Studying in Colombia

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in Colombia?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Colombia?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

I have two kids in college and im trying to get them to take a semester of espanol here. They already took it in highschool. Theres a Catholic Univ not far from where im living.

My oldest daughter is studying at the Universidad de Antioquia (Rionegro-Quirama campus), which is quite prestigious.  There are many private and public institutions in Colombia to choose from.

As far a costs go, the only thing that is expensive in Colombia are cars.

The U de Antiochia is the best. One of my best Colombiana friends attends the medellin campus. But its really hard to get into. The vast majority never make it past the entrance exam. its like the Harvard of Colombia. Laceja's daughter must be really intelligent.

I dont think my kids (even though theyre really smart) could possibly get admitted because they dont speak spanish well enough. Even then itd be tough. Why i mentioned the Catholic Univ which is also here in Rionegro.

I studied Spanish 4 hours a day mon-fri for 4 months at the university EAFIT in Medellín. It was their program espanñol para extranjeros. Each course lasted 2 weeks and cost about 370 USD about 2 years ago.
Very professional teachers and the program is as serious as it gets. I was very happy and pleased with the education and can highly recommend it!
Living in Medellín those 4 months was of course amazing. I knew that already and that is also part of the reason why I wanted to do my Spanish studies there.