Best Villages in an around VT area
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Hi All
Moving to Bulgaria to retire in Jan/ Feb 2016
Could anyone suggest which are good and bad villages to live in around the VT area
Any help would be most appreciated
Phil and Les
Hi ,i have just moved to Ganchovets,,approx 15klm from VT,,,,love the place,,peacefull & safe village & the Mayor speaks good english which is a massive help,,,Regards Eddie
Thanks Eddie
Thats the sort of place we are after
Sorry to ak but have you any tips for retirement in VT.?
Hi Phil,,,as you guessed i have retired in BG,,1 of best decisions i ever made,,,Tips !,,,Don,t move to far away from VT,,,everything you will need for a peacefull retirement is there,,,,Make sure village is crime free,,,,Do you drive?,,,Make sure there are regular transport links to town,,,,,Be very carefull who you let into your life(Trust)there are people who will rip you off(including expats),,,most people here are very helpfull & welcoming,,,,Embrace BG culture,it is amazing & a Beutifull country,,,,Learn Language & Private Health Ins(if needed) is cheaper than UK,,,,,Hope info helps,,,,,,,Enjoy BG,,,,,,eddie
Hi Eddie
Thanks for quick reply. We intent to embrace Bulgaria as I am not one of those so called brits abroad. Lol
How long have you lived there?
How do you find out if a vilkage is crime free!
Can you suggest any other nice villages.
And last question (sorry) Where to buy a 4x4 from.
If you answer my questions there's a pint in it ha,ha.
Hi there,
We're in Rotherham at the moment but have owned a place in Radanovo to the north of VT for 5 years.
A couple of years off retirement yet but will be over there like a shot when the day comes.
Radanovo is on the main road, VT to Ruse so you don't get snowed in, that's one thing to consider.
Beware villages on the top of hills, maybe a nice view but they can be without water for several days at a time in the summer, and your well will also dry up.
Try to choose a house on a reasonable road, even a 4WD can struggle on some of the back lanes when the mud (which is mixed with treacle over there) arrives.
As said, ask about crime locally, check for a decent village shop or shops, some villages are on the 'up' whilst some are still in gradual decline.
Home, car, health insurance is cheap.
Small towns like Polski Trambesh have everything you need in good old fashioned shops without the price tag of big DIY outlets.
Get the electric supply checked if you intend having things like washing machines, air con, TV etc. some of the older houses struggle if you have 2 light bulbs running at the same time.
Hope it all works out for you.
Fantastic information Steve thank you.
With all the research we have done we have narrowed the area to VT, but are amazed at the number of villages. Your info will help a great deal.
I have lots more questions but don't like to intrude.
Ask away, I'm no expert and very nearly made a massive mistake in buying a house in the mountains to the south of VT.
I found out later that it would be cut off for weeks sometimes and the locals rely on an army helicopter to bring in food etc.
My wife delights in telling any Brit we meet that little story. All I can do is listen and then add that it DID have wonderful views over the Balkans. I always was a heart over head type.
I feel now that we dropped lucky buying where we did, considering it was only our second visit to Bulgaria.
Thanks Steve for quick reply. Your help is much appreciated. We to wanted just that, mountains and scenery. You just saved us making a big mistake thanks.
We will be retiringito BG in Feb and it will be our first time there. We plan on renting for a month while we find a house.
Once again your info has be valuable.
Take care and good luck.
I would like to stay in touch if ok?
Hi Phil,
I'm sure there are good places in the mountains with reasonable access, what worries me is if you need to get to hospital or you have an accident, and want an ambulance call out.
We first came over one February and started up in Ruse and worked our way down to VT looking at property. There was a good 2 foot of snow and evening temperatures of -24C. The best way is getting enough logs for the winter and keeping the freezer full when you shop. That way you can relax and enjoy the snow without having to fight it.
Last winter around VT I'm told was pretty mild, so it's not a sure thing that you'll be stuck, just planning for the worst seems a good idea.
At the moment we start at Easter, take a few holidays through summer and finish in October, at which time the water meter comes out. That was a lesson learned the hard way. One burst pipe and a water bill for 400levs. (You can fill an above ground pool out of the tap for less than 30levs.)
Maybe we'll be able to meet up for a coffee in VT next year and you'll be all settled in somewhere and enjoying the good life.
By the way, if you leave VT centre heading south towards Gabrovo, there are several big second hand car dealers which should give you an idea of what you get for your money. Everything from compacts to 4WD.
By all means keep in touch.
Thanks Steve your a star.
We have sort of planned to more or less hibernate in the winter. Makes a lot of sense to be near medical facilities.
Will hold you to that coffee
My wifes in the uk at the moment and im sure she will have lots of question
can't thank you enough Steve
Cheers Phil.
Hello Gadge!
I have lived now 9 months in Mihaltsi, just east of Pavlikeni.
Got no doubts recommend this Village for stay, part or full time.
The surrounding areas attractive for nature lovers.
The atmosphere here mainly friendly and helpful.
Also Daskot on the hill just north of Pavlikeni worth consideration.
Here lives several British families and quite popular Village among
The minor villages, be cautious about these.
Also good idea communicate the new neighbors before sign a
Good luck your project!
We are from Sheffield and moving out early next year to a village called Dichin ...looks like I'm moving to Yorkshire by the sounds of it, we have the same questions as all new expats so I'll be asking lots of questions in the bear future...
I have been visiting Veliko Tarnovo and i visited many villages in the area. In near future plans is to retire there. After seen a lot am negotiating a property now.
I suggest you go for the South part of Veliko Tarnovo. The area is much nicer than the North and found the roads in much better condition for some reason.
Good luck,
Hi Tonyjoel,
Been through Dichin a few times on the way to Pavlikeni.
After we had bought our house in Radanovo we had a wander to the local village bar. We sat down and the couple on the next table were speaking English with a Yorkshire twang. I said to them that's a familiar accent, turns out they came from Wickersley, about 3 miles from us in the UK.
A small world it is.
Hope the move goes well.
I have a nice place in Samovodene. It's 10K from VT and just off the Ruse road. Very convenient in every way. No crime that I've noticed, except from contractors who don't live here!
I built a road outside my place because of the mud problem so that my ordinary car can get up and down in all weathers except when there was more than a metre of snow in 2007, I think. As it turned into ice underneath, no vehicles could get through until the snow plough came.
I have an indoor garage as well as other off road parking on a concrete drive. I'm thinking of selling.
Very good luck in your search and retirement.
We are moving to a village called Butovo just Nth West of Pavlekeni in January lots of other ex pats in the village. Does anyone know this village? From what we saw and the people we met when there it seems a nice place.
Hi Phil & Liz,
We have lived here in the VT area for 7 years, check out the Internet and Mobil phone connections to any Village you are considering, You can watch TV via a small Andriod box, get one in the UK check them out Website Driodsticks.
Most Villages have Snow plough, and keep village free of snow, main roads are kept clear, so providing your chosen village is within 5/10 mile ish, from main road, you will have no trouble moving around in winter, we have a UK Vauxall Zafira, which takes all our monthly shopping, and when we need to takes the dogs/cat to Vets. We put on Winter Tyers 1st November to end March. Cheap to buy here.
As advised be careful of who you trust. Use an interpreter, to register, sort car, with KAT, etc, that way you won't make mistakes, I can give you the name and Telephone number of our one if you wish. Some people do all the Offical stuff, very stressful. Interpreter (no stress).
As advised get wood in for winter during Summer, you can buy it chopped ready for fire or buy it in logs and chop it yourself, did that to start with, now do it the lazy way. Make shore your chosen house had barn space to store wood in the dry.
One last thing, do not have any work done on your property, unless you are there to Supervise the work to ensure the job goes the way you want it, not the way the builders want it, you also will find a lot of Expats set themselves up as builders be aware.
Hope this is a help
As offered by others shout if you need any further info, wish there had been someone to help us.
Good Luck
Thanks John, so very helpful and some sound advice
Could you name any villages good and bad?
We have decided on the VT area but there are so many villages to choose from.
Do you know anyone who has used a estate agent in VT?
Could you tell us your village and any comments?
Lots of questions sorry
Phil and Les
Sorry Steve
The Tel No of your interpreter would be good thank you
Hi Phil,
We live in Nykup about 18 is from VT, going towards Ruse, the village is great, there are other Brits in the Village, but everyone really keeps themselves to themselves, unless someone has a problem then we all help were we can, you only really need some Bulgarian in the Village, as most people in VT and the big towns speak English. Our Mayor is great, she communicates through Google Translate, she also speaks German so do I but mostly Google, she lets us Brits know what's going on in the Village. We have an old Roman Town 2ks up the road, which about a 3rd has been cleared, and is a tourist attraction.
Last Winter was very mild, as so far this year it's been very warm.
Money goes twice as far here and then some.
If you need any further info, *, don't hesitate to shout.
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Hi Phil
we used in VT the agents name is Emilian and he is very helpful and took us to see many properties all around VT till we found a suitable place, look at their website and drop them an email
Hi Eddie glad to hear that you like ganchovets. I have owned a propertie there for 10 years and love going there.
The mayor is guy called todo and is a great guy very helpful.
I am looking at coming over next year for 6 months would be nice to meet you and have a beer at the wild horses pub in the village if you fancy it.
My name is Richard *. Be good to have a chat.
All the best Richard . B
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Thanks John
Sorry for late reply
Thank you so much for info
We are at present in Australia. We should be over to Bulgaria in Feb 2016 to buy and retire
ANY info you could give us would be greatly appreciated.
Have you any tips on buying a car / 4x4 ?.Know any mechanics?
I could go on, so had better stop for now Hahaha
Hi Tony
Sorry for late reply
Thank you so much for info
Have you any experience in buying a car/4x4?
Thanks John
Sorry for late reply
BRILLIANT info from you THANKS
Can you name any good villages around VT?
We are coming to VT early Feb (if all goes well ) We will be looking to buy ASAP
So any more info would be a great help
Thanks again for taking the time to reply
Phil and Les
Are you still selling your property?
If so could you supply some information
What the village is like
Hi Richard,,Sorry for late reply,just read your post,,yes,Tador the mayor is so helpful,love village,,brill location for VT,,look forward to seeing you on next visit,,chao eddie
2nd cars 4x4 are very expensive plus not the best conditions either most are from Germany so be aware! Better off buying in the uk.
Each village has its best and worst parts just need to have a very good look about and go back again at night time etc.
Please feel free to get in touch with us as my wife works for Bulagaia Properties and works with Stefan, Emilian.
Please be aware of a couple call Dimitar (Bulgarian) and Francesca (French) they hunt new Expats down in the bars, restaurants and will offer to help out sorting out bills,builders, tax etc keep away from them as they will rob you
Brilliant......Thats the sort of info thats helpful
We are gong to get in touch with Bulgarian properties when we have an arrival date in early Feb.
How easy/hard is it to get a uk vehicle registered etc...
Thanks again for your invaluable info
No sweat to register UK Car, at the KAT, just take an interpreter. Takes about 2/3 hours.
The main problem with getting a UK car is that it almost certainly won't be left hand drive. Personally I won't drive a right hand drive car here on these roads with Bulgarian drivers although am perfectly comfortable with a 'lefty'. And be aware that you may have to buy and have fitted new headlamps but it depends on the KAT station you go to. We re-registered in Gabrovo (long story - we bought an Italian built left hand drive which had been taken to England and put on UK headlamps) and had to put in new lamps within 30 days and take the vehicle back to be checked out. A friend had his car done at VT and has never been asked to change his lights and even runs with those little sticky patches on his lamps which we were told weren't acceptable. Your guess is as good as mine but just be prepared.
hi Phil & Les its Tracey here (Mrs Kosarka is my link).
I'm currently based in the UK but have a partnership with Bulgarian Properties so I can certainly help you out.
I've only just joined and noticed your requirements - are you still looking for properties in the VT area or have you sorted things out.
If I can be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to get in contact with me either on here or by email :xxx
All the best
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Kosarka wrote:Please be aware of a couple call Dimitar (Bulgarian) and Francesca (French) they hunt new Expats down in the bars, restaurants and will offer to help out sorting out bills,builders, tax etc keep away from them as they will rob you
My opinion differs from Kosarka on this point. Have known the people you have mentioned above for a long time and had nothing but kindness from them both, they have gone out of their way to help many people (including me) and never attempted to rob anyone that I have spoken to. In fact I would recommend them highly for the friendly, efficient service they provide at a low cost.
Kosarka wrote:Hi
2nd cars 4x4 are very expensive plus not the best conditions either most are from Germany so be aware! Better off buying in the uk.
Each village has its best and worst parts just need to have a very good look about and go back again at night time etc.
Please feel free to get in touch with us as my wife works for Bulagaia Properties and works with Stefan, Emilian.
Please be aware of a couple call Dimitar (Bulgarian) and Francesca (French) they hunt new Expats down in the bars, restaurants and will offer to help out sorting out bills,builders, tax etc keep away from them as they will rob you
I would be hesitant to buy through Bulgarian Properties. I have been watching the housing market in this area for the past year and a half and Bulgarian Properties consistently lists the same properties that individual sellers or other agents list (using the same photos) at a high mark up. As an example, we were looking at a house in Gabrovo listed by the seller for 35000, another agent at 45000 and Bulgarian Properties at 50000 last week.
Hi we've bought in the village of Gradishte about 45 minutes from VT. It's a good working village with children and a local school. It is near enough to the VT- Sophia- Russe road to make it quite easy to get about . The state of the roads, especially the non E roads are pretty bad, worse even that Greece but not as bad as some roads in Hungary and Romania! There are other towns very close, Levski, Pavlikeni, for supermarkets , restaurants and shops and of course either Pleven, Lovech, VT, and Spohia for really big shops or entertainment. Our Bulgarian neighbours are wonderful and are looking after our place till we get there. There are a few ex pats in Gradishte and also Butovo so there is the opportunity to have some contact from home when necessary. It is also a good area in terms of economy, buying houses and local goods. Way cheaper to buy building materials locally than in stores such as Praktiker.
Like yourself and after much research I believe you do need a 4x4 for the winter months if you are in a village/mountain situation. Which 4x4 is best suited to village life I'm not sure. A lot for me depends on the cost of it to buy/upkeep. I seem to see lots of RHD luxury cars up for sale by ex pats so that has been a decisive decision - LHD only!
Anything else you'd like to know just ask
Hello all,
could anyone advise me on the town Kavlak please. We are looking to purchase a property here
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your potential move to Bulgaria!
This is a bit of an old thread, so it might be worth posting a brand-new topic.
Are you an Ebay fan, by any chance? :-) The seller has a good reputation, and usually picks decent houses in decent locations. This particular listing is about the land, I would say. Most houses here will have plots of 1,000 m2 give or take... a few will be 2,000 to 3,000. But you rarely see houses with such a large plot (especially if it is all "in regulation"... although the listing doesn't say, it might be part regulated, and part agricultural, not that it's likely to matter).
It's a little far from civilization for my taste, as it's about 40 mins to Veliko Tarnovo (lovely city). But there's a Lidl closer in Gorna Oryahovitsa, just 30 minutes. But if you want the land, that's the trade-off.
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