Romanian Marriage Certificate

After being married to a Romanian for 20 years we found out we should have registered our marriage in the USA with the Romanian government and get a Romanian Marriage Certificate.  Never heard of the requirement until last week.  From what I can find this is a process that is done through the City Hall of my wife's town in Romania.  This process is needed when my wife sells her property in Romania and has to show the reason for her name change.

I'm looking for the form that is used to start this process.  We think that each town City Hall may have their own.  Not sure. 

Up front I understand we'll need the US marriage certificate and my (US) birth certificate authenticated/Apostilled in the state we live in. 

We will be going to Romania in June 2017 so we wanted to get a head start on the documents needed.  If anyone has went through this we're open to suggestions/comments.


Yes, this should have been done within 6 months of the marriage date,  so expect to pay a fine up to 200 RON. You can accomplish the transcription at the Romanian embassy in the USA if she is a US LPR or US citizen now.  Also it can be done at the city hall, but keep in mind it takes 30 days.

Simply Google for the form (cerere de transcriere an a certificatalui de casatorie) and the requirements.

Good luck
Romaniac Experts Team

Thanks for your response.  We have done a Google search on all the variables and only get the form that requests a lost or replacement marriage certificate.  Have not yet found a link to the actual application.  Going to Washington DC is costly and time consuming so we plan to do it at the City Hall while in Romania this summer for a couple months.

We finally got this done in my wife's hometown.  The process was not easy nor structured.  It seams that each city has their own way of getting this done and it can even be different than what they may have posted on the city's webpage, posted in their office, or told you.  No two people had the same response.  The time line is very subjective to what your willing to pay.  My wife had to get a Romanian ID card in her maiden name (a convoluted corrupt process of its own),  then apply for the Romanian marriage certificate , wherein she could then get a Romanian ID card and passport in her married name (another convoluted corrupt process of its own),  One thing that is almost a show-stopper is that on the USA marriage certificate there is no indication of what your new married name is.  Just that John Doe married Jane Smith.  But on the Romanian marriage certificate it shows current names, new names, and parents names.  Of course all of this for an American is different and having the right documents, per that particular office, with translations/legalizations is subjective.  Of course there is no one office that does this and between the City Hall, ID Card Office, etc., it requires a lot of running around.  Notwithstanding any divorce documents, birth certificates, etc., that need to be translated and legalized, and God-forbid there is any spelling errors on any of the documents.  But the bottom line is you have to find that one person that can orchestrate the process and pay them a gratuity up front and any others that have power over the process...or you'll be waiting in lines that never go anywhere or get anything done.  Unfortunately, these are the kinds of processes that still keep people thinking of Romania as third-world country.