
Romanian Driving Test

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Can everybody help me how to find the same questions asking in the driving theory test?I failed two times.I do not have any English book to study about the traffic law.I learnt from DRPCIV but the questions are not 100% same.Although the English in the computer test is really bad.

See also

Driving in RomaniaDriving in Romaniacar serviceTheoretical exam Romanian drivers licenseIndian license conversion.

I've posted information in the past that there is an English language version of the study guide available on  I would imagine the book contains sample questions/tests as well :)


I learnt from but the questions asked in the computer test were really different and not 100% same.I read from the forum that many foreigner failed driving test in Romania.Some of them paying bribes to pass driving test in Romania. I saw in is selling only for England traffic law and theory test kit.fuhhh.Everything is very difficult for foreigners.


Many fail the written test :) Romanians and foreigners alike!  Yes, also there is the culture and practice of bribing to passing the practical test, which explains why people have such disregard for rules and safety on the road.

While the questions you experienced may have been different and poorly translated, they are based on the same laws.  It seems you're trying maybe to memorize questions, and not the laws? :)


For Romanian is not problem to take driving theory test because their language and the questions in Romanian language are used perfect grammar .But the problem is theory test in English translated was given by Romanian police.Not all the police here can speak English. I was ex- Muslim and converted to Orthodox Christian in Bucharest, also need many paperwork here for conversion. Romania is a very nice country.but I hate corruption. :|


I have The same problem and I don't know what to do I did the exam twice and failed 😔
I found a website that provides you with tests but they are not the same 100%
Try it I hope it will be useful for you


Can you give the website about the questions to study for driving theory test exam?Thank you.



I think it needs admin approval because I sent twice but didn't appear


Alright.If rejected for third times,you have to pay fine 84 lei for retake fourth test.If you are not pass both theory test and practical test within one year,you have to resit driving class again at the  driving school centre.


hello, i have english book if anyone want contact me...


Do you sell  driving theory questions  book in English for 2017?


amanynr2005 wrote:

hello, i have english book if anyone want contact me...

Are you giving it away?


yes i have computer test as well and books as well. bcs i am also preparing licence test. i  have computer 30 test. esch test has 26 question..


Hello. Can u inbox me for further information? Does it 100% same questions in English translation  that will be asking in the exam?


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yes of course dear 100% same questions..


Finally I got licence with AM,B1 and B type last week.Everything is very difficult in Romania.


hi, did anyone found some test for practicing the theoretical part? do you have any link where i can try it?



im driving cars and bikes for 17 years and i have two driving licenses one for car (B) and one for motorcycle (A) , i brought with me from my country  both ,car driving licence is ok  and i translate it to give it to them to give me Romanian one, but the motorcycle [which i need it here to ride my scooter to work] is expired so they told me i have to take the test or travel back to my country to renew it ! and i cant find anything in English, hard copy or soft copy to study the questions and answers.
thank you so much.


Yes, I have the questions link but in Romanian language. And you need to use Google Translate when you are answering the questions from Romanian to English language. In addition, I have also the link to buy the road legislation book, it is the best book to study for foreigners. You can check from your message inbox.


Yes, I will help you.I have the questions link but in Romanian language. And you need to use Google Translate when you are answering the questions from Romanian to English language. You can check from your message inbox.


Hi im taking test soon..and i see different questions😣 can you help me please...thanks

ashley ainna

hi can you please help me how you took the exam???please   its  really hard the questions...and I read  the book....and some English questions what they give me from Bucharest but still I failed the exam..


halo ashley and bellandreip.i cannot help you all to pass the exam unless you are working hard and struggle in Romania.Romania is a beautiful country with Dacia generation people here.But you have to buy the traffic law book from the website.You all to remember all the traffic law in that book to pass exam.I will give you also the link where to buy book and also exam.Look in your message inbox.I had already help a lot of foreigner from America and another Europe also Asian country to pass the exam.


ashley ainna wrote:

hi can you please help me how you took the exam???please   its  really hard the questions...and I read  the book....and some English questions what they give me from Bucharest but still I failed the exam..

You have to study more, and focus on learning the laws, not the questions and how they are written.  A lot of people fail the exam, some several times!

ashley ainna

I understand...thank yo for that ....

ashley ainna

thank you for that....^_^



Firstly congrats on passing your test and getting the licence.

Well I am in the same boat as many of us here, trying to obtain our Romanian drving licences. I have also failed twice so far and feeling a little discouraged at the moment. However I do not have an option, I have to get this done. I also have an acess to this website but not all the questions are the same from the theory test. They are closer but not the same. So if you can tell me whats the magic formula that you applied. I would be ever greatful to you. I need to get my Motorcycle and driving licences. Thanks and looking forward for you reply.

Regards Vishal

Oussama C

Hello mizisamad,
Could you please give me the link for the Romanian questions as I’ll be going to exchange my driving license and need to pass the test in English but it doesn’t matter if u have the Romanian version since I’ll use google translate and will try to memorize the answers😉
Thanks a lots and waiting for your reply


Oussama C wrote:

Hello mizisamad,
Could you please give me the link for the Romanian questions as I’ll be going to exchange my driving license and need to pass the test in English but it doesn’t matter if u have the Romanian version since I’ll use google translate and will try to memorize the answers😉
Thanks a lots and waiting for your reply

Go buy the book from the bookstore, or even at a Hypermarket.  It has sample questions and more important than that, the laws which you should learn.


Hey bro, I am gonna take the test soon. Could you please let me know the book and all the stuff needed to pass the exam. Would be kind of you!


anar778 wrote:

Hey bro, I am gonna take the test soon. Could you please let me know the book and all the stuff needed to pass the exam. Would be kind of you!

Please read all the posts on this thread, you will find the answer.


I'm moving to Romania in 2 weeks I've passed my theory over here and I'm up to test standard (according to my instructor 😃)  was going to take the practical when I'm back in the UK over the summer, as I've heard it's an expensive test and Romanian isn't my first language. Would it be better though to take the practical în România though?


The UK driving test is hard and depends on where you take the test can be tougher.


I know! I'm going to be living just outside of Bucharest what's it like there? I know the driving is crazy in the city!!


Hey, do you still have this book?


hi amanynr2005! i'm planing to make the theory exam in English as well... i have red like you passed those ways, meaning things like finding the book in English beside 30 computer tests with different 26 questions of each! would provide me informations how to get those materials please??? if they were helpful to you, i imagine they would be helpful to me too!

thank you!


Hello, can you please inbox me the book and the test.
Thank you

Sajid ali0092

Hi , I need from you information about driving license and if it is possible plz told me about books , sites or any suggestions in English 
What I do for theory test in Romania , I will wait your reply with thx

Sajid ali0092

I need book or any site or any link about driving license in Romania in English have some one help me with thx

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