
CPR number



I'm moving to Denmark with my Danish boyfriend in the summer. I'm currently on maternity leave and getting paid each month until August and then I will be leaving the company. While I have this time off I wanted to get over to DK and get some things in order. I was wondering if I can get myself a CPR number while I'm technically still employed in England?

See also

Getting married in DenmarkTravelling to DenmarkIssues with CPR de-registeration if I am coming back in a monthPR for doctors and dentistsImmigration to Denmark
Nellie Berg

How to Register for a CPR Number

To register for a CPR number you must apply to your local council (kommune) office, when all of the following criteria are met:
Your stay in Denmark must last more than three months.
You have residence in Denmark.
You are legally entitled to stay in the country (in terms of documentation, this means a residence permit/registration certificate).
You must notify the local council within five days after the conditions mentioned in sections 2 and 3 are fulfilled.
