
Replacing Expired Debit and Credit Cards from the USA

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Hello to Everyone, I ordered a New Debit Card from my Credit Union and they sent it "Regular Mail", (4/11/2017) needless to say it never arrived (I wonder Why/lol). Anyway the Credit Union reshipped the card using FedEx and now the story gets interesting, the card arrived in Brazil as scheduled, it was slated for Delivery on a particular date, I'll spare the details of the dates, yet all of the following has occurred in the last 2 weeks. The card arrived in São Paulo for distribution and delivery to my address in Belem, got the notice of delivery ,well on the date of delivery as I waited with baited breathe (lol) nothing, 2 days later I recieve a notice package awaiting customs clearance ok, then 2 days after that I recieved a notice "importer (me)" must provide information such as social security number etc,etc, or some form of number for Clearance of Shipment ok, so I finally was able to contact the FedEx Office in Sao Paulo and found out my CPF number was required so I provided the number, to only be told I need to call back the following day once my CPF is verified and perhaps i may get a delivery date. So I'll keep y'all posted on the next hiccup???. So I guess the moral of the story is if you need a new debit or credit card shipped to you make sure your financial institutions know that your CPF number is required on the package and perhaps you won't have to wait as long as I have. It's been a total of maybe 40 days and nights????
I'll update the activities as we progress. And above all Have a Nice Day.

See also

Banking in BrazilOpening a Brazilian bank accountStill need some Help/advice---BankingWise Multi-Currency Debit CardThoughts on Banks and a Update for my situation...

I had this just happen to me, LOL! Be prepared for Fedex to demand R$50 for delivery.

My card was in Sao Paulo for 2 weeks while I desperately tried to get my CPF to them and then another 2 weeks here in Goiania Fedex distribution center while I contacted Fedex each day to ask when it will be delivered...finally got an answer of pay us R$50 and we will deliver.


The cpf thing must be new I had one sent by FedEx no need for cpf but I did get charged R$54.



Well we all know thangs (lol) change here every frickn milisecond, so today I was told I need to monitor the progress (lol) as of now it is still awaiting Customs Clearance????. Jim did FedEx send you a Notice When it Cleared or did you have to track the package?.
And now a word from our sponsor#, (lol)


Okay the Package has been "Cleared", it is scheduled for delivery 05/25/17, before 6pm.
Now let's see if there is a delivery charge?. I wonder if this is something the shipper fails to share with the sender and recipient. I am going to follow up with shipper for it makes no sense to have to pay for delivery?. And another thing is the Office of Delivery hidden like most are in the US for to save on the delivery I will gladly take the bus (lol). Just a mild rant.


As the Saga continues. Well the Package was scheduled for delivery 05/25/17 as we wait with baited breathe??? As expected "No Delivery". Kkkk/lol.


It took 2 weeks and my letter was in the same city as me...they want that R$50, LOL


Craig, it's a marriage made in heaven  (lol) just tracked the package and it says "In Transit/ No Delivery Date". I just love my marriage to the Package Carrier.smh/lol.
The ransom is not the problem (lol). I'm willing to pay 5x the amount (lol). I'm happy I got my CC with me and it's working fine (lol). After this fiasco, I may seek a divorce from the Carrier! (Kkkk/lol) all the while smh/wth. Just a small RANT.


Tracking Update: Scheduled for Delivery Today?????????............. to be continued (lol)


Okay, ding, ding round 8 bottom of the 9th, the package finally got delivered after I put my Bo$$(Wife) on the phone and that took a half hour plus, anyway it seems the Card issuer left out a portion of the address, the carrier instituted it's on address go figure, and then I got a notice the card would be delivered Monday (wth) I I have the card in my possession now, so now for the activation fiasco I was directed by the 866 number the call was not Toll free and International Phone charges would apply, once I called the 866# was unable to activate the card(lol/kkkk) and  was  directed me back to my Finacial Institution(lol) now it gets better the Bank gave me a#,called the number and got Jarod who stated this is not a number for activating cards, thanks Jarod for I would have probably given you the number of the card and the security code, meanwhile back at my bank 13 emails have now transpired on activating this card, yes I tried both numbers the second time(per my banks request/lol), I tried the 513# I got the employee voice mail  ( now I'm really laughing and howling). I tried the 866# and was directed back to my bank. Stay tuned for the fun is really beginning now. I did not have to Pay a Delivery Fee (ransom) for the package (lol).


This is becoming a 12 rounder and now I'm into extra innings top of the 13th (lol) as I go to bat one last time (lol) As of now the Bank Activated the DC for me, for one the 866 wah,wah,wah # kept directing me back to my bank for activation (we have exchanged 20+ emails/lol). I was given a number to call other than the 866# see above posts and I reached the employee voice mail system????, somewhere in the 20 emails my bank tried the numbers and got the same results. Mind you this is a Mastercard not some fly by night card issuer (lol).
Now the game and fight is finished, no winner. I can currently use the Debit Card for Credit and Cash Withdrawal at a Local Bank?????? No ATM until Pin arrives in the Mail (3-4 weeks/talvez)(lol).  I tried to withdraw cash previously at a Local bank and the teller directed me to a ATM. Now the question is does anyone know of a large Financial Bank where one maybe able to get cash using a Mastercard?. According to my Bank there should be No Fees for cash withdrawals at a Bank????. I wonder if my Bank knows Brazilian Banks?????. That's my story everyone have a Gr8 day.


"Ho" how the rich live


@Spanishpete, ain't rich just tryn im in " Survival Mode" (lol) there like we know who "they are", the system is trying to Starve me out!/lol,smh all the way to the bank#/lmbo. Just trying to buy food and some beer (lol). The wife is all ways Hungry#/lol.


i know the feeling... just trying to survive,,
in my case just trying to find people the want to pay your bill after you have done some work for them


Do you have an address in the USA where you can have the pin sent and then have someone email it to you.


Pete I feel your Pain, finding work that will pay and trusting those to pay in a timely manner is like having a Wisdom Tooth pulled with a pair of vice grips (lol) and your neighbor is the local Dentist (lol)

Jland912 it's to late for its in the mail????. It's not so much the Pin, it's all about access to everyday commodities like food and water beyond that cash is a problem for it draws attention.

I'm going to try and make a purchase this coming week and see if I can buy some pound/ bread and maybe a ice cream bar so I can cool down from this fiasco. And the bread may settle  my stomach if not the cervaza / beer may help (lol). Challenges of Life in Brazil = Longivety, not prosperity.


There are a few places that my debit card doesn't work. You will still need the pin to use it as a debit. Let us know if it works for you.



i belive there's not alot oh honour in this city,


Jland912 thanks for the headsup. According to "The Bank"(lol). I can use it for "Credit". It's been so long I can't remember using the Debit Card for Credit purchases whether it required a Pin????. I'm going to give it a try this week and will share my findings (lol). And another thing (lol) The Bank stated they (whoever "they are" may have created a Pin and emailed me the #", I'll also give that a try (smh).
Spanishpete  it's brutal in this economy, I'm surprised people contract work, with no intentions of paying on completion and all of a sudden your the Bad Guy for wanting to be paid for services rendered. I'm learning some good lessons in my area??????.

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