Foreigner acquiring Jordanian permanent residence


I'm a Canadian citizen with an Arab background but no other passport or citizenship. I saw that Jordan passed a law to give permanent residence to any foreigner who buys property in Jordan.

My question is:

Can that property be in the countryside such as agricultural lands? Because I don't want to live in the hustle and bustle of Amman.

Also, who can I speak to in order to arrange the specifics of buying the land and then applying for permanent residence? Does it take a long time? Does it have to be all one property? If I move there and purchase a small piece of land and then save more money to buy more land in order to be eligible for permanent residence, is that ok?

Because I think you have to purchase property worth 200 000 JOD! That's a lot of money…

Thanks so much for any help or advice :)

Hi, my friend.

I can help of you like.


Similar situation to you but from United Kingdom - I contacted the British Embassy in Amman and they provided a list of approved solicitors to contact. I recommend you contact the Canadian Embassy in  Amman.
