
can any one help me?!

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hello, my name is bezawite & i am from ethiopia. i have graduated last year by civil engineering with good grade. i have tried to apply for many construction companies but none of them gave me positive replay. so any one who can help me to work which related with construction or design or even any suggestion on what i sholud do do that u will not waste my time?...thank you!!!

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Firstly, well done, for attaining your degree with good grades. I should say that, having a degree, does not guarantee you employment. A general misconception in Ethiopia, where it seems that even my shoe-shine boy has a degree ! Employers around the world are looking for `experience`, so you should set your sites lower and start by applying for a position within a Civil Engineering Company, as support staff. Then, when you are seen and noticed, you will be rewarded with promotion. Unless you are `connected`, that is the only way, in my experience. Hope that helps.


Hi Bezawit, as Richy mentioned above, it is a bit tricky to get a job as a newly graduate. this is not only in Ethiopia but in most parts of the world. They want people with some experience.
What i would suggest and i had done as well is, if you find some where you can work as a volunteer for some time. like 6 month. Then you will have the opportunity to prove your self that you can do it.
It worked for me, maybe you can have that as an option.



first thank you Richy & mesi for your advice. i agree with what you said about having expriance espically in engineering. but the probelm zat i (also for my friends) have faced is zat most of the companies in here (ethiopia) won't give u z chance to work with them even for free. zat is why i tried to ask other indivisuals who are in engineering field if zey can help me. but i always hope something will come up!!!


OK, so now you must broaden your search along the food chain, to support industries, to the construction Companies. Look to their suppliers, such as logistics, importers, materials etc. Perhaps you should also visit a proffessional careers advisor. There will be one in your University, also several NGO's run free programs, not to mention, The British Council. I recall from personal experience, that, looking for a job, can be a fulltime job ! Set yourself a targetted program and stick to it. You will also need a snappy CV. I receive at least 50 per day accross my desk so you should also get advise about that. As the above contributor mentioned about voluntary work, I would say you could accept a position in Kenya, where you will get free food and accomodation, in exchange for 5 ×6 hours per week, on various engineering progects that I know of and thanks to the East African Agreement, you don't even need a Visa... Why am I telling you this ? I am only a foreingy !!


Am an architect and working on my owen office if u are can perform softwares like auto cad,etaps and sap . i will contact u when i got  any information about thank u .if u like sent to me ur personal email or phone

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