
NIE support number

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I am a non resident of Spain but spend several months a year here.
I am trying to log in to the Agencia Tributaria and it accepts my NIE but asks for a Support Number as well.
I have never had a NIE card but have a certificate for my NIE, which I obtained in 2005. There is no number on my certificate. Please can you tell me how I can find it.

See also

Getting married in SpainTraveling to SpainCustoms in SpainSpain website for TIE appointments brokenRetiring to Spain from South Flroida. Need a virtual address.

An NIE is an white A4 page .  It is ONLY your fiscal ID number, nothing more.

The ‘card’ you refer to is probably ones EU citizens registration certificate.  It’s a green credit card sized piece of paper.

Or if not an EU national a plasticised card with photo and finger print


I would advise you to find a Gestoria , i am European citizen and speak perfect spanish and  even though  I had a nightmare to deal with all my docs /  I have one specific  gestoria to take care of all my taxes and she also have access with my digital firma is a lot of burocracy and you get nuts .

Also for the residence documents I made myself and would NOT advise anyone to do it by themselves  , the best is find again a Gestoria but in this case they need to be specific for / EXTRANGERIA/  and they can deal with all  / easier , and  worthy the time you spend to get impossible citas and headache with the treatment you get .


If you don't have it already it might be because you need the Digital Certificate. I couldn't log into any government websites until I had that installed on my computer.

If you have/get a gestor or asesor and they do anything for you on any of the government websites they will need the Certificate installed on their computer (it can only go on one at a time), or will have to remote into yours.

David Nelson

If you have any ID card, either resident or not, there must be a number on the top right of the card about 8 digit and one alphabet at the beginning of numbers. My card is permanent resident card and i am not sure what ID card you have. If you only have a piece of paper then you are not assigned that support number because you are non resident.


I am trying to pay a speeding fine. I went through a radar trap in February 2020. I returned to the U.K. 10 days after the offence  which would only have cot €50 euros if I had paid it in 14 days. However I was not notified before I returned home. I did not return to Spain for 19 months due to Covid restrictions and found a letter in my mailbox dated October 2020! It has become a nightmare trying to pay the fine which I knew nothing about.

David Nelson

Mistake you made was, you should have simply visited the community of Madrid or any other city you used to live in your area to pay that amount, also on line. Now you came back after pandemic, unfortunately it is pending fines and interest over that amount and your bank account will be garnished as soon as you are back and have Spanish bank account. There is no escape with this. so you need to go to the community of Madrid to see what can be done before the whole thing gets out of control. … -in-spain/


Hey there!

If you have the NIE from 2005, then I guess it's the green A4 sheet of paper? I've since traded mine in for the smaller green card, and more recently the TIE.

However, from what I can remember, the old A4 style NIE has the support number in the top-right corner of the page (it could be any other corner, but for some reason I remember it as there). It should be 6-7 digits I think (mine is 7), with no letters or anything like that.

When you go on the Agencia Tributaria website, and it asks for the support number, I think it needs to be 8 digits long in total, so you have to add the letter "C" at the start and then as many "0"'s as you need after the C to make a total of 8 numbers. As an example:

Your Support number is: 1234567
To get the Agencia Tributaria website to accept it, you need to enter: C01234567 in order for it to be 8 numbers in total.

I hope that makes sense, it's a bit fiddly.
Cheers, James


The support number is on the back of the old Green NIE card. You could try visiting your local National Police office and see if they can  match your NIE number and Support number from their files.
If you are on the Padron then it might be easier to go for the TIE.


I don’t think that I have a support number because I am anon-resident.


I never had a green card. My NIE is on a white sheet of A4 paper.


1. After Brexit, you can spend 90 days in 180 in Spain visa-free. To spend longer, you will need your residence permit.

2. Because of the Withdrawal Agreement, you may be able to say that you have acquired residence rights in Spain (if you got your NIE to buy a property back in 2005). So you might want to consider applying for your residence permit, they are still accepting applications from British Citizens. It's not necessary, but gives you extra flexibility for longer stays.

3. They have help info to tell you where to find your "support number". Unfortunately, this would be on your TIE or your registration certificate. I don't think it's on your white NIE certificate.

4. However, I don't think this is the site to pay traffic fines. I found some helpful info (which includes the website for paying fines) here: … -in-spain/

5. I'd imagine if you went in person, you could explain the situation re: Covid and not seeing the fine for 19 months. However, it's probably not worth the aggravation, unless the fine has increased every month and now stands at a whopping 1,000 euros. :-)


Thanks for the information Gwynj - I tried to pay the fine twice, with no success, even with a teller in La CAIXA Bank. The fine had been transferred to the Agencia Tributaria hence the problem with support number! I have asked several people who have also never has a plastic card.


Hi, this issue with the support number threw me at first as well the first time I needed it.  If you have an A4 certificate from 2005 then you its probably the same style that I had too and the suport number should be a number in the top right corner, thats where mine was.


His Blanco is a temp registration for non EU to enable purchases and transaction during 3 -6 month. It does not have a support number. You have get a sita at tributaries to sort this out.
See!/-blo … nie-verde/
Nie support umbers … lido.shtml

Eddie Stewart12

@daphne24 it's not on the back of mine. Just the numbers on on front, top right without a letter like James above. It's an old cert from 2007. I'm trying to get the Cl@ve pin, I've even opted for the 'C' it's at the front with the 0 to no avail. So I've just asked for the postal pin. I am a full resident and not British, so the TIE is of no use. But thanks anyway 🙏


@Eddie Stewart12 Try and get an appointment for a "clave permanente" with your nearest tax office. They will give you a permanent number that you can use. You will need to set up the appointment online but don't need a clave pin for that.


@suebrierley10 there should be a pic indicating it was you

Eddie Stewart12

@obrienrory I was trying to upload a pic yesterday, think that I need to store it in another location 🤔

Eddie Stewart12

@suebrierley10 my 4

social security number is on the white sheet A4 and NIE on the green A4

Eddie Stewart12

@obrienrory sorry 🙏 I know what you mean now. The pic is for if you are getting a plastic card. In my case 2007 only the green A4 sheet starts to get confusing 😬😅

Eddie Stewart12

@obrienrory will do if I don't get the post reply. I was going to make an appointment at one of the 'named offices' who deal with the clave pin. But that's another challenge as they still don't receive phone calls. If everything still fails (knowing my luck) I'll do as you say 🙏

Eddie Stewart12

@obrienrory what is the difference between 'pin' and Permanente?


Does anyone have a recommendation for a gestor in Costa Blanca (or Altea specifically?)



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Did you ever manage to pay?  I am in the same position, and at my wits' end.  My NIE (white A4 sheet) is in Spain and I'm not going back until April.  I can't get past the automated options on the AEAT phone number without the support number.    I received the notification on 24th December and it was dated 19 November, way past the date for payment.  I don't have an electronic signature/clave pin, so payment by phone is my only option.  Thanks



Hi Sue

Did you get an answer to your question?

I am non-resident in Spain and own a property.  I have a NIE number, but to pay the non-resident tax online I need a “support number”/“numero de soporte”.  I don’t have an NIE card (and don’t know how to get one), only a letter informing me of the NIE number.  That letter does not give me a support number. 

So not sure how to get this support number, which is needed to access the online tax forms.




il faut choisir la predeclaration modulo 210.


Il faut aller dans Todas las  gestiones

  • impuestos tasas y prestaciones patrimoniales
  • impuesto sobre la renta de no residentes
  • modulo 210
  • todas la gestiones (dans le cadre)
  • predeclaracion.
  • voilà



It depends on which sort of document you have with your fiscal number on it.

The link has various images which show you where to find the número de soporte del NIE

It is not there to recommend any services they may write about. … tion-cards

If you have a white (non resident certificate) then I understand there is no support number.

This is an edit. There is no such thing as a letter only NIE. Where did you obtain this?


Thanks.  It is a letter from the Comisaria de Policia in Velez Malaga.

Jean Patrick Gautier

@elcerrillo2015Here you have somme information in my case (old certificate letter and UE citoyenship) i needed to add an C letter and an zero to obtain 8 digit like C09999999



I have no idea what you have.

This is a typical non resident Certificate looks like.



Im back in England but need to pay my electric Curengia bill & my Agamed water bill but I do not have my NIE number - I own my apartment is there any way I can pay online with a credit card? (I don’t remember ever having an NIE number even though I purchased a property in 2003 and have always paid my gas & electric bills with my Wise card).


@suebrierley10 … e-del-nie/





Maybe opening an account with N26 works, I am not sure though, if it doesn't work then from a WISE account



The NIE A4 sheet needs to get activated every 3 months as far as I know. You would need to go to a Police Office with your A5 NIE sheet and get it activated next time. Once you get a card maybe you don´t need to activate your NIE, not sure though !


The NIE A4 sheet needs to get activated every 3 months as far as I know. You would need to go to a Police Office with your A5 NIE sheet and get it activated next time. Once you get a card maybe you don´t need to activate your NIE, not sure though !

NIE sheets have not had an expiry date for  around 7 years now. It it happens you have one then it will say caduca en tres meses on it.


Yes, I confirm.

I've had the Nie for 4 years and it's still valid. I am not resident in Spain.

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