Ex pats in CraiovA.

Hello, I have a Canadian that maybe moving to the city very soon. I am curious about number of things however before we decide to come there. From what I've been reading on the Internet, I'm a little bit concerned. Please let me know if this stuff is true. I am hearing that the city is very corrupted. Also that the police are super corrupt and can be bribed by any gigs that wish to rob anybody. I'm being told  Buy my Romanian friend from Bucharest, that the city is actually a little bit scarier than most in regards to crime. Have any of you experience any of this? How long of you lived there and have you had any problems with break-ins? We currently live in Izmir, Turkey and we have had problems here with break-ins. I don't want to go through that again. I know in Naples I can pay the mafia off  to protect my house. LOL! is it possible to do the same thing in Craiova?   Also, I am curious about art classes and also language classes. I need to keep myself busy. I have been very busy where I'm currently living, and I don't want that to change. The other question I have is about stray dogs. It is been difficult here in Turkey.    I have a canine Bowen therapist and I have been working in the rescue field in this country, however it is soul draining. It is a never ending problem of stray dogs here. I have rescued many and brought many back to Canada. However I am not sure how much more my heart can take. It is a lot of work and a lot of heart ache. I have been told that the dog situation in Romania is even worse? Is this True? Are there any rescue centres located in the city? If I do decide to become involved with rescue again, I just want to know what's available in Romania.I hope I don't sound paranoid. with my comments about break-ins, but we've had some very bad experiences and TUrkey and I don't want them repeated..thank you for your help!

Welcome Eileen,

I'd recommend you read this topic: Safety in Romania

As for classes, please browse or post requests in the classifieds section, there are definitely some available even if they aren't posted on this site.

As for dogs, yes it's a problem, and yes there are rescue centers and shelters.

If I may ask, why are you considering moving to Craiova?

Expat.com Experts Team

I am born and bred here, so I know the city well. Craiova is not such a bad city to live in. As long as you mind your business and and do your stuff in a polite way, is nothing to worry about. Mind the shady/two faced ppl and keep in mind that the ppl in Craiova have a short temper. The crimes  you heard are not visible, they appear in the news as conflicts amoung bad ppl....like everywhere, I guess. My advice to you is to mingle with quality ppl and don't be afraid to say no to shady ppl. Don't act  like a victim!
Nowadays you will not see so many stray dogs in the street as it used to be, we have some dog shelters nearby.
Hope this helps!