
In retrospect, would you move again to France?

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Hi all,

If you had to look back on your expat experience in France, would you heartily say "let’s do it again"?

From the preparation stage to your actual everyday life in your new country, what did you enjoy the most?

Would you do certain things differently? Could you tell us why?

How would you describe the benefits of your expatriation in France so far?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience. We look forward to hearing from you!


See also

Living in France: the expat guideRelocation servicesWorking as a nurse in english speaking hospitalsChecking out Beziers as possible holiday home locationVisa Sponsorship

Yes.. it's the best decision we ever took. We've been here almost 10 years now and it suits us down to the ground. I should say though that we moved here on retirement and so I can't speak for those who are in the workplace.  I think that group might have a different viewpoint.

Occasionally we've been asked by visitors from the UK if we miss England and have we ever thought of returning? No - and we've never contemplated anything other than staying here.

Thinking about all the 'ifs' and 'buts' in the UK, the one variable that we couldn't control was the £/€ exchange rate. I thought the pound might drift down slowly against the euro but we had enough margin in our finances (I thought!) to allow for that. This theory was put to the test shortly after we moved here when the pound plummeted to almost parity with the euro.  OK, we tightened our belts a little and we managed. (still didn't think about returning - even though if we'd sold our house there and then the exchange rate would have been heavily weighted in our favour if we'd gone back).

We sold up in the UK and came here in a white van with no property here (in at the deep end!). We were very lucky to find our house almost immediately - which was exactly what we wanted - and we signed within 10 days of arriving. We lived in a rented gite for 5 months until the house was ready to move in to.

If I was to make a list of do's and don't's, at the top of the do's list would be: do all your thinking up front - before you make the decision to move here (repeat after me). Try visiting your chosen region out of season.. and if necessary and if possible try living here for a few months to see if the dream matches the reality. Don't skimp on doing your homework.

A very close second on the list would be to ensure that both of you have a workable grasp of French. I can't stress this enough.

If you are dependent upon a sterling income/pension, make sure your finances have a sufficient margin in them to allow for any violent changes in the £/€ exchange rate (especially with that UK referendum looming). Sat in the UK, I found it difficult to quantify how much would be enough to live here? In the end, I made a stab at it and I was pretty close.


There's no shortage of seductively-priced properties on the market.. many of them in 'la France profonde' (ie, buried deep in the countryside). Yes, there might be glorious to-die-for-views (as they say in the property programmes) but how would you manage there day-to-day..? And in winter.. Do you really want to live at the end of a lane with no neighbours? And to have to use the car each time you want a packet of drawing pins? Try not to let yourself be sucked in by the charm of a property without considering the practicalities.. (think: where are the nearest shops, doctor, school, dentist, tax office, hospital etc etc) 

What are the benefits of living in France? We constantly pinch ourselves that we are lucky enough to live here.. we've made more friends than ever before.. and both of us have joined hobby groups, associations and sporting clubs. We've been made very welcome by one and all..

So - all-in-all, our move here worked very well for us. However, all our circumstances are different so, if you're thinking/dreaming/planning about a move here, think very hard about what your priorities are and make a plan; make sure your finances add up and above all - learn French!       



France is all about tax, tax, and more tax.
10,000 millionaires moved out of France in the 1st quarter of 2016.
We will be joining them.

We are feed up with their politics and their wealth and capital gains taxes.


^you definitely don't belong in France.


No I would have gone to Spain and not here in the Med. Where I was before in the Tarn there was more interior sunshine from the people, while down here there is just a meism culture, gloomy with  deep rooted anxieties, they just don't care.
Not everyone is like that, but in general this is the situation, Montpellier being the exception. This region is very polluted: air, water, and soil and people with asthma or heart disease should avoid it like the devil.


Also looking for a way out of France, but first we must find a country to reside that has good medical care.

French wealth taxes are so unfair.
However, more and more taxes in addition to the wealth tax, capital gains tax and tax on workers will burden only the worker and the retiree.

France is broke as is all of Europe!
France is targeting your money!
The King wants it all!

Most Americans have only savings and no pensions.
To tax our savings is to rip us off on top of everything else done for the banks and our "owners".

Europe has already said that any money in the bank over 100,000 euros will be "bailed in".
In addition, if you deposit money in a European Bank, you will not be allowed to wire transfer it out!
This is the future I want to avoid.


Anyone with capital or brains does not belong in FRANCE.


Good to know. Thank you for your input.


Yes, I would definitely do it again.

I lived in other countries before, but so far France has been the best.

As a citizen I feel protected (No issues related with my rent being increased for no reason and good quality life and food).

French people are not the most friendly in the word. But they are considerated and if you listen enough, they can accept you in their society. It,s not hard to become part of France, the key is to observe, and understand.

Culture is amazing too, they,ve got a lot of festivals, live music concerts and events.


Hm! All of the above is true and if I had to make a choice I would still choose to live in France, subject to certain criteria.
A passive income from another country
Live in a rural rather than urban location
Something to do that would occupy my mind and be a reason for making and cultivating local contacts, without having to create a business in France.
No or few family ties in the UK.

The first of these is perhaps the hardest to achieve and maintain against all the pressures of government and others to take your money.
Interested to read your stories and hear more.

Graham White

Wow that’s a pretty cinical view why on earth did you move to France? While I am not a millionaire I am not poor and have found my tax liabilities in France comparible to the UK which where I come from
I agree the whole of Europe is not in a good place at the moment but I would still  prefer to be here than say the USA with its” Kamikaze “Leader !!! Thanks


Yeah, well, because of the high-taxes, I sent my two kids to university for just $600 a year plus room-'n-board.

And, living in France brings with it a life-span four years longer than living in the US due largely to a top-class and nearly free National Healthcare Service of which Americans in the US could only dream. (And if you don't believe that, just have a look at this infographic here.)


Would I move to France again?
In a heart beat!!! I have never felt so at home anywhere else & I have moved around various locations within the UK over the years! Hampshire, Liverpool, Nth Wales, Hertfordshire, London, Bedfordshire in various London postcodes, towns & villages in the Shires & beyond.
France is home to me, beautiful countryside, fresh air, fresh local foods, helpful polite people within Brittany & many Historical sites in towns & cities. Varying coastal lines so open and offering true peace & tranquility. the countryside is steeped in mystery & folklore, people proud of their local heritage & happy to share it with all who will take the time to experiance it in music, dance, re enactments and stories. Plenty of cycle & rambling pathways, forests, beaches, lakes, manmade & natural an abundance of sports experiences horse riding, rock climbing not to mention all kinds of sports on offer!, Kayaking, canoeing, swimming, body boarding, water skiing, jet skis, speed boats to name but some for adrenalin junkies whilst canal barges, canal cruising or the gentle art of yachting for others. Archery, boules, golf & many more experiences are on offer these are just some of my own preferences! Now somebody tell me what's not to like? So somethings are more expensive here than in UK but money cannot give you all the other benefits living here in area 56480 Morbihan, Brittany, France can give!


I would rather live anywhere than England as it is just a whinging stupid place to live, the main BBC  broadcaster has been taken over by the politically correct fascists who are constantly "offended" to the point of everyone being scared to be themselves. It used to be a place where people could express themselves now if you say anything you are labelled with some hysterical tag. There is no middle ground you are either a media controlled thinker or a moron, where is the middle opinions these days? At least the French can still think for themselves and know about quality of life not just watching  TV soaps and Jeremy Kyle like the majority of the UK these days its so depressing.
The mind  and thought control is enough to make it unpleasant to live in the UK anymore, the only worse so called civilised country i would avoid like the plague would be the USA. Of course there are generally speaking as there is always exceptions .


I don't suppose it has occurred to you that by being British (I presume you are?) the right and freedom to make the choices you have made are  because of the freedoms granted you by the U.K.  The U.K. you now so despise?

In any event I disagree with your basic premise; Of course you can still speak freely in the U.K. or even watch Jeremy Kyle should you so choose!

Britain is a great country, it has influence on the world stage and its freedom from radical behaviour is legendary. It is indeed the seat of democracy. That you now denigrate it is a shame, that is your choice. Please remember which country it was that gave you the choice to use free speech to now abuse it!

I have lived in France for 20 years and love the country. The quality of life I enjoy is very good. The culture and traditions in France are quite different to the U.K. but the U.K. is still very great country. Lest we forget!


Well your entitled to your opinion of it being a great country but i would disagree, no country can grant rights, we should all have them.
I wonder if the men women and children being killed everyday in the Yemen for instance by British sold weapons to the Saudis  would agree its a free country and its wonderful, if we begin to list the things the UK is involved in we would be here all night .As indeed we would many countries.
Freeness of speech is not a given thing anymore in the UK , when do we ever see for instance a TV presenter saying i don't want to wear a poppy ? how long would that career last?, or perhaps one who disagrees with same sex marriage or abortion, i can tell you you will seldom if ever hear any one who wants a career on the so called free speech  media  in the UK express those views , so much for freedom.?
There is no tolerance anymore in the UK for people to have any other view than the mainstream media and if they do they will be given short shrift and branded with some term, we  have become one of the thickest nations on the planet  and fearful of being different due to the hysterical people who are just waiting to get onto Twitter or some other  moronic outlet to let us know how offended they are .
Wake up if you think free speech is alive and well in the UK you seriously are in denial, a land where its deemed offensive for a nurse or a care worker to be suspended for wearing a cross?? i don't agree with crosses myself but come on? look at the reality of the UK now not what it used to be like 20 years ago when you left?
As regards democracy what democracy exists in Scotland and Northern Ireland who voted against Brexit for example? are they enjoying that all because of English nationalism and xenophobia and over privileged dense public schoolboys arguing within the Tory party , i am a non political person but there is no democracy in the UK when i grew up, when Mrs Thatcher was in power only about 40 percent ever voted for her and none in Scotland Ha ha! so that means 60 percent voted against her is that how democracy works? What about the Monarchyagain not voted in but just by birthright is that democracy? i don't believe in any form of political party as they are all useless in my opinion and as yet i have never seen any of them  make the world a better place ,is the UK proud of its homelessness whilst the wealthy have multiple homes?
Respectfully i have to disagree but not in a disagreeable way  as we all have opinions but i don't share yours.


As you have said, we have our own opinion. I disagree with your views but then it would be a strange world if we all agreed! You talk about rights but unfortunately the world we live in, as adults anyway, cannot simply afford 'rights' as a matter of course. People, abuse the rights many have taken for granted for hundreds of years. A simple example would be demonstrations that turn very violent. It means demonstrations have to be curtailed or heavily policed, all because of 'rights'!
Weapons: It is people who kill. A gun is a weapon; nothing more. Climb down off your pedestal and ask yourself about the people involved in the conflict. They are able to buy guns anywhere.

Freedom of speech: Just what do you think you are doing by posting your complaints? Poppies, abortion, same sex! People have very strong views on all of those subjects and it would be wrong for any media outlet to express a view that offends. None of the main stream media outlets I watch do such a thing so I don't know where you got that idea!

I could still go to Hyde park corner and stand on a soap box and spout all sorts of nonsense.  You can't get any freedom of speech better than that! Of course if I want to stir up trouble, insult or try to inflame something then it would only be right I'm stopped. Perhaps you think that insults and abuse should be a matter of 'free speech'!

Of course democracy exists in Scotland and N. Ireland. They are part of the United Kingdom not independent countries. They also enjoy many things that England doesn't but that is another argument.

You talk of tolerance then go on to insult those you disagree with. Tolerance works both ways I'm afraid!!
Democracy works on a majority vote. Someone once said, and though I'm probably quoting it incorrectly, he said "it's not perfect but it's the best there is" I agree with that completely.

If democracy, as it would seem, offends you what sort of political establishment would you prefer I wonder. I would sincerely like to hear.


Well i am daily listener to BBC radio and RTE radio 1 to the music but the more "serious" output, and i ask you to listen the  them both for a while and see the difference in the level of intelligent debate and coverage, the BBC has dumbed down to the point where even its flagship  Today show in the morning cant have an item with background music with gaps! Listen to the in depth questioning on RTE its miles ahead of the BBC  formulaic  politically correct BBC.
I want to see truth in broadcasting and the BBC is so biased i find it very hard to listen to anymore .
Let me give you just a small example there is a radio comedy satire show called the Now show which used to be funny when they picked people who were funny, listen to it now and the audience are not even laughing as the comedians are picked on quotas , is you must have a Lesbian , an Asian , etc etc regardless of wether they are the slightest bit funny. End result its not funny anymore!
I don't care where they come from or what they do if they are not funny what are they doing on a comedy show , if i book a plumber i want him to fix my taps im not interested in which ethnic group or sexual preferences he has.
This is reflected in all aspects of daily live in the UK and its crumbling because quotas don't change peoples hearts, thinking about and applying  kindness does .
The UK is more divided now than it ever has been in my lifetime and i would have to disagree that weapons are just tools any one selling weapons bears responsibility for the end result and the UK puts profit and jobs ahead of the people of Yemen who are facing perhaps the greatest famine we will witness in recent history whilst the Govt will still sell arms to the mass murderers as it keeps the tills alive, i am ashamed of that even though i not a patriot as i believe the saying and i paraphrase here that "patriotism is an emotion unworthy of a rational man" It may have been Voltaire but im not sure,
we are all related on this planet and all share it and as long as nationalism exists there will be idiots going out to kill one another for it ,all except of course the ones who send them out to fight for the country .
Anyway i don't think we will have a meeting of minds on this you mention abuse that i used i used the word Moron and i stand by that as it means morally worthless , and the word dense i should have used unwise perhaps im sorry if it was "offensive "to you but that brings us full circle perhaps , hope you have a good day.


We are not going to agree, apart from some minor points. I happen to agree that the media is, generally pathetic. We would all like to see 'truth' and accuracy in reporting but  it is a little naive to think that the media, either state controlled or financially controlled is going to be informative and truthful.

As regards the 'comedy show' why not turn it off? I don't listen to such rubbish and if non one did then it wouldn't be transmitted! At least we also agree that guns are just weapons!
You never said which political environment you want to live in! Incidentally I haven't found any portion of your posts offensive. I do think you are naive and I don't mean that as an insult simply a point of view. Perhaps there is an age difference between us that is a bridge to wide!!


Thanks we agree on most points , and yes i can see that you could come to the conclusion that i am naive , i of course don't agree with that as there is no political group i would belong to as i really don't agree with any party and i don't think anyone of any level of intelligence can agree with all that any party believes and thats why they are full of infighting and back stabbing.
I believe the the bible has all the answers to the questions about how to live and to what to put trust in, i hasten to add that its the bible NOT christendom who's hands are full of bloodguilt and dishonesty and in fact the only parallel i can find in the bible with christendom is the Scribes and Pharisees and as we all know they were  the ones who were responsible for the death of Jesus and spawned the moral corruption that Jesus was so outspoken against.
I am nearing 60 years old and have been studying the bible and related topics since i was  18 and  i agree with that the oft quoted( but im not sure of the accuracy of the statement made by Ghandi to a British  official) "when your country and mine can come together on the basis of the sermon on the mount we will have solved not only our problems but that of the whole world".
Bible principles work because they are not based on greed, nationalism, immorality and always put the other persons needs above ones own,  pride is the cause of so much bloodshed where as humility is a wonderful  and beautiful quality that is seldom seen but works wonders .
I belong to a small group spread throughout the earth  that has over 8 million who by applying the bible principles has achieved things that politicians can only dream of, no warfare no nationalism  no dishonesty , etc etc and while we don't agree with the goverments when they do bad things will always be in subjection to them as long as they don't ask us to do things that violate our conscience such as taking up arms.
This works ,it has stood firm against the worst of persecution by the likes of Hitler as our German brothers were gassed along with the Jews and others but we only had to sign a form denouncing our faith and we could walk free, very few did.
Now we are being beaten and persecuted by others such as Putin but again by applying bible principles we remain strong and indeed joyful, he wont have any more success than any others who have tried.
Some may call that naive but it works and it works even under the most extreme persecution.
I could go on all day about it  but let me just give a quick example , i live in Northern Ireland a province that has seen thousands of murders by different factions including the British government , Catholic and Protestant clergy etc etc state collusion with bombings and horrendous torture and bloodshed and so on.
I have many friends here and one of them was a high ranking para military who gave an order to have another man killed , this was never carried out due to one thing and another, when this para military man started to study he gave up this violent course and became  a christian , and later the man who's murder he had ordered also did  and now they  are in the same congregation and the best of friends , this story i could repeat throughout Northern Ireland  that to me is reality not  immature thinking .
The political state in Northern Ireland is probably more fractured now than in the past with the corruption and crime and excessive money made by those who indulge in such practises  the MLA s being among them.
I ask what works the best? i know what answer i have and to believe in politics nationalism etc etc would be such a backward step for me .
I hope you can see where i am coming from now a bit clearer, my history is not important but its not  one of blind faith but painstaking sifting out truth from what is perceived wisdom in the areas of science ,morality , religion politics and what the bible describes as truth and as Jesus said himself by their fruits you will know them.


A most interesting. post and answers many of my unasked questions. Personally I don't believe in Jesus or any God. So much of what you have written simply doesn't resonate with me.
Everyman should be free to pursue his own direction, politically, religiously and fundamental beliefs. This is where I think your nativity comes in. I don't agree with your views and certainly not your religious opinions but I most certainly believe that you should have the right to pursue them, providing they don't gratuistly hurt or offend.

As for persecution, no sane man can agree with it but again your naivety comes to the fore when I say that but for the war the persecution of whatever faith you follow would have continued. It wasn't your faith that won, it was the fighting by men and women who knew little of your faith but did believe in freedom.


Thanks Euston
I agree we can have different opinions without being disrespectful ,  i disagree of course on your view of war , to say that the first or second world war solved anything in my opinion totally wrong , did it wipe out fascism?
The right wing movement is so strong in Europe especially as you know in France.
My family members were involved in the second war and my father in law fought and dropped bombs on Germany killing no doubt many innocent women and children , he later became a christian and deeply regretted it and i hope and believe God forgave him for believing in the political system that thinks the answer to violence is violence i have yet to see where that has worked so perhaps the naivity is not on my part there.
Faith does conquer bad in the sense that the individual will not be compromised by the political lies and propaganda to go and murder strangers.
I recently listened to a podcast on the BBC i player called Ratlines i would recommend it if you haven't already listened to it , but very briefly after the WW2 who were the ones who helped the Nazi war criminals escape? the British government ,also the Vatican (Pope Pius), the American government too , i wonder how we can explain that to the many millions who died in these conflicts who were supposed to be fighting for freedom?
All the young men slaughtered from our nations i cant believe you think that was right?
If people keep banging their heads against a wall and thinking it will produce different results its time to think again.
If truth be told it was the Russians who defeated Hitler  they killed far more than  the British and Americans the British had no chance, and what do we see in Russia now ? freedom? what can we say about the UK and its involvement in Syria and the support of Assad who uses chemical warfare on his own people ,or of the UK support of Bin Laden when he was fighting the Russians , Saddam Hussain  , Gadaffi  all supported at one time by the governments in the UK , do you really think the governments have any real interest in what is decent or what lines the pockets of the elite?
The hypocrisy of humans trying to dominate each other by trying to look like they are on the right side is sickening and it takes honesty to acknowledge that "our" country has been up to its neck in mass murder since its inception look at the way they left India and the slaughter there with partition, Isreal the involvement there in mass killing , Ireland and the government involvement of cover up and corruption here,  the list is endless .Only someone who is completely devoid of any morality could be proud of that history  surely?
Everyone has choice as to what they believe but i could never think that politics has anything for mankind and have found a much better way i believe and it works .
I believe that man cannot direct his own steps and history testifies to that , war never brought better conditions to anyone involved in it , but living by a superior code of bible principles unites people rather than dividing them, anywhere i go in the world i meet up with like minded ones and have peaceful secure  friendships not based on wherever i happened to be born but on what  based on the  a code that transcends nationality and politics and its really a wonderful thing .
Interesting chatting to you and if i seemed a bit strong at first i apologise as i get a bit upset at the system we live in and hate the way society is going and i am pretty imperfect in controlling that strong feeling at times as i am in most areas  .
It would be nice to sit and chat  face to face in a peaceful manner perhaps over a lovely glass of French wine and perhaps  i could give evidence to you as to why Science etc supports the bible and why many studies show that contrary to what the BBC would have us believe that many as much as 52 percent in some studies believe in a designer , in fact one of my sisters who is a Molecular biologist working on a cure for cancer at the moment in Italy who once believed the Evolution dogma trotted out at many universities now believes the complete opposite and doesn't deny the obvious design in nature .
in fact it would take a faith far more stringer than hers or mines to believe that this all created itself but thats another subject altogether but one i would encourage anyone to delve deeply into and not to be taken in by works of fiction by Dawkins etc .( Many scientists contradict him not just me).
nice debating with you.
Got to go do some work now cheers and have a good day.


Thanks for your posts. I doubt we will ever agree  on some points but feel there is a meeting point on others, can't be bad can it?

I wish you well and maybe one day we can have that glass of wine.

Have a nice day,


Thanks Ken nice to meet you so to speak.


A good and sensible post. In nutshell, do your research, make sure you have enough money and don't whinge as it will be your fault if it goes wrong!

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