Withdraw FGTS from outside Brazil for non-Brazil workers

I am an Indian. I worked in Brazil in 2013-2014. Currently Im in Australia. I am planning to withdraw FGTS but was informed by Brazil embassy that FGTS withdrawal was not possible from CaixaBank in Australia anymore (prev possible). Is there a way to contact Caixa Bank either through email or call? Or can someone guide me in withdrawing FGTS from outside Brazil

09/27/23 @rjax87.  Good afternoon.  You might try contacting Caixa through their Agência Digital, here:

https://www.caixa.gov.br/agenciadigital … fault.aspx

Tried  61 2107 5700, not working. Whatsapp has a menu list which does not have info im looking for.


I am almost certain you would have to do this in person at the bank in Brazil...

@Peter Itamaraca My friends were able to withdraw FGTS before COVID from Sydney, so was wondering if it can be done. Do you know if its possible that my Power of Attorney can do it on my behalf?

@abthree tried another number which got connected but she didnt know English, so that didnt go well for me

    @Peter Itamaraca My friends were able to withdraw FGTS before COVID from Sydney, so was wondering if it can be done. Do you know if its possible that my Power of Attorney can do it on my behalf?


Maybe best to ask your friends how they did it...?

    @Peter Itamaraca My friends were able to withdraw FGTS before COVID from Sydney, so was wondering if it can be done. Do you know if its possible that my Power of Attorney can do it on my behalf?


You would only be able to possibly use a Public POA, if it mentioned specifically a power to represent you to claim the FGTS.

09/27/23    @abthree tried another number which got connected but she didnt know English, so that didnt go well for me   


Unfortunately, their site says that telephone service is only available in Portuguese.

If the FGTS app is available in your Google Store, you might give that a try with the help of Google Translate.  It appears that the app only needs your CPF and personal information -- birthdate, etc.