the road to the doors. At midnight our plane took off to Eindhoven military airport.

If you decide to go to the airport, try to find an embassy agent or an airline agent to escort you in. The Dutch military airplane took off yesterday with 32 people from Holland and 50 from other countries.

Hope you're all safe!


Hello all - I'm a producer for BBC News in London.

We're keen to speak to any British Nationals stuck in Libya or recently evacuated.  Please could you email me on or call +44 20 862 49244 ?

If you have any friends or relatives in the country, I'd be really grateful if you could pass this message on if you get the chance.

Many thanks,

Henry Clarke Price


dredy wrote:

I heard people taking buses to Tunus. Is the road from Tripoli to Tunus safe? Since the airport is closed, is there any other way out of Tripoli? By sea?

news was reporting either BBC or CNN (i think) police at the border taking money and anything else from people leaving...the leave you with your passport and the clothes on your back.  it may be a scare story, but it was reported by a reputable station.


for those of you having trouble getting tickets on line, one of our staff contacted a travel agency in Jordan. Asfar travel i think, and managed to get tickets to tunis that way.

ASFAR TRAVEL. 0096265857292.  or 0096265857998


From Twitter:
Mags W
For Brits : Charter flight out of #Libya. From inside Libya : 021 340 3644/45. From UK 020 7008 0000. FO staff at Tripoli airport.
33 minutes ago via HootSuite


lovedmydaisy wrote:

Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.

aljazeera did their job. they reported the truth. personally, i think they deserve recognition for what they are doing. when dictators are calling you out, you're on to something

cheney was angry at them an US troops went after them, reuters and others during the iraq war. they wanted the "embedded" sock puppets. then it was mubarak's thugs trashing their offices and beating up and apparently raping reporters. shoot the messenger if you want but where i come from we want a free honest and open press.


kiwifee wrote:

Good news!  But I am still disgusted at BA.

this will disgust you more. we had booked and confirmed tickets for thursday...but monday decided that we'd better bail, so went to the airport with hopes of getting on a flight. my husband has millions of miles on BA and flies often and knows many of the ground staff. the guy at ticket counter would not check him in, saying the flight was full, some nonsense about fraudulent tickets (not ours) but they had problems and every excuse under the sun....our reading was that he was holding empty seats back for some reason of his own.

hubby went to ground staff and we got on. the plane left and there were 20 to 30 EMPTY seats. given the situation and the number of people at the airport, this is criminal IMHO.


Dear Canadians in Tripoli,

I'm writing to you from CBC News Network at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. I hope you're all well and safe.
We are following the situation in Libya very closely today and are very interested in speaking to Canadians still in Libya and maybe looking to come back to Canada.
As you know, the foreign affairs minister has announced that planes carrying Canadian nationals will be leaving Libya tomorrow.
We would like to speak to you over the phone. If you think you might be interested in joining us, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I can be reached at or 416-205-5669.
Thank you very much,

Carolina Rzeznikiewiz
Associate Producer
CBC News Network

Fran Mc

m0j0working wrote:
lovedmydaisy wrote:

Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.

aljazeera did their job. they reported the truth. personally, i think they deserve recognition for what they are doing. when dictators are calling you out, you're on to something

cheney was angry at them an US troops went after them, reuters and others during the iraq war. they wanted the "embedded" sock puppets. then it was mubarak's thugs trashing their offices and beating up and apparently raping reporters. shoot the messenger if you want but where i come from we want a free honest and open press.

REALLY DID THERE JOB, yes  they reported, but they have made it clear that they did not check their sources.. MOst of what they report is hearsay, from people OUTSIDE LIBYA. I live here, I am STILL here, and I am hearing about a totally different country on Al Jazeera...... Ok they did bring attention to the situation, but they are far from neutral......the facts WILL stand for that


Fran Mc wrote:

the facts WILL stand for that

from what i am seeing, more and more of the "hearsay" is being substantiated as more and more places become free and information with video and personal accounts. i don't know where you are Fran, but i lived less than 500m from green square. i heard the gunfire and the machine gun fire and we watched the mercenaries and the bussed in "supporters".


if you are an Indian
Just check for Indian evacuation plans … 110223.htm

and the Indian Embassy contacts :

Embassy of India
Nafleen Area,
Near Fashloom Roundabout,
P.O. Box No. 3150,
Tripoli, Libya


The turkish company my husband works for booked all seats of an egyption airline plane for the date of 24feb.

They went out in large group 130 persons of (managers and workers) Of same company.

They reached to Tripoli Airport at morning between 9 and 10. Got to the plane at 2 after midnight. (The flight time was at 9:30 at night). Late around 5 hours.

In the same day they transit from Cairo to Istanbul.

I have not talked to him yet for details. Some of them included my husband who have residence, do not have (check out Visa). made it OUT!

Maybe it is all about having a (confirmed ticket).

For me I went out in 22Feb.

When I reached over there it seemed like it is impossible to get in. Am talking about thousands of people blocking the way to the gates.

When the security started to beat peoples who's infront of the main gates ( which i think are 3 ) with sticks I saw the people's tsunami running away toward my side i started to run also crying and screaming loudly like crazy, then I got dizzy and passed out.

I remember someone was dragging me inside and put me on chair which was inside one of the entrance gate someone was slapping me and washing my face with some water. I could hear was some sentences like
( We are in airport and that we are inside everyhting will be ok)

Return to be normal within a few hours. My plane was late around 1 hour.

I could not find an opened shop outside that sells water or food. I was thirsty and hungry I begged for a bottle of water and got it!


ExpatLibyan wrote:
lovedmydaisy wrote:

Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.

Would you care to expand on that...

To lovedmydaisy: I'm also waiting to hear more about what you meant by that.

Al Jazeera tells it like it is. They let you know when something is not confirmed. The Libyan regime will not allow them to report from inside. That should tell you something.

If you don't like them, there is always the Libyan news agency, where they have the news handed to them from the regime itself.

Good luck with that...


TexasEX wrote:
ExpatLibyan wrote:
lovedmydaisy wrote:

Fck the Aljazeera, Engligh and Arabic, for indirectly putting those in Libya in jeopardy.

Would you care to expand on that...

To lovedmydaisy: I'm also waiting to hear more about what you meant by that.

Al Jazeera tells it like it is. They let you know when something is not confirmed. The Libyan regime will not allow them to report from inside. That should tell you something.

If you don't like them, there is always the Libyan news agency, where they have the news handed to them from the regime itself.

Good luck with that...

hi every body i wish to all of u to arrive to ur family safely.

first of all i believe that all the Arab media take a good attack on Libyan system
the problem is that the news on the line is all from what they herd from the telephone calls only no any real journalist in the scene to describe how it's happen , every day they said tajora is on fire i go to all tajora and madina and see nothing except one time some "kids 15-20" fire police station and tires they even said there is a bombing in tripoli???? .

the question is what will happen to this country after the police man of this planet "U.S." come to this country and take the rule by the rules "curios only on oily country" and take it's hummer down UPON US.

yes. what will happen is't anther disaster like Iraq or haven like japan!!!

after some country!! take all of our oil what will happen.
Can u assure that no one wanna to take any thing from this country and all the other good and see that they r wanna change.

sorry for Out of topic but :
1 america UPRISE just after the first oil site is stop  working.
2 they need anther military station beyond Egypt"alittle different now" to protect israel
3 when sadam Husein was supported by US he kill Thousand fromuprising people and no one take a d@m move
4 see this country divided to 2 now if eastern one win there will be divided then to 5 and they will fight each other and believe me the world police will never come to rescue .
5 CAN'T U SEE IT 75% OF VIDIO IS Shows protesters carrying guns and rocket lunchers or firing any thing in their way



Hi There Dr. Ezoo
To be honest, end of the day this is your Country, Your Pride, Your Future, Your Dignity
We can see many democracies around the globe which I personally found it more of 'Pseudo' democracy, that is my personal opinion and I shall hold my rights not to discuss further on these issues.
There is nothing better than solving your problems within the country, there is always a price to pay for help, and help always lands up with exploitation of yet another order, hence, whether East or West Libya, this country is yours, and decisions between you people will be the best, and the outcome more productive.
Most of the leading countries, rose high because other countries were facing the aftermath of natures wrath, or wars of different orders, it takes time to rebuild, even your country faced a lot, hence it will take time to rise and take a solid path...'Rome was not built in a day'
Those always rise above, who know what they are, and the World aint matter!!
Aint matter!!!
Cheer Up hunnie!!!
Its a matter of time, all the best!!


dr. ezoo - from what i am reading the us or anyone else for that matter will not enter into this conflict unless asked to do so. the no-fly zone will be support to the councils and at their request.

the last thing the US or western gov'ts want is another iraq or iran. there's no turning back for those seeking democracy - the long reach and long vindictive memory of the regime they are up against has been well documented.

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