
job in dammam - salary of doctors?

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I'm a dermatologist with 20 years expirience.I got an offer for job in Dammam, in private Clinic.

Does anyone knows what is the the salary for doctors in Dammam?

Does they provide housing in expact western compaunds?

What I should ask them before making a contract?

I think the basic salary should be 15.000SAR,about 4.000$,they give extra payment in the end of mounth for extra patients cost in hosptal that I provide, medical insurance,ect.

I'm married but comming as a single  not muslim women from B&H

Please, help me to dicide about conditions and terms of hospital.

Thanks a lot

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Job offers in DammamWorking in DammamStarting a business in Saudi ArabiaWorking in Saudi ArabiaInternships in Saudi Arabia

Here in madinah with 20 years experience your salary can be 20000 SAR


20 years should fetch you atleast SAR 25k


Thanks a lot . Is it ok to make a question about providing western compaund accomodation before signing a contract?
Are the hospitals usually do it for doctors or not?


Specialized dermatologists are in demand these days and the pay ranges between 20 - 25 k . There will also be a profit share model in most clinics or hospitals depending on the type / profile of the job.

As for housing, depending on their internal policy, they might either give you an accommodation near to the clinic along with other staff or in a compound, depending on how you negotiate this. Compounds are expensive and most clinics may not provide accommodation there.


Private clinic could be difficult to deal with as regards salary scale, If you are employed by private hospital they may pay more . But before you sign contract you have to discuss with them the provision of  housing , again housing may not be provided by a clinic as opposed to a hospital . May I suggest to you to try they are very good when it comes to financial renumeration


I wouldn't have a job in damamm hospital.The same sheikh has a hospital in Riyadh and he wants me there.
I know a few important rules for single non muslim women but may I go alone in souks,shopping malls, restaurants? Is there any swimming pools for women only?
Thanks a lot


Yes , you can venture out to Malls, souks and restaurants alone , but it may be prudent if you have a company of another female  friend , otherwise Mutawas could be a headache . Women only swimming pools are available in Riyadh , but I am not aware of its location ,, perhaps a local saudi woman in your work place would be  your best shot

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