
Can a foreigner buy house or land at Jordan?

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Hi, I'm from Malaysia who is planning to move to Jordan and working as an accounting lecturer.
Am I eligible to buy a house or land at Jordan?
What is the average price for house there (average house not too big or small).

See also

Real estate listingsLiving in Jordan: the expat guideBuying property in JordanForeigner acquiring Jordanian permanent residencehow to live here as an american, find a job to keep me busy

my name is Sam
Lebanese living in Jordan
Yes you can buy a home or land in Jordan but you might need some governmental approvals which is not hard to get
The prices for 150 sqm houses in an acceptable aria in Amman is about 100,000 USD

hope the information is helpful


Thanks Sam.. I really appreciate ur response.  :) Can a foreigner get a house loan from the bank? Because in Malaysia, we can get a house loan to buy house. What about Jordan?


yes u can
from 30000 to 150000 JD


100,000 USD will get you an apartment or flat, not necessarily a single family house. At least in Amman, I can't speak for other areas.


Samzak is correct

fawaz yousef

yes you can ... and if you need any help just tell me because i work in real estate


What is the advantage for an expat to buy house in jordan?

fawaz yousef

he can rented later


Is that all? Does govt give permanent visa / PR on purchasing property? As in case of UAE

fawaz yousef

no. you must obtain visa before baying a property


Ofc generally people come to jordan on work visa (that is my plan) . If i buy property what would be the change in my visa status?

Primadonna … ying-Guide

That should be enough to get the information you need.

Its so easy these days with a one click on Google search....

fawaz yousef



Have gone thru similar articles before posting and sorry to say even ur posted article didnt answer my question


Your question was if a foreiger could buy property. So I gave you the link and the steps to take.


That was not my Question. My question was regarding visa status and that is not mentioned in any of the articles i have gone thru including yours


If you read the article quite well you know now you can buy AFTER the permission of the ministry. If you want to know if you can change your visa I would go to ministry of internal affairs or the immigration office to get the best information.


Hello, according my good experience in real estate business in Jordan, actually you have first to find the land or flat to buy then you report to ministry of interior for approval, ****

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That i understood and is obvious too that ministry's or govt's permission would b required before purchasing property. Thats not only for jordan but almost everywhere.
I cant visit ministry or immigration office coz im not in jordan now. So was trying to get info over net.

Thanks for help anyways


I bought an apartment (new) without having a visa. Not aware that any government approval was necessary. Was the easiest procedure ever!

fawaz yousef

all non Jordanian people need permission before baying a house


drfuzz wrote:

That i understood and is obvious too that ministry's or govt's permission would b required before purchasing property. Thats not only for jordan but almost everywhere.
I cant visit ministry or immigration office coz im not in jordan now. So was trying to get info over net.

Thanks for help anyways

The problem is that information online is outdated or not complete so better show your face in front of the desk at the right institution.
Of course when you are in Jordan.

fawaz yousef

here you can find more information


I'm interested in buying a house in Jordan. Moving there soon. But before I do i would like to have my own property. Can you please advise what is the best website to search for property and how did you  yours? Online, without even being in Jordan?

fawaz yousef

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It depends on the location. I own several lots of land. I sell a 1000 sqm lot for 4500 USD 



Yes, you will get a conditional  permanent residence

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