How to find a trainee position in Hong Kong?

Hello everyone!

I have got a question.
I am 22 years old and in a few weeks I will move to Hong Kong because my husband lives and works there.

IŽm German and I canŽt speak Englisch perfectly...but IŽm learning.
So before I will search for a job in Hong Kong...I would like to apply for a trainee position.

I already tried to find a position with help of a German website...but I recognised that in Hong Kong most of the companies ask for people with bachelor degree or above.

Do you think it is possible to find a trainee position and later a job in Hong Kong...without having been at University???
Just with work experience?

Without a Visa I canŽt stay more than 3months...and itŽs very important to me to have something to do.
I canŽt imagine myself staying at home the whole day...while my husband is working.
ThatŽs impossible!

I will only stay for one year and a half...then my husband and me want to come back to Germany.

Thank you in advance for your help! :)

Hi there,

I had the exact same problem with my girlfriend when we moved to hongkong for a year. it is almost impossible to get a trainee/internship position while being here on your 3 months visa. so you better get that position before you come here.

also meine freundin war dann ein jahr hier und ist danach wieder zurück nach deutschland um zu studieren während ich hier geblieben bin um zu arbeiten. es ist sehr wichtig dass du dich vorher um einen praktikumsplatz kümmerst da man hier ohne arbeitsgenehmigung nichts bekommen kann und die arbeitsgenehmigung bekommst du nicht wenn du hier keine richtige aufenthaltserlaubnis hast (das 3 monatige visum zählt nicht!). finde eine firma die dich von deutschland aus nach hk schickt und dann sollte es schon gehen.

fallst du nach hk kommen solltest und keine freunde findest wäre ich in jedem fall sehr interessiert besonders deutsche kennenzulernen und anzufreunden da ich hier in hk gar keine deutsche freunde habe.

liebe grüße ^^

Hi Ryuto, :)

Can you please write in English in the anglophone forum so that member can understand and participate in this discussion.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your answer!
I sent you a private message.

i did write in both languages, the english was a short summary of what i had written in german.