
Police clearance certificate from Spain


Hello all!

I'm wondering whether any of you on here have ever had to get a police clearance certificate to validate that - during your time in Spain - you had no criminal record?

I have an Indian passport, living in Dubai, planning to migrate to Canada, and lived in Spain for 18 months when I was studying for my Master's in Madrid.

There is info on the website (which I've read thoroughly so please don't post me any links from the Ministerio de Justicia page please :-), but a lot of conflicting information flying around, so I'd just like to see if anyone has had any practical experience and can give me some pointers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



See also

Getting married in SpainTraveling to SpainCustoms in SpainTransporting kitchen knives on the trainGetting my NIE or TIE

You used to just go and get, or apply online, for the certificate to prove you had no criminal record. Now you have to use the Ministry of Justice site and ask specifically for the certificate that says you have no sexual offences before you can work with young people.


Thanks. But that's not the certificate I need, since I am not applying for a job to work with young people. This is purely for immigration purposes, so a general clearance certificate suffices.


The antecedentes criminales is one of the easisest official processes I've ever gonethrough in Spain. i think I printed off the form and paid at a bank because I was having trouble paying online but I was inside the justice building for under ten  minutes and i came away with the police check.


Thanks a lot for your reply. I was actually thinking of flying to Madrid (from Dubai!) just so I can get the certificate, and therefore not risk missing something out via post and wasting all that time for the post to reach and then come back to me.

It's really comforting to know that it can be issued almost immediately. Can I ask what kind of ID you presented at the Justice Department to get the certificate?


They can only process the criminal record against Spanish ID. I used my NIE - Foreigner's Identification Number. The check is only about Spanish Offences. There is a disclaimer that says that "you" may need to provide other proof from other countries.


On the website it says that a passport can also be used, as long as it is a certified true copy. I do have an NIE, but they would only need the number of it (not the ID as such) on the application form.

Yes, the police clearance is only required to show I don't have a criminal record in Spain.

What other proof from other countries could they mean?