Sydney Adventure

Hey guys!

I'm pretty excited because i'm going to study in sydney (University of Technology) soon. However, the university housing offer seems pretty expensive to me, so i thought about looking for a room myself.

Is it unrealistic/naive to think that i will find a room (shared housing/apartment) to rent which does not cost more than $150 a week? (this already seems like a loooot of money to me!! accomodation in Germany, denmark and the us seems to be cheaper than in least that's the impression i got when i had a look at the "" listings this morning.

Do u think it will take me more than a week to find a room?I know, you cannot give proper answers to these questions, but it would be good to hear about experiences you made !

I need housing from 25th february-15. june...

have u heard of anyone who got room & board in a hostel, in exchange for work? Is it a common practise in sydney?

looking forward to any kind of advice!!have a great day

Yes, you can have shared accommodation for $150 per week. That is the good news. The bad news is, if you want it in the city (walking distance to UTS), you may have to share the room. You can arrange for home stay or have your own room if it's around 10-20 min away from the city. There is a shortage in places available for rent in Sydney, so you may want to stay in a hostel first before you look for more long term accommodation.

I probably do not have the experience to answer your query regarding room/boarding in exchange of work (I am a local), but i met a japanese girl who looked after kids (both parents work full time and long hours) in exchange of accommodation. I think she was also getting some kind of payment, but am not entirely sure.

Good luck! You will love Sydney. If you have any further questions please let me know>

hey sydney man!
thanx for ur post and kind offer (i may get back to it!!!!untill when will u stay in france? update ur profile, pleease ;)
do u have any advice where I could find adds/postings for room offers? do u know any homepage/places ?

enjoy ur time in france!! i spent a day in strassbourg recently
what do u prefer, macarons or éclairs?